Encounter with the Fluffy Bread

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My father and I brought Mina, who had become an orphan after losing her parents in
the battle with the behemoth, back home with us.

On the way, Father had the coachman stop by her house to pick up some clothes and other things that Mina would need for the time being.

Then, while she was sorting out her belongings, Father explained the situation to the landlord who lived in the same housing complex and told them that until she made up her mind, she would continue to rent the room she had been living in with her parents, then paid the rent in advance.

Father decided to leave the house as is until Mina was in a state that was able to sort out her memories with her parents. The house would be a memento of her parents for the rest of her life.

Thus, after taking a detour home, the father first told Sebastian, the butler in charge of the house, about Mina’s situation and her future plans.

It was decided that Mina would remain in the guest room for the time being. Even though she was a commoner, Father decided to take custody of her and become her guardian. Sebastian explained this to Mina as he led her to the guest room and told her to feel free to use the room.

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When Mina was finally alone in the room and sat down on the bed, she was curious about the elasticity and bounced up and down on the bed. It was the first time she had ever felt such a fluffy mattress. As she pressed against the fluffy feeling to her peach-colored cheeks, the soft bed gently accepted the injured kitten, then she slept for the rest of the day until a maid informed her it was time to eat.

Dinner time.

I was treated as a ‘guest’, so I ate with the Preslaria family. I didn’t even know any etiquette and I felt nervous. As if to express my mood, my pure white tail dropped and subconsciously swung restlessly.

At that moment, “I will leave the bread here,” the maid said as she was about to place the bread between the tongs on the plate. The most beautiful round loaf of bread I’ve ever seen grazed past my nose, tickling my nostrils with its savory smell and hint of fruit.
My tail twitched with curiosity.
My tail stiffened straight up and the tip of my tail was winding round and round.

‘Wow, I wanna eat this! I wonder if it’s okay to eat it?’

I looked around at the Preslaria family and saw that they were all reaching for the bread, so I grabbed some too.

‘……It’s soft.’

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The bread easily caved in my hand.

“Mina, doesn’t the bread look delicious?” Remus-san—Daisy-san’s older brother—called out to me.

He was a kind boy, a little older than me, with the same light blue hair and eyes as his father, Henry-sama. His softly fluttering eyes were gentle.

“Daisy made this bread that we call ‘fluffy bread’ with her alchemy!”

The person who explained this to me was Dalia-san, Daisy-san’s older sister. Dalia-san was a lively young lady with apple-green hair and eyes like her mother.

Daisy-san, the inventor of this mysterious bread, recommended it to me with a smiling face, “It tastes best when it’s warm, so give it a try.”

Daisy-san had apple-green hair like her mother and aquamarine eyes like her father.

“Well then, zoom zoom it’s time to consume…” 1

I tear off a small piece of bread just enough to fit in my mouth. Then, a light scent of fruit brushed against my nose.

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“Wow, this smells good…”

I was entranced by the scent. Then, I took a bite.

Mmmm! It’s so fluffy!

My tail is swinging around. Ah, stop! That’s not good manners!
I felt like Remus-san was glancing at my tail and smiling at me!

“U-Um, this bread is very delicious! Also, I was so impressed that my tail was influenced… Sorry for my bad manners.” I turned bright red and apologized to everyone.

Then, Henry, the family head of the Preslarias, chuckled and said it was okay.

“That’s right, don’t worry too much about the formalities,” his wife, Rosemaria-sama, followed up.

“Come to think of it, Daisy, you said you wanted to make more different kinds of bread, right?” Remus-san spoke to Daisy, perhaps as an attempt to steer the subject from me.

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“That’s right. Next time, I’d like to try eating the ‘crispy’ bread, called ‘danish’, that was mentioned in the book as well.”

Daisy-san’s face was grinning, as if she was imagining a very lovely bread.

“‘Crispy’ bread, huh? That sounds marvelous. I’d like to try eating it…”

Hmm, I wonder what kind of bread it is. I can’t imagine it.

“If that’s the case, why don’t you invite Mina-san to join you next time Daisy when you make it, if she won’t be in the way?” Dahlia-san clapped her hands as if she had a good idea.

“That’s wonderful! Mina-san, would you like to make it together next time?”

I tilted my head to the side and Daisy invited me to join her.

“Yes! I’d love to! I love to cook, so I’m super-duper interested!”

…I was filled with sadness, but now I have something to look forward to. It was thanks to the Preslaria family who took care of me.

After that, my nervousness faded away and I was able to slowly enjoy my meal and the conversations at the table.

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