Volume 7 : The White Powder Incident and the Alchemist 

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Oshiroi (White Powder) [ 1 ] 

On a certain Sabbath, I didn’t have any particular reason to go, but I wanted to see my family, so I visited my parents’ house for the first time in a while.

“I’m home now.”

I greeted them at the entrance and was welcomed by the Sebastian and the other servants into the house. When I entered the living room, I saw my mother and older sister talking with their backs to me.

“Hello, mother, sister.”

As I spoke and turned around, I saw that both my mother and sister’s faces were completely white. They had somehow painted everything from their faces to the edge of their dresses white, with pink on their cheeks and their lips drawn in red.

What is this? A costume party?

“Oh, welcome back, Daisy!”

My mother had a smile on her face with the mysterious white drawing.

Um, this is scary.

“I heard that it is the latest trend for women to use white powder from abroad for makeup, so I thought I’d practice with Dahlia so that I wouldn’t be embarrassed when I go to such events. That’s why we were practicing together.”

And the face with a graffiti-like contrast was laughing.

“That’s right! Daisy is getting to be of marriageable age, so instead of just experimenting with alchemy, you should also pay attention to fashion and trends! It’s also nice to deliberately draw a mole like this!”

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Now my sister, who has a heart-shaped drawing in the position where they would normally have a mole under their eyes, is lecturing me. Before the lecture, I don’t even understand why they have a heart mark instead of a mole!

No, wait, what is going on here…!

I feel like I want to burst out laughing so much that my stomach hurts, but I’m sure that if I did, the two of them would do something terrible to me.

As for the makeup situation in our country, the culture of wearing makeup didn’t exist in the first place. It was not ethically recommended as something that “leads to immoral behavior” or as a “symbol of corruption.”

However, it seems that the values around that have become more relaxed, and the trend of wearing makeup is becoming popular, especially among the upper class.

Strange trends indeed, I thought to myself, but I was shown the main component of this makeup, which is called “white powder.”

[White Powder (Lead)]

Classification: Cosmetics

Quality: Normal

Details: Can make a woman’s skin appear white.

Feeling: Make her a fair and beautiful woman. …But if you use it for too long, it can cause spots to form easily. Kekeke.

[White Powder (Mercury)]

Classification: Cosmetics

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Quality: Normal

Details: Can make a woman’s skin appear white.

Feeling: Make her a fair and beautiful woman. …But if you use it for too long, your gums will turn black and your teeth will fall out. Bleh!

“Wait, wait, what is this?!”

“I implore both mother and sister to stop putting that white powder on their skin!”

In a panic, I tried to take away the powder from mother and sister, which caused a small commotion as they protested.

“What are you two making a fuss about?”

Father, unable to bear the commotion, came out of his room and entered the living room.



Father froze upon seeing mother and sister’s white, graffiti-like faces.

“Um…is this for a costume party?”

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…I shouldn’t have said that. It’s probably not the right thing to say.

“Oh my, fa…ther…?”


Father was approached by the two white graffiti marks.
…Ah, I don’t think he can handle this.

As I thought, Father’s face, which was brought close to the marks, began to crumble.

“Hahaha! Their faces are unnaturally white, and they even took the trouble to draw the color of their disappeared cheeks and mouths! And Dahlia, why are you drawing heart marks on your face!”

“Do you not understand a woman’s heart! This type of makeup has become a trend in high society!”

“Father, you don’t understand the desire to be fashionable and stylish as a daughter!”

Father was caught in a crossfire between mother and sister.

“…Well, never mind a woman’s heart, but using that powder for too long can cause more spots. And also, this product is said to turn gums black and teeth to fall out.”

I pointed out to the two who were making a fuss with a serious expression.


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The hands of the two people accusing Father stopped abruptly.
“Daisy, is that true?”

Father came to me, sliding between the two, and put his hands on my shoulders, asking me with a serious look.

“Yes…I saw it. If only we could prevent it with the ‘Guardian Ring,’ but we can’t be sure of that…”

Father’s response to my answer was quick.

“Rose, Dahlia, I prohibit you from wearing this until the safety of this product is confirmed. And please remove what you are wearing now immediately. I don’t want to lose your natural beauty.”

Father declared with a serious expression, and Mother and Sister quickly left the living room to remove their makeup.

“So, Daisy, is this not poison?”

Father urged me to sit on the sofa with him.

“Well, in a broad sense, it could be considered harmful to the human body. However, in small amounts, it doesn’t show any significant toxicity. It may only show its toxicity when taken continuously and reaches a certain amount. Therefore, it wasn’t specified as poison in the appraisal.”

Father nodded, placing his chin on his hand.

“In that case, this may have slipped through Heinrich’s appraisal, and it may be with the Queen. That’s not good… And I’m worried about the general public who don’t have the ‘Guardian Ring.’ Daisy, would you come with me to the castle tomorrow?”

“Of course, Father.”

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