Chapter 21 Making a Formal Apology

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Jiang Senyuan was a warmhearted girl. She had a strong sense of justice and was always ready to help the weak! That’s why she was nowJi Xiaotiao’s best friend.

Although both of them were studying at Yinghua, they were not in the same class. What’s more, they had to work during the holidays, so they had little to no time to meet each other. Ji Xiaotiao knew Jiang Senyuan very well. If she knew that Qianhui and Moli often enjoyed bullying her all day, she would rush out to help her. However, they came from rich families, so she couldn’t afford to offend them. She could bear it all by herself, and she couldn’t involve her in being bullied.

This time she would go to the girl named Yue to apologize. She didn’t want to bother Senyuan, but . . .  Okay, well, she was a little timid, so she had to ask her to accompany her. As the saying went, when two people were together, they would have more courage to face any difficulties. If Yue was disagreeable and she was clumsy, Senyuan could help her.

“Xiaotiao! Hey! I’m here!”

Ji Xiaotiao was still thinking about how to apologize to Yue. Suddenly, she was interrupted by a warm call.

“Ji Xiaotiao! How many times have I told you? Pay attention when you walk! What if you were accidentally hit by a car? Why can’t you remember what I said? Are you sure your IQ is 179.99?”


As she said this, she came forward and pulled Ji Xiaotiao’s ear. She was really angry at her disobedience.

“Ouch! Please stop! My ear is going to get ripped off!” Ji Xiaotiao begged for mercy with a smile. She knew that Jiang Senyuan really cared about her and treated her as a good friend. But she really had a bad memory. Otherwise, Xu Moqi would not dare to call her ‘stupid girl’ all day.

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No! Why did I think of that nasty boy again?

“Wow! Did you miss your boyfriend?” Seeing that Ji Xiaotiao was stunned, Jiang Senyuan suddenly wanted to play tricks on her. When Ji Xiaotiao called her for help, she asked about the matter. Because according to what she knew about Ji Xiaotiao, there were others bullying her in the world, and she would not offend others for no reason.

When she heard the whole story, she realized that it was not easy. It turned out that Ji Xiaotiao was inexplicably entangled with Xu Moqi of Fenghua. And what was more serious was that the two of them had been living together.

At the beginning, she did not know who Xu Moqi was. After many inquiries, she learned that he was from a rich family, and all the hospitals and sanatoriums in the whole city were owned by his family’s companies. Even more, he was a gifted teenager with an IQ of 245. She had to admit that it was very appropriate to describe Ji Xiaotiao with the adage that fortune favored fools.


“Senyuan! Don’t kid any longer! He is not my boyfriend, and I don’t miss him.” Ji Xiaotiao’s face suddenly went red, and she refused to admit it.

“Well! Since he is not your boyfriend, why are you blushing?”

“I . . . I’m not blushing!”

“Ha ha!” Jiang Senyuan burst into laughter. When she saw that Ji Xiaotiao frowned, she stopped at once. “All right, I won’t make fun of you. Come on, where are we going today?”

Ji Xiaotiao took out a note from her pocket and murmured, “On the top floor of the second apartment for foreign students in the Education Area!”

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“For foreign students?” Jiang Senyuan blinked. “Is Yue a foreigner? Oh, I heard that her surname is Xiyuansi.”

Ji Xiaotiao blinked, too. “Uh. Maybe she is!”

“Ha ha! You can understand my jokes now! It seems that it’s good for you to stay with Xu Muqi often. At least you can learn a lot,” Jiang Senyuan said and laughed happily again.

“Oh, no! Jiang Senyuan! Stop talking about it!” Ji Xiaotiao curled her lips and was mad with anger. They walked to their destination while laughing like that.


“Is this where we are going?”

Ji Xiaotiao looked at the note in her hand and the door, then she muttered, “It seems to be. It should be right!”

Just as they were about to knock on the door, it suddenly opened. There was a girl standing inside. When she saw them, she immediately called out. “Senyuan?”

When Jiang Senyuan and Ji Xiaotiao saw the girl, they shouted with one voice, “Qian Lin!”

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“Who are you?”

When Ji Xiaotiao saw Qian Lin’s confused eyes, she knew that she had been forgotten. Alas, all right! It was normal for such an ordinary girl like her to be forgotten.

“I am Jiao Xiaotiao! Qian Lin, don’t you remember? You helped me before!”

“Ah, I’ve got it!” With Qian Lin’s loud answer, Ji Xiaotiao finally felt that she was not so insignificant.

What? Qian Lin was in this room. Did she find the wrong place? While Ji Xiaotiao was confused, she looked up and saw Yue standing behind Qian Lin.



“Ah, that’s right! It’s her! She’s the one I’m looking for,” Ji Xiaotiao exclaimed excitedly, and the others looked puzzled.

“Are you Yue?” Ji Xiaotiao walked forward impatiently and reached to pull out she who’d hid behind Qian Lin in panic. “Excuse me, do I know you?”

Ji Xiaotiao was stunned, and the smile on her face froze immediately. She felt a little embarrassed. “Maybe. . . ” She did not know how to answer, so she turned her eyes to Jiang Senyuan beside her and then to Qian Lin. After a long time, she finally spoke out the words, “You don’t know me!”

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“If so, you must have come to see Qian Lin.” Yue curled her lips coldly. It seemed that she was in a bad mood.

“No!” Ji Xiaotiao rushed to say, “I’m here to see you. I’m really sorry about that day. My friend was in a bad mood that day, which caused you to lose your job. I’m here to apologize to you.”

“Apologize?” Yue raised her eyebrows as if she had finally remembered who she was. But apparently Ji Xiaotiao came at an inopportune time today. She looked to be in a bad mood, and now she seemed to be thinking of something that made her feel bad again.

Since she was already here, she should take it easy. Ji Xiaotiao gritted her teeth at the moment like she had nothing to fear.

“Yue, I sincerely apologize to you. Would you accept my apology?”


“Hey, Yue Xiyuansi, what’s the matter with you? Xiaotiao is apologizing to you. Why are you taking this attitude? You’re just going too far!” Jiang Senyuan was a blunt person. Seeing that Yue didn’t answer for a long time, she thought that Yue was unwilling to accept Ji Xiaotiao’s apology. So she was instantly angry and shouted at her indignantly.

Yue was stunned and her eyes widened. Ji Xiaotiao’s heart sank. Oh my god! She must be angry now. How could Senyuan say that?

While Ji Xiaotiao was embarrassed and waved her hands to explain, she heard the man who had been silently accompanying Yue shouting, “Hey, please pay attention to your mood. Is this the proper attitude to apologize?”

Ji Xiaotiao looked at the man carefully. If her memory served her right, he seemed to be the new teacher at her school.

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