369. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [140]

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「A-Amazing… Allen is overwhelming a former Emperor’s Four Knight all alone…」

Ria’s mutter was drowned out by our screams.

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Sparks danced in the air as our swords clashed violently.

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Deal’s arms were thrown up as he tried to defend my upwards swing.

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I didn’t miss that small gap and landed a strong roundhouse into his defenseless abdomen.

「Ka, fu…!?」

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The large body of over 180cm was sent flying from the ground about 10 meters back.

(I can do this. If I keep this up, I can win!)

My swordsmanship and raw physical strength were superior to Deal.

Perhaps because I fought with top-notch swordsmen such as Bacchus-san and Sebas-san, I can quite distinctly pick up his breathing and movement.

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