Genius Forging Girl Riin and the Minor Conflict of Nobles 

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“Well then, shall we take this to the blacksmith?” The first “Gardenium” I made has cooled down completely. Ana came to my atelier as if she had calculated that.

“Um, is it the ‘girl’ that Ana-san has been talking about?” I had a hunch and asked Ana.

“Yeah, yeah! She’s the granddaughter of a dwarf blacksmith acquaintance, but she makes good things even though she’s still young like Daisy!” Ana’s excitement was conveyed to me like that of a child, it was high.

“Miina, Marcus! I’ll borrow Daisy for a bit!” …Going is a done deal. Well, that’s okay.

“Okay! Have a good trip!” We were seen off by the two and we went to the blacksmith district with “Gardenium”, of course, with Leaf.

The blacksmith district was a very lively town. The sound of metal being forged resounded from here and there. You could hear the cheerful songs of the jolly blacksmiths along with the men’s shouts. At first glance, it was about half human and half dwarf in terms of race. By the way, dwarves are a race that is generally short and muscular, and excel in forging and combat. As a profession, they worship the god of forging, the god of fire, and the god of the earth. Many of the created masterpieces, legendary swords, and jewelry were made by them.

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At the entrance of a blacksmith’s workshop on the edge of such a blacksmith district, Ana stopped her feet and called out, “Is Drag or Riiin in?” She knocked on the door.

Then, a girl about the same height as me appeared from inside the door. She had bright red hair tied up in a ponytail, and her eyes were the same garnet color. Maybe because she was a girl, I didn’t feel much of the “sturdiness” of the dwarf. And why was there a rich bust there even though we were almost the same height…? I’m practically flat! “Oh, it’s Ana-san. Grandpa’s out. Do you need anything?” Riiin asked, and Ana-san pushed my back and pushed me out, saying, “No, we just made some good materials. This girl, Daisy, is an alchemist and does good work, so I thought I’d introduce you while showing you the goods.”

I bowed my head and greeted her. “I’m Riiin. I’m a dwarf blacksmith. It’s probably because of our race, but we’re about the same height. I’m already 18 years old and an adult! I can handle both small accessories and swords and armor. Nice to meet you!” Riiin introduced herself cheerfully and reached out for a handshake, which I returned with a firm grip and shook my hand.

“It’s a bit of a special material, so let me in.” With that, Ana-san went into the workshop with a familiar attitude. I followed her inside.

…But at the moment I thought everyone had entered the workshop and closed the door, Riiin’s body began to shine in golden and mine in green.

“What on earth is going on?” Ana, who was sandwiched between us in a startled pose, looked at us alternately.

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Behind me was the gentle-looking, long-haired male spirit king in green, whom I was accustomed to seeing all the time. And behind Riin appeared a well-built, muscular man with short golden hair that shone.

“Hey, Green. Are you still walking around with that kid?” The golden man spoke to the Green Spirit King.

“Earth Spirit King… Are you still obsessed with that dwarf daughter of yours?” To my surprise, Riin had the Earth Spirit King with her… or maybe she was his beloved child?

“Uh, Daisy, are you also a beloved child of a spirit king?” The fact that he said “also” meant that Riin was probably one too. They decided to be honest with each other as beloved children.

“Yeah, I have the blessings of the Green Spirit King.” In other words, there was no way to hide it if the Spirit King came out! Ana was even collapsing on the floor with her buttocks touching it! And that means Ana will find out too!

However, despite those worries, the noble ones started arguing with each other.

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“Don’t call her a dwarf’s daughter. She has a lovely name, Riin! And she’s not just any dwarf! She’s the descendant of the royal family of the now-defunct Dwarf Kingdom!” The Earth Spirit King clenched his fist and asked for a correction of the way to address her. Is Riin perhaps a princess of the lost kingdom?

“My beloved daughter is a talented and traditional noblewoman named Daisy, who has a delicate flower name. She is smart and diligent in her studies, and also has a kindness for our dependents.” The Green Spirit King, for his part, seemed to be boasting about me.

“Riin is also kind to our dependents! And when she’s seriously forging metal, her sweaty profile is divine!” “Then my Daisy, when she finally makes a successful concoction after worrying about it, has a very cute smile!”

And then, Leaf, who was probably Riin’s guardian beast, was glaring at a bright brown-haired lion cub, and they were growling at each other.

…What is this commotion?

The noble ones’ argument continued endlessly and gradually turned into a low-level battle of our beloved children.

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“Hey! Earth’s King Spirit, were you looking at that kind of thing?” Riin, who was embarrassed by the scene of being scolded by her grandfather, cried. “Green Spirit King, were you there at that time?” I protested, knowing that I had also been scolded by my mother and made weird faces during experiments.

“Peeking like that is prohibited!!” The complaints of the beloved children intervened, and finally our beloved children’s battle came to an end.

“Ahem. Well, that’s why I think it would be interesting to make things with Riin. Take care of my Riin!” The Earth Spirit King said before disappearing.

“Well, that’s it. By working with my Daisy, we can make good things. Riin, please get along with Daisy.” The Green Spirit King said before disappearing too.

And so, the three of us were left behind by the noble ones who had just made a commotion…

“Hey, we didn’t promise not to peek!!”

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