Curing the Prince

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Father and I hurried to the royal castle in the carriage.

In the carriage, Father told me that His Royal Highness the first prince was poisoned by a slow-acting but powerful poison and that it was dangerous.

We had to get off the carriage and head to His Highness’s room, but there was quite a distance since His Highness the prince’s room was deep in the royal castle where the royal family’s living space was located.

“With your legs, Daisy, it would be hard on you to rush there,” Father said, then lifted me up with one arm and walked quickly to the room.

“Vice-Magician of the Mage Troops, Viscount Preslaria. Please convey to His Majesty that I have obtained the medicine,” Father asked the soldier in front of the room to deliver the message.

The soldier knocked on the door, entered the room, and reported the Father’s information. Immediately, we received permission from His Majesty’s voice and were invited into the room.

“Ohhh, Daisy! Is it true that you brought some medicine?”

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His Majesty seemed to be grasping at straws in front of his young child who was wandering between life and death.

“Yes, I made a ‘Potent Antidote Potion’. According to my Appraisal, it’s effective against any poison.”

I bowed, then took the potion vial out of my pouch and presented the vial to his Majesty.

“Call Heinrich. I don’t suspect you, but let’s have him Appraise it just to be safe,” as soon as His Majesty received the potion vial from me, he immediately ordered his soldiers.1

The soldier bowed and quickly left the place.

Shortly after, Heinrich rushed into the room.

“What is the item I was ordered to Appraise?”

“It’s this,” His Majesty held out the vial to Heinrich.

Then, Heinrich stared at the bottle and told him the result.

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“It states that as long as it’s poison, this potion detoxifies anything,” Heinrich said while he looked like he couldn’t believe it.

“Your Majesty, please let your highness drink that potion!” the old court physician advised him.

His Majesty nodded his head and gave the potion to the doctor.

After receiving the potion vial, the physician opened the lid and went to His Royal Highness who was lying on the bed. Then, he put his hands on both cheeks to make the prince open his mouth and fed him the potion into his mouth little by little.

“Your Highness, this will heal your suffering. Please drink it.”

When the physician told him to do so, His Highness obediently swallowed the potion down his throat.

Then, although the redness had not yet returned, his purplish complexion regained its normal color. However, His Highness’s face was still distorted and he complained of pain in his abdomen. After, he exhaled short and quickly in agony.

…Eh? The medicine didn’t cure him?

Honestly, I was so confident that Appraisal was all that I needed. However, why was he not healed? I was in utter confusion.


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Had I done something wrong? I grabbed the hem of my father’s clothes in anxiety. I’m not sure what to do, but I’m going to do it.

“What’s the issue!? Why isn’t he cured!?” His Majesty grew impatient as he asked in a rough tone.

“Your Majesty, please calm down. The poison is already gone,” the doctor pacified His Majesty, who was growing impatient, with his words.

“Your Highness, please excuse me for a moment,” the doctor said and pushed on His Imperial Highness’s stomach, shifting from place to place to find the place where His Imperial Highness was in pain. When the doctor’s thin, knuckly fingers pressed on the soft spot in the middle of his stomach, his face contorted greatly.

“Did you figure anything out?”

The doctor nodded in response to His Majesty’s question.

“His body has been exposed to the poison for some time now and his stomach is damaged. If we can heal the damage with a high potion, he will make a full recovery,” the doctor bowed his head and stated his diagnosis.

His Majesty and Her Royal Highness seemed like they could see hope ahead of them and their expressions relaxed.

“Heal him as fast as possible,” His Majesty told the doctor, and gently brushed aside the Prince’s bangs that were sticking to his sweaty forehead.

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The doctor then had his assistant fetch a high potion, then slowly poured the potion into His Highness’ mouth again. His Highness swallowed the potion without hesitation, and soon, his breathing became deep and calm and a slight blush began to appear on his cheeks.

The Prince opened his eyes and looked around.

“…Oh, Father, Mother…,” he said as he stretched out his arms.

Her Royal Highness grasped his hand and hugged the prince.

“William, thank god… I was afraid of what would happen at one point,” she said, then broke down in tears at the fact that her precious child’s life had been saved.

His Majesty the King gently stroked the back of Her Royal Highness and comforted her.

“Court physician Muddler and Alchemist Daisy. As a father, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts on behalf of my son.”

At those words, the doctor and I bowed to His Majesty, saying, “Those words are wasted on us.”

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