Chapter 7 The Terrible Mean Guy

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“What? Why do you say I don’t need to come here again? Did I do something wrong?”

Ji Xiaotiao was staring at her smiling boss with no sense of what was happening. She didn’t remember making any mistakes.

“Xiaotiao,” the boss said, smiling with satisfaction, “don’t hide it from me anymore. Your boyfriend told me yesterday that you have no need to work here because he will take care of you. At first I didn’t want to let you go, since we have been working together for such a long time, and your diligent work has impressed me. But your handsome one just looked so unwilling to let you suffer from the hard work anymore, so finally, I agreed.”

Her boyfriend? Her handsome one?

“Aunt, I think you’re mistaken, because I don’t have a—”

“Xiaotiao, there’s no need to say anything more. I fully understand you; happiness is the most important thing! You can easily find a good job, but not a good man. Don’t you miss him?”

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What was this all about?

“Boss, would you tell me what happened to you?” Somebody’s shadow passed through her mind; Ji Xiaotiao hoped this trouble wasn’t started by him.

The boss noticed her nauseated expression, so she stopped bubbling and explained to her that it was Xu Moqi who had come to quit on her behalf.


It was him indeed!

Ji Xiaotiao left the restaurant and walked back home with a scowling face that frightened pedestrians into avoiding standing in her way.

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Just now when she was leaving, the boss was still trying to wish them a good relationship, which made her even angrier at him. What was wrong with him? How could he come and resign her from her own job? She wasn’t rich—she needed to survive.

Brimming with rage, Ji Xiaotiao went back to the house they were living in together. She took out her key and opened the door to find the boy was sitting on the sofa reading a book.

She was about to blame him for this great loss he’d caused her, when he suddenly threw her a meek look, pure and innocent. This sight stopped her from complaining and she just had no heart to say anything bad to hurt him.

“I’m hungry.”


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Ji Xiaotiao was irritated by this sentence, and her hands trembled. “What’s wrong?”

“I said I am hungry.” Xu Moqi became even more pathetic, looking at her with begging eyes.


Can’t you go out to buy some food? 

Though Ji Xiaotiao was angry, she went to the kitchen automatically like her legs did not belong to her.

“I’ll cook something for you.”

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Xu Moqi laughed secretly once he saw her enter the kitchen and had no way to see his mischievous expression. How easy to be fooled, this young girl. He felt that his future wouldn’t be boring anymore.

“Dad, it is my people who saw the girl move into Moqi’s apartment. The girl ran with Moqi that night. They won’t make mistakes.”

In a dimly-lit study room, an old man with a full head of white hair was talking with a middle-aged man.

“So, the stinky boy wants to play with us to the end now?” The old man seemed interested in this game.

“Dad,” said the middle-aged man, clearly unhappy, “he doesn’t obey us; we should take him back to teach him. Don’t let him do anything we aren’t able to clean up.”

The old man shook his hand. “No, the little fox is like me; if you force him back, he will figure out more methods to revolt. I’d rather let him release all his capabilities. Withdraw some guards; leaving one or two to report to us is enough. Don’t be too oppressive, or the little fox will be irritated. This is just the beginning of a wonderful game.”

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