Compared with the cooking skill test, the physical strength test was harder.

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Some participants who gave up midway were kicked out. Moreover, some participants who went through all barriers and reached the end fainted due to their lack of strength.

After this test, Ji Xiaotiao found that the number of participant was reduced greatly from several thousand to more than 100. 

Xu Mingxiong was sitting in the front of rostrum and leisurely drinking tea. He shook his head and sighed: “. . .Today’s young people are too weak. When I was young, I would never have fainted just from crossing those obstacles. Back then, this would’ve been much too easy for me. . . ”

When he was speaking, he found that his grandson was squinting at him. It seemed that he was saying: “Brag! Keep on bragging!”  

Xu Mingxiong coughed with embarrassment. He stopped boasting and waved his hand to signal the examiner to announce the next test.

 “Next, let’s begin the third test, the intelligence test! In this test, all of you will be in groups of three, in which everyone needs to answer one question. All three members of each group will pass this test if you’re able to answer two questions correctly! The group will be eliminated if the answers to all questions are wrong, or if they can only answer one question correctly!” 

Xiaoyu and Jiajia shrunk their necks, looking at Ji Xiaotiao.

 “Well . . . little brother bottom, this time . . . we aren’t able to help you! You’re pretty smart, right?” Xiaoyu and Jiajia both believed that as the girlfriend of the genius Xu Moqi, the little brother bottom would be clever.

 “Yes!” Ji Xiaotiao nodded seriously. She said, “Don’t worry! My IQ is 179.99, so I’ll be good at the intelligence test!”

Taking a deep breath . . . Jiajia and Xiaoyu both relaxed after hearing what she said. They didn’t want to be eliminated in the third test, since they had passed the first two tests.  

Each participant quickly found his other two partners. An examiner was sitting at the desk under the rostrum, and across from him was three chairs.

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The group order was decided by drawing lots. As a result, Ji Xiaotiao was in the ninth group. She was waiting to take the test. At this time, the three participants in the first group had sat respectively in the three chairs, nervously facing the serious examiner.

The serious examiner lightly pushed up his black frame glasses and glanced at three people opposite of him. He asked the first participant on the left, “If Chuchu’s birthday is March 30th, would you tell me what year it is?”

This boy was puzzled. He directly asked back, “How can I know that?”

The examiner didn’t answer him. He asked another participant, “One bull and one cow—can you guess three Chinese characters about this?”

This boy was also puzzled. What the hell kind of question was this?

The serious examiner shook his head. He showed them a card with a big X printed on it (which meant this group had failed). Instantly, two men in black walked out and asked the three people to leave.

Those three people shouted loudly that it was unfair. They said that the examiner just talked nonsense, so there could be no correct answers to these questions.

The serious examiner wasn’t angry. He calmly said, “In fact, it is very easy to answer the first question. The answer is each year!” He then looked at another person and continued: “The second question is easier than the first one. The answer is two oxen! You both even can’t answer these easy questions. Don’t you feel ashamed?”

After finishing speaking, the examiner waved his hand. The two bodyguards directly threw out the three people. 

Then, the three members of group two walked out and sat respectively on the three chairs.

Similarly, the examiner started to ask the first participant on the left. “The first question! One chicken and one goose are put in the refrigerator. The chicken is frozen to death, but why is the goose still alive?”

 “Er. . . ” After thinking for a while, he answered: “Because one is frozen while another one is stored fresh?”

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The examiner sneered. “In order to prove that you are right, I want to store you fresh in the refrigerator. What do you think about it?”

The boy instantly jumped and shouted, “Sorry, I’m talking nonsense, please forgive me!”

The examiner didn’t say anything any more. He then asked the second person: “If a black person and a white person have a baby, what color are the baby’s teeth?”

The second person was confused. He said uncertainly, “They should be white? Black teeth are caused by tooth decay. . . ”

The examiner sighed and again showed them the card with the X. These three people consciously went out and asked nothing else.

When Ji Xiaotiao, who was waiting in the back of line, heard the questions, she suddenly rubbed her head and said nervously, “It seems that these questions are brain teasers! I’m not good at those. What should we do?”

Xiaoyu and Jiajia comforted her. “Don’ worry! Just take the situation as it comes. Don’t worry, little bottom. If the serious examiner asks you an unusual question, I will beat him!”

Jiajia said, raising her fist.

Ji Xiaotiao couldn’t help laughing. Then she felt relieved.

When the participants in the eighth group sat respectively in the chairs, group nine was very close to the examiner, so they could clearly hear each question he asked.

 “You can’t cross over a book, so where is the book on the ground?”

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 “. . . Ah?” Boy A didn’t know how to answer this question.

 “When Director Li brushed his teeth in the morning, he also could sing a song loudly. How did he do it?”

 “. . .” Boy B was speechless.

 “The maker, the buyer, and the seller all know it, but the user never knows it. What is it?”

 “. . .” Boy C was completely puzzled.

The examiner held up the X card Then those three boys were asked to go out.

 “Next group!”

At the voice of the examiner, Ji Xiaotiao, Jiajia, and Xiaoyu nervously swallowed their spit, walked to the chairs, and sat down.

The serious examiner didn’t directly ask them questions. To their surprise, the examiner first nodded at them. Ji Xiaotiao was stunned. She even rubbed her eyes and doubted that she seen things wrong. Just now . . . she seemed to see that the serious examiner had winked at her? 

The serious examiner first looked at Xiaoyu, who was on the first chair on the left. He asked, “The first question: How many suns are in the sky?”

Xiaoyu was dumbfounded at first and then scratched her hair. She uncertainly answered, “One?”

The serious examiner said with a smile, “Congratulations! You are right!”

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Ah! Other participants who were waiting were all stunned!

Then, the examiner looked at Ji Xiaotiao and asked, “The second question! How many moons are in the sky?”

Ji Xiaotiao was also dumbstruck. She also uncertainly answered, “One. . . ?”

The examiner curved his lips and said, “Congratulations! You are right!

Ah! The remaining participants were all shocked again!

Jiajia didn’t expect that the questions would be so easy, so she excitedly pointed at herself and said, “Ask me, ask me!”

The serious examiner looked at her and asked, “The third question: How many stars are in the sky?”

 “. . . #¥@%¥” Jiajia was instantly left speechless and embarrassed.

The examiner laughed and continued. “I said before that you will be qualified to take the next test so long as you can answer two questions correctly.  Congratulations to you! The three of you can take the next test!”

Xu Moqi, who was sitting at the rostrum, glanced at his grandfather. He asked, “Hey! You, old fox. Obviously, you are partial to group nine. Aren't you afraid of public outrage?”

His grandfather grinned and narrowed his eyes. He answered complacently, “That’s my business! I’m happy to do it!”

Xu Moqi rolled his eyes. He said nothing more to his grandfather.

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