Let’s Create a Potent Detoxification Potion (1)

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If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 

One day, I went to the field and the mandrakes called out to me, “Daisy, Daisy.”

‘Hm?’ I thought as I crouched down in front of the mandrakes.

“I’m ready to give you my root! Are you there?” the mandrake with the blue flower asked.

“Thank you, Mandrake-san. I’m glad you’re sharing it with me,” I nodded my head.

Then, three splendid thick roots emerged from the soil. Just as I thought the mandrakes were frowning, boop, boop, boop! The roots flew out and fell to the ground!
What? I’m not supposed to cut or break off their roots!?

“…Phew, it’s tiring when you put all your effort into it! Ah, don’t hold back and feel free to take what came out!”

Without caring about my question, the mandrakes look like they’ve done their job.

“Y-Yeah, thanks! I’ll use it then.”

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Flustered, I gathered up the roots that had scattered everywhere and thanked them.

Then, I tore off a few more leaves of the Antidote Herb that I needed and looked for Marcus, thinking that we could create something together.

…Huh? I can’t find him anywhere.
While I was looking for Marcus, I ran into Kate.

“Hey, Kate, do you know where Marcus is?” I asked, and Kate replied with a hand on her cheek and with a troubled look on her face.

“Sebastian is finding fault with Marcus referring to Ojou-sama as ‘Ojou’… so as punishment, he’s been ordered to clean the toilets in the mansion,” Kate said, then pointed her finger, “See? Over there.”

Looking at where she pointed, Sebastian was scolding Marcus for trying to run down the corridor to the next bathroom.

“No running in the corridor! Keep your back straight! As a servant of the Preslaria family, you are being noisy and unsightly.”

I walked up to Sebastian, who was pointing this out to Marcus.

“Must be tough on you, Sebastian. Is Marcus going to be educated by your side for the time being?”

If so, there are some tasks I’ve asked him to do on a regular basis; my schedule would change, so I need to check.

“Yes, I was just thinking about telling you about this matter…” Sebastian bowed to me and answered.

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“Marcus is going to be retrained in etiquette and manners when he is not working on the tasks that Ojou-sama has assigned for him to do as part of his routine. Also, considering that he will be serving Ojou-sama in the future, I think it would be better to give him a stronger education in reading, writing and arithmetics. I apologize for not being able to finish his education as a servant in one go.”

I felt a little sorry for Marcus, but it’s probably necessary in the long run. In the future, when I become independent, if he doesn’t master his manners and can’t calculate money properly, I won’t be able to keep him by my side. I plan to have customers from various social backgrounds, including the government.

I want to be kind, but I have to distinguish between what’s right and wrong. Or, so I decided to think. I guess I was a little soft on him as we were children of similar age.

“No, Sebastian, thank you for thinking about all of this. Please take care of Marcus for me,” I thanked him frankly and left for the laboratory alone. 1

I went to the laboratory and prepared the necessary beakers and other equipment. I had some distilled water that Marcus had probably prepared for me in the morning.

…Do your best, Marcus.
I slightly closed my eyes and cheered for him in my mind.

“‘…Yeah! It’s been a while since I’ve worked on something new!”

I was all fired up and began compounding.

First, I bit off a bit of the end of the leaf to check the bitterness of the Antidote Herb.

“…These leaves aren’t bitter, huh?”

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Well then, let’s try using it unprocessed in salt and water.
I chopped up the leaves of the Antidote Herb and one of the mandrake roots.

After, I added distilled water and Magic Gem, then started heating the solution up.

[Potent Detoxification Potion???]

Classification: Medicine
Quality: Low
Details: The active ingredients are hardly extracted.

When I let it sit for a bit longer, the bubbles grew larger.

[Potent Detoxification Potion]

Classification: Medicine
Quality: Low–
Details: The active ingredients are weak.

When I let it sit even longer, the water started to burble sometimes.

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[Potent Detoxification Potion]

Classification: Medicine
Quality: Low-
Details: The active ingredients of the root have not been extracted. Like this, it will become the deteriorated version of a normal detoxification potion.

Huh? Hmm, if Appraisal states that, then components of the leaves have been extracted…
I tried heating the water while thinking that perhaps if I boiled it, the components of the leaves would…

The water started to burble.
The Antidote Herb that I had chopped up began to melt into a thick, indescribable, poisonous-looking green liquid…
‘Wow,’ I thought while turning off the heat.

[Industrial Waste] Classification: Garbage
Quality: Useless
Details: Can only be thrown away. An article whose appearance looks revolting.


…I failed on my first try (boo-hoo-hoo).

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