Post-Battle Report

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During the audience at the royal castle.

His Majesty the King was sitting on the throne, and this country’s Prime Minister, Treasurer, General, the knight commander and vice-commander of the Knight Order, the Head Magician and Vice-Head Magician of the Mage Troops, and I, who was next to Father, were all present in this room.

Father and I had stopped by the home once and changed into formal attire suitable for this audience. While also a child, I was wearing a dress I was not used to. I’m afraid I might somehow step on the hem of the dress and fall.

…In the first place, I stick out like a sore thumb. I understand the reason why I have to be here though.

“First off, it must have been tough on everyone for the magic beast subjugation this time. I feel at ease to know that the magic beast of that degree did not take a single step in the capital and was not permitted to invade, and to know this ended without sacrificing ordinary civilians. I believe the military men and the combatants that dealt with the problem are those this nation should be proud of.”

“These words are wasted on us,” all the military-related individuals present humbly received His Majesty’s gratitude.

“And, some have lost their lives due to the recent attack from the monster. They fought regardless of their social status or position, please honor their service and spare no expense in paying tribute to their bereaved families. Is that understood, Treasurer?”

His Majesty then commanded the treasurer and gave his orders.


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The treasurer respectfully bowed.

“And now, Daisy von Preslaria.”

His Majesty the King called my name.

“Yes,” I pinched the edge of my dress and respectfully curtseyed.

“Despite the fact you’re still very young, as an alchemist, you went to distribute potions regardless of danger free of charge to those who were heading to the battlefield. Your noble will and compassionate heart are wonderful. I am deeply grateful for your contribution.”

“Those words are wasted on me.”

I bowed once again.

“By the way, Miss Daisy, is it true that you were involved with the mysterious thorns that subdued the magic beast?” His Majesty the King looked down towards me and asked.

“No, my involvement is only a small part of it. I was there and saw so many people being harmed by the magic beast, then I grieved in my heart. It was the Green Spirit King who listened to my grieving and granted his assistance. That was solely the work of his spirit king.”

I answered His Majesty’s question with the truth.

“You said the ‘Green Spirit King’. What is your relationship with him? Why does he listen to your grieving?”

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It seems like my answer did not seem to answer His Majesty’s question, so he asked me again.

“Since there are only a few here, allow me to tell you. That’s because I am the ‘Green Spirit King’s Beloved Child’,” I announced, then hid my face.

It may be easy to just hide this fact. However, I don’t like to lie and I thought it would go smoothly if I just stated the truth.

At that moment, everyone in the room except for me and Father became noisy.

“Is that the truth? Because of the nature of the matter, I would like to have it confirmed through ‘Appraisal’, is that okay?” His Majesty asked and I just nodded in approval.

They called Heinrich, who possessed ‘Appraisal”, in a hurry.

“I heard there was an urgent issue and I have come,” Heinrich bowed to His Majesty and his vassals.

“I expect that whatever is established here is not to be told to anyone. Anyone who violates this will be severely punished.”

The first thing His Majesty did was to stop them all from talking. Everyone in the room nodded silently.

“Heinrich, appraise Daisy von Preslaria and confirm that she is the ‘Green Spirit King’s Beloved Child’.”

After nodding at His Majesty’s words, Heinrich stared at me.

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Then Heinrich kneeled down and bowed to me.

“Miss Daisy is indeed the ‘Green Spirit King’s Beloved Child’.”


“To think that someone favored by a spirit king would appear in this country…”

Heinrich’s answer was met with a mixture of surprise, delight, and fear from those in the room.

Especially the ‘Green Spirit King’.

If their ‘Beloved Child’ was in the country and living a healthy life, the country would be blessed with a rich green harvest and be prosperous. However, on the other hand, if you treat the ‘Beloved Child’ in a way that makes them unhappy, they would be taken by the spirit king to the land of spirits to be protected, and the country will be abandoned. The country would part with the fertile lands and there would be a chance that it would become like a desert.

His Majesty the King rose. He left his throne and came down the stairs, dragging the red cloak hung over his shoulders. He stopped for a moment in front of me, kneeled down, then lowered his head.

“Your Majesty, please stop!” I hurriedly urged him to cease his actions.

“I cannot do that.”

However, His Majesty shook his head, then looked up at me as he knelt down.

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“Right here and now, I want you to allow me to kneel for the sake of my country and my subjects. And, I would like for you to grant my wish… ‘Green Spirit King’s Beloved Child’, please stay in my country and love the country. To do so, I, the king of this country, swear to always protect your wishes without fail.”

The young king, still in his twenties, stared at me with a strong-purposed emerald green light from his eyes.

“My dream is to one day be an independent alchemist in this country and have my own atelier. The atelier will be located in the commoner’s district so that people of all social statuses can visit. I may travel far from time to time to collect materials, but I will return to this country, where Father, Mother, Brother, and Sister reside… If you approve of my atelier and treat me as a mere alchemist from now on, I have no other wishes.”

His Majesty laughed at my words, “You’re so selfless.”

Incidentally, I was quite uncomfortable with HIs Majesty kneeling on the ground.

“…Your Majesty, please return to your throne. I’m seven years old and this is too scary for me to bear.”

Then, Father assisted me, “That’s right, Your Majesty, my daughter’s knees have been trembling quite unfit for a lady for some time now.”

The atmosphere in the room eased up and the others who were present started to laugh.

His Majesty also laughed and returned to his throne as I had hoped, then he declared, “Miss Daisy, I have clearly heard your wish. I shall promise to watch over you from the shadows so that you can safely run the atelier of your dreams.”

Later, on the carriage ride back from the castle, I was told by Father to conceal the ‘Beloved Child’ gift.

Also, at a later date, all of those who had helped in the battle against the magic beast, including myself, were rewarded with rewards according to their contribution, regardless of their social rank.

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