Reunion with Family After a Long Time 

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I had Marcus run some errands for me and deliver letters to my parents and the royal family. Then, we made plans to gather as a family on the next Sabbath, when my older brother, Reims, would return home.

On the Sabbath day, Marcus visited my parents while Mina accompanied me to the Preslaria household, and we all traveled back home together.

When we arrived at our house, Reims was waiting for me at the entrance, eagerly pacing around and waiting for my arrival. I was surprised because he seemed even more excited than his usually calm demeanor. “Guess what, Daisy! Thanks to you, something amazing happened!” he exclaimed as he tightly hugged me.

Before I could even ask what he meant, he continued, “As you noticed, I’ve been using up all my magical power and then sleeping, right? Well, it paid off! I set a new record for magical power in the entrance exam for the academy, and the teachers were all amazed! They even said I might become a great sage in the future!”

I was thrilled and thanked him as he hugged me again. He seemed so happy that he couldn’t contain himself. I was glad that I could help him in some way.

“I’m so glad I could help you, big brother! I hope you study hard and become a great magician, and help father with his work!” I said.

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“Of course!” he replied, finally releasing me from his embrace, smiling and offering his hand. I took it, and we walked hand in hand to the living room.

When we arrived, our entire family was already there.

“Oh, I knew it was going to be lively as soon as I saw that Reims had caught you,” said our mother, smiling at us.

“I’m also going to enter the academy next year, so I’m looking forward to hearing about Reims’ results. It’s making me excited for my own entrance exam!” said our older sister, who was getting ahead of herself. But, if you think about it, since she’s a year younger, Reims’ record might get surpassed again.

“I was really worried about what would happen at Daisy’s baptism, but now she’s already showing promise as a skilled alchemist, and Reims and Dalia have bright futures as magicians. It’s like our children have been blessed by the heavens,” our father said, smiling and squinting his eyes at our growth. Our mother looked at him with an affectionate smile.

“By the way, I asked everyone to gather today because I have a present for each of you!” she said, handing out the “Guardian Rings” one by one.

“…This has quite a bit of power… Is it a magical tool?”

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The older sister seems to have been the first to react to the power. Perhaps she has the sharpest intuition as a mage.
“Yes, this is called the ‘Ring of Protection.’ It is a magical ring that prevents all conditions and gradually restores the wearer’s stamina. However, it is controlled by special characters on the inside to prevent its effects from being activated by evil people. Father, and eventually, Brother and Sister will go to battlefields such as monster hunting for the sake of the country. And Mother is my precious mother, so I want her to wear it.”

“Wait a minute, Daisy. You’re explaining it so casually, but if it’s true, isn’t this a national treasure? Um… Did Daisy make it?”
Father seems to be sweating after hearing the explanation. And his hand holding the ring is trembling. That may be natural. In the end, we didn’t put a price on it, but if we did, it would be a valuable item.

“By mixing the protection stone and silver that I received from a certain person, I and the person who became my mentor made an alloy together. Then, we asked a blacksmith who was kind to Sister to make it in the form of a ring. "
I explained how the ring was made, keeping the fact that it was made at the ‘Spirit King’s’ place hidden.

“… Father, it’s not just for our family… This item is of such high value that it should be presented to His Majesty first, isn’t it? Um…”
Brother also seems to be perplexed even if he is told to put on a national treasure-level item.

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“As Daisy is always considerate, she probably already secured a share for His Majesty’s family. What do you think?”
Sister is really intuitive. Or does she know what I am likely to do?
“As Sister guessed, I have already informed His Majesty by letter that I want to present it to him.”
Yes, we are currently adjusting the schedule.

“In that case, it’s okay for our family to accept our daughter’s kindness, isn’t it? Besides, Daisy wants us to wear it because she cares about us. And I am always worried about Henry getting hurt at work, and if he and in the future, Reims and Dalia can receive the blessing of this ring, I will be very relieved. Oh, Daisy, did you give this to the people who kindly gave you the precious items and helped you?”
After telling Father that she wants him to wear it, Mother turns to me and asks for confirmation.

“I have given it to the people who helped me, so it’s okay… oh. But I haven’t properly thanked the person who gave me the protection stone… I didn’t realize it because the Spirit King and others were playing with me. "
I realized for the first time that I had not properly thanked them because of Mother’s words.

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“Then we have to give a thank-you gift that will make that person happy, Daisy.”
I smiled and nodded at Mother.

In the end, Father and Brother also agreed, and the whole family decided to wear the same ring.

That night, I presented a dinner of Mina’s special cheese dishes.
Hot cheese potato gratin, crispy cheese salad, round cheese slices topped with tomato and basil, and cheesecake.
The family loved it!

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