Royal Capital Disturbance (2)

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If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 

The battle against the behemoth was still going on.

The knights, mages, and adventurers, who were participating in the battle, were fighting all as one, but they were unable to inflict fatal wounds on the behemoth, a legendary-class monster. Fortunately, even though the so-called legendary behemoth, it was a small one among them.

However, no one had been able to break its horns and fangs—the behemoth’s greatest weapons—so far and no one has been able to stop it.

Among those fighting, the ones putting up a good fight were the female swordsman named Letia, who scolded me at the gate, a heavy warrior named Mark, and the adventurer who had returned after regaining his dominant arm whose name I don’t know. Father and the other royal court mages were also doing their best to fight back.

In order to support them as much as possible, I was providing them with the necessary potions free of charge.

“Scorching Flame Hell—Inferno!” Father chanted.

“Combatants around the behemoth, get away from the area!”

The warriors surrounding the behemoth retreated from the spot as soon as the mages gave the order.

When Father raised his arms, a large flame swirled in his palms and struck the behemoth with it. The flames then clung relentlessly to the behemoth, even as it tried to shake the flames off, burning its body. The smell of the beast’s hair, skin, and flesh burning filled the air.
The behemoth was in agony and went on a rampage.

By the time the flames were finally extinguished from its body, the behemoth’s eyes were drained of liquid and had lost its sight.

“As expected of the “Eternal Flame” Henry-sama!”

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Cheers broke out from the Mage Troops from the strength of Father’s magic.
…I didn’t know that Father had a nickname.

I held out a mana potion from below to Father, who had just used massive magic.

“Thank you… however, we will need to talk later,” Father said as he received the mana potion presented to him.

As I thought, I’m going to get lectured later…

However, the rejoicing that erupted only lasted for a brief moment.
The enraged behemoth that lost its eyesight went on a rampage. The behemoth’s horns and fangs were still intact, and it was extremely dangerous. The behemoth, unable to see, relied purely on sensing the presence of the people to perform a suicide attack.

“Watch out!”

Marc rushed towards Letia and protected her from the behemoth’s assault. Then, just at that moment, the behemoth’s tusk unluckily deeply pierced Mark’s abdomen.


Mark had his abdomen pinned down and his face distorted in pain, filled with cold sweat.


Letia, who Mark protected, went down on her hands and knees on the ground and waited for the behemoth’s attack to pass.

“Sorry, I’m out of potions. Bear with the pain for a while.”

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After she said so and confirmed that it was safe, Letia quickly carried Mark on her shoulders and took shelter inside the gate.

“Somebody! Somebody! A potion…”

“Let me examine him. I have potions for him.”

Controlling her to have her stop shouting for help, I look at Mark’s gouged abdomen. For a moment, the scar where a portion of his internal organs had been taken away made me want to vomit. However, I narrowly held it back down. This isn’t the time for that.

“What is a child—!” Letia protested.

Of course. I am a child after all. However, as an alchemist, there is something I need to do.

“That’s right, I’m still a child! But, there’s something I can do as an alchemist!” I shouted as more of a statement to persuade myself than to inform Letia.

“He had some of his internal organs taken away. I’ll be using a high potion.”

Having said that, I proceeded to apply the high potion on the wound. The missing internal organs bulged up, regained their original form, then settled tidily in the stomach. Afterward, the muscle, flesh, fat, and skin covered the wound, making the bloody scar a thing of the past.


Mark breathed heavily, seemingly relieved that the violent pain was gone. After a few rough breaths, his breathing gradually settled down… He was all right now.


Letia hugged Mark, her shoulders trembling as she wept.

“I thought you were done for…”

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Mark stretched out his arm and patted Letia on her head.

“…Dummy. If I’m not here, no one’s going to be looking after you.”

Letia buried her face into Mark’s chest.


Marcus, who had been making more potions, came running as he pushed his way through the crowd of people.

“Marcus! We still need more potions! Help me hand them out too!” I instructed Markus as he came over.

Marcus began to distribute potions, responding to those who called out around him.

I see the wounded combatants. I see the rampaging monster trample on the combatants while they were full of wounds.

“…Oh fairies, oh spirits, oh spirit king. Is it only possible for me to take care of those who are hurt?”

I can only be a rearguard. The only thing I can do is to help one recover after being hurt. It’s saddening for me to see people get hurt. I painfully pressed against my heart, as if their pain was my pain.
When a trickle of tears rolled down my cheek and fell onto a small leaf, which could be seen as a weed growing from the ground.

I heard a voice in my head.

“……Daisy. What are you crying about?”

My surroundings were covered in a green light, then a solemn yet gentle voice resounded in my head.

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“‘I don’t have the strength to protect everyone. Is it perhaps because I’m a child? I’m saddened to see everyone get hurt and suffer.”

The strong green light soon took the form of a man—a grown man with leaf-like wings. He had long hair and he wore a crown made of woven branches with fresh verdure on his head.

“Don’t cry Daisy, you are not incompetent. Don’t cry, my dear beloved child… That guy invaded human and monster territory without any discernment and he overly wounded those who should originally be living here. I am the green spirit king, your grief is my grief. I shall lend you a hand.”

When the green spirit king announced so, the trees, flowers, and every possible “green verdure” in the area began to glow in an emerald green color. Then, greenery grew from the ground and trees, ivy with thorns sprouting out, and headed for the behemoth.
The thorny bindings entwined themselves around the behemoth’s body, blocking its movement. The more the behemoth struggled to break free of the bindings, the tighter they became, tormenting the beast. Thus, making it impossible for the behemoth to move its horns and fangs—its greatest weapon.


The mages of the mage corps and the adventurers released their magic all at once. Although the bindings were damaged by the magic, they regenerated once again.

“This is payback for Mark!”

Letia, who had recovered, ran towards the behemoth.
She leaped high in front of the bound beast and thrust her sword with all her body weight and pierced into its forehead.
The blade penetrated the beast’s skull and destroyed the insides of the head.

Thud… the beast collapsed, blowing up a cloud of dust.

When the behemoth collapsed, the ivy that bound the beast loosened and went back into the ground, eventually disappearing from the surface.

“Daisy, my dear child. There is nothing for you to cry for anymore… well then.”

The green spirit king wiped away the trace of tears on my cheeks and disappeared, seemingly dissolving into thin air.

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