Women’s Ruthless Battle

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While searching for rare stones to make gifts for the Spirit King, Leaf and I discovered another stone that caught our attention, in addition to the “Lucky Stone.” So, this time, we went back to the shop we visited the other day, together.

“…Yes, this stone. It looks like an ordinary gray stone, but…”

“Since it says ‘husband,’ it means you need a wife, right…?” Come to think of it, His Majesty the King and his wife have not had any children since their second child, and that was probably related to the recent attempted poisoning incident.

“…In that case, I want the other half of this stone that makes it easier to have a child!”

“But don’t babies come from storks or cabbage patches? Does having the ‘Couple Stone’ act as a marker for the storks?” I searched through the box of rare finds while coming to a ridiculous conclusion, but I couldn’t find the stone that seemed like the other half.

“Is something troubling you, miss?” The shopkeeper approached me in a friendly manner.

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“This is the ‘Couple Stone (Husband),’ and I can’t seem to find the wife’s half.” I showed him the stone that was on the palm of my hand.

“Oh, you found that! You really have a good eye, miss. That stone, you know, the wife’s half is a beautiful gemstone, so it’s easy to find, but the husband’s side is just an ordinary-looking gray stone, right? It’s hard to find!… Wait a minute, there were a few of the wife’s stones in the back of the shop.” Saying that, the shopkeeper went into the back of the shop.

“A few? It only takes one, right?… Don’t tell me, is there going to be a fight over this husband stone?” I had a really bad feeling. And that feeling quickly became a reality, as it appeared before me.

“They found the husband stone, didn’t they!? This is a rare opportunity! He belongs to me!”

“What are you talking about! I, who am so beautiful, am the one who deserves to be with him!”

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“A bossy and single woman like you is better off alone, you ugly thing!”

The “feeling” of the various colorful wife stones that the shopkeeper had arranged on top of a glass case were going haywire, and their voices were ringing directly in my head, making it noisy. It was beyond noisy!… Ugh.

I was taken aback, but when I looked at the husband stone I was holding in my hand, he was already trying to run away. “I… I’m not good with strong-willed people… Help…” I understand how he feels.

Amidst all the noise, I suddenly noticed a light pink stone that was quietly sitting there without making a sound. “I don’t stand out as much as the other sisters, so I should stay quiet,” I heard a small voice say. She was so endearing and reminded me of my husband, so I brought my husband’s stone closer to her.

“He seems like such a kind and wonderful person ♡” “What a delicate and adorable child ♡” I knew it!

“Just a minute, why is that inconspicuous child there!” The mean sisters behind me were making a fuss, but I ignored them.

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I decided to purchase this pair of stones as well.


When I brought it close to the gold ingot, a soft light enveloped the stones, creating a gentle atmosphere.

“The golden sister will be your matchmaker ♡”

“Thank you, sister!”

It’s settled then!

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Now, I’m back in the laboratory, standing in front of the alchemy pot. I’m fully equipped with an apron and gloves for making alloys! Let’s do our best to make the King and Queen happy! I grip the stirring rod tightly and gather my strength.

“Now, let’s join together and give the Queen a baby with the power of our love!” I concentrate my magic and stir the pot vigorously.

“Well, it’s only just melted and mixed. Let’s do it together some more!” With my magic and my feelings for the Queen, I continue to stir the mixture.

“Yes! The stork will come! The Queen will be so happy!” I remove the plug from the alchemy pot and pour the still-hot liquid alloy into the ingot mold, waiting quietly for a few days. Then, using the cooled ingot, I ask Riiin to create accessories for the King and Queen.

If I give this to them, a baby will surely come…!

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