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After hearing what he shouted, several people sitting in the front of rostrum walked outside. Xu Moqi’s grandfather, like a sly old fox, walked foremost, followed by the others!

Xu Mingxiong lightly coughed. He said seriously, “Boy! There are so many people here today, so I hope you will be a good kid! Come to me now!”

Xu Moqi only rolled his eyes. He stood still and didn’t say anything, but Ji Xiaotiao pushed him from behind quietly. She winked at him and said, “Just go! Your grandfather is calling you! Don’t worry, I will make it to the end, believe me!”

He stared at her and asked, “Are you sure?”

In fact, selecting a personal assistant was only the excuse to create conditions for Ji Xiaotiao to successfully enter Fenghua. Then, she could stay together with him at any time. Moreover, there wouldn’t be any gossip. However, he didn’t expect that his grandfather would interfere in his private affair! He knew that these people came here after learning the news spread by his grandfather. He also knew that most of the people here just wanted to have a relationship with the Xu Family more or less.

Ji Xiaotiao clenched her fist and waved it before him. She guaranteed it, patting her chest with another hand. She said, “You just need to sit in the front of the rostrum, and then you will know how I stand out from the crowd! If I succeed in becoming your personal assistant this time, I hope you not to call me stupid girl or idiot any more in the future!”

Hmph! Xu Moqi didn’t answer. He looked at her chest and said simply, “Don’t pat any more, or, it really will be flat. . . ”

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Ji Xiaotiao didn’t understand what he was saying. Xu Moqi knew that she was dull, so he didn’t say any more. He turned and headed to the rostrum. After taking one step, he suddenly looked back and extended his hand to show her the direction of the bathroom. He said, “The toilet is there!”

Ji Xiaotiao looked at Xu Moqi’s back and then looked back in the direction of the bathroom. When she looked down at her chest, she instantly understood what he was telling her just now. She blushed and rolled her eyes with anger. Then, she headed to the toilet.


When these people waiting in the hall saw Xu Moqi coming over, they immediately made way. Xu Moqi kept calm and passed by them unhurriedly, with two hands in his pockets. Some people started to whisper, looking at him adoringly. Someone even secretly thought he would be rich and respected if he became his personal assistant. They were all attracted by his inherent noble temperament, which no one could imitate.

Xu Moqi stepped onto the rostrum and sat beside Xu Mingxiong. Xu Moqi’s grandfather waved at someone standing beside him. The person nodded knowingly. He took one step forward and took microphone. He said, “The competition will begin in five minutes.” 

Xu Moqi raised his eyebrow. His grandfather smiled and got close to him. He said, “The boy who stood behind you just now is the girl, isn’t she? Hoho, she’s incredibly daring to come here by dressing as a boy!”

After hearing what he said, Xu Moqi instantly understood why his grandfather asked to wait for five minutes. He was, in fact, waiting for the foolish girl. Xu Moqi didn’t expect that his grandfather would so easily recognize Ji Xiaotiao.

His grandfather seemed to know what Xu Moqi was thinking. He said proudly, “Hey, hey! Never underestimate your dear grandfather! You are clever, but I’m more clever than you. I will see through all your tricks!”

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Hmph! Xu Moqi sneered. "You are an old fox! Right?”

Xu Mingxiong frowned and said with anger, “Okay! I know that you are mocking me now! If I’m an old fox, then you are a little fox! Because we have blood relation. Everyone knows that you are my only baby grandson!”

When Xu Moqi heard the word baby, his face turned red with embarrassment. He didn’t want to talk with his grandfather anymore. At this moment, he caught a glimpse of Ji Xiaotiao. Then, he said, “Let’s begin.”

His grandfather also saw her. He smiled and nodded at the examiner who held the microphone.

The examiner immediately declared in a serious tone, “Ahem! Attention please, everybody. Let me start with the competition rules. All participants will take the exam by grouping, five people per group. Everybody will compete in the areas of cooking skill, particulars of daily living, strength, intelligence, and taste. Only the participants who pass these exams will remain in the running for the job of Xu Moqi’s assistant. As for the content of the last decisive exam, you will find out when that time comes!”

Cooking skill, particulars of daily living, strength, intelligence, and taste?

With the exception of the strength, Ji Xiaotiao was very confident in the other four competition areas, especially in the cooking skill! It was because Xu Moqi usually ate the dishes cooked by her!

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But . . .

Looking at the kitchen wares used for making Western food, she was dumbfounded. Western food . . . she even didn’t know how to use the knives and forks! After going out for a steak dinner with Xu Moqi, she’d vowed never to eat Western cuisine again! However . . .

While Ji Xiaotiao hesitated, two boys in her group had begun their work. They were like a pair of perfect partners with excellent teamwork. Ji Xiaotiao stared at them. She seemed to have met them before. When one of them winked to her and quickly passed the finished Western food to her, she took it and finally realized who they were.

They. . . They were the two girls who were looking for something at the entrance to the alley yesterday evening!

God! Why had they come here? They were dressed as boys just like her. . . Did they also want to become Xu Moqi’s male assistant?

When she was thinking, someone put his arm around her shoulder. Ji Xiaotiao turned her head sideways. She recognized her. It seemed that this girl was named . . . Jiajia? The other one was named Xiaoyu!

Looking at Ji Xiaotiao, who was surprised, Jiajia grinned and whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry! We came here to help you!”

. . . Huh? Help her?

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As two girls interested in boy’s love, Jiajia and Xiaoyu were extremely excited when they encountered BL in real life. They’d missed the chance to take photos at that time. Later, they thought it was really a pity. Then, Jiajia couldn’t sleep that night, so she started to read a magazine. To her surprise, she found the photo of the top from that BL relationship in this magazine! 

This was like a light in a dark night! In fact, it was the report about him winning the championship. From this report, Jiajia learned his name and his school. Moreover, she found that he was an extraordinary talent! He was not only handsome but also intelligent! Not only that, he was a top who had the air of an emperor!

Jiajia immediately called Xiaoyu and told her about Xu Moqi. Then, they made an appointment to go to Fenghua School the next day. When they came to the door of Fenghua, they saw the banner above the gate!

The two girls were stunned by this banner. They first realized that . . . the bottom was being threatened! The top was going to find himself a personal assistant? He obviously wanted to look for a concubine! The poor bottom was so cute. How could he be abandoned like this?

Just when they were getting angry about it, they saw Xu Moqi and Ji Xiaotiao going into the school together. Looking at them, they were puzzled. What . . . what was going on? It seemed that the top still loved the bottom very much!

Without any hesitation, they quickly disguised themselves as boys and went into Fenghua School. After inquiring, they knew there was a competition in the hall at the top floor, so they came to the hall. In this hall, they finally knew the truth by again asking for related information!

The truth was . . . the top’s grandfather was trying to put a stop to this perfect boys’ love relationship! His grandfather deliberately put obstacles in the bottom’s way! Then . . . the two girls came here and tried their best to help Ji Xiaotiao!

Hmph! They definitely didn’t agree that the bottom was defeated! They were absolutely intolerant to the idea that the bottom and top would be forcibly broken up! Therefore, they would help Ji Xiaotiao to overcome any difficulty in cooking skill, strength, and intelligence! They believed that with their help, there would be a happy ending in this real-life boys’ love story!  

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