“Filthy harlot!”

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With a sudden outburst, something flew toward my face.


A shattering sound accompanied the impact, and I felt pain on my face. It wasn’t a tremendous pain that would make me immediately clutch my face, but rather a dull ache. A viscous liquid trickled down from my hair. Simultaneously, I caught a whiff of a repulsive odor.

I didn’t need to ponder for long to know what it was. A broken eggshell lay crushed beneath my feet. Judging by the foul smell, it seemed to be a rotten egg.

Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, another cry reached my ears.

“I know all about how you spend your nights with men in the temple!”

Once again, something flew amidst the crowd. This time, I had a hunch that it wouldn’t be an egg. Without even realizing it, I momentarily closed my eyes, and a crimson blur covered my vision. Then, a warm sensation enveloped me. In the distance, I heard a thud, a muffled sound.

“Capture her.”

Latvan’s voice resounded above me. His low voice sent shivers down my spine. In an instant, I understood the situation. Latvan had wrapped his cloak around me and pulled me close. With my arms restrained by his cloak, I couldn’t see what was happening outside. But I could hear the knights’ shouts and the brief screams of people. Subsequently, rough voices commanding them to let go followed suit.

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“They say she’s bedded the temple priests in her sacred sanctuary every night!”

It was the voice of the person who had thrown the egg. My body stiffened at his words. I couldn’t refute them. It was true that Evelina had engaged in such activities, if not every night, at least occasionally.


Latvan spoke again, and with a thud!, the voice of the man who was hurling insults ceased. Instead, the voices of the people around me echoed.

“So, the rumors were true?”

“I heard whispers of it as well. Apparently, there are many men selling the relics given by the saint.”

“I heard it’s not even a big secret within the temple. The priests themselves openly talk about it!”

A murmur turned into a loud uproar. In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere of the people shifted so swiftly that the cries and curses directed towards me, which had been filled with blessings just moments ago, seemed like lies.

The man no longer needed to shout. Instead, the voices of the people began to rise.

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“It would be wise to go inside.”

Latvan lowered his head and spoke to me, concealed beneath his cloak. I couldn’t muster a response.

I was afraid. If I looked outside now, I would be greeted by the gazes of contempt and disgust that I would have to endure as long as I lived in Evelina.

“Filthy harlot! How long will you hide behind the knights of the temple? Knights! You need to know! My relative…”

This time, was it Latvan who moved? After he pulled me close, the body that held me trembled, and there was a thud. The voice of the man who had called me a harlot ceased.

“I apologize.”

Latvan seemed to have no intention of waiting for any further response. As he led me forward, I reached out and grabbed his arm.


As I responded, he halted his movements. I removed the cloak that covered me. As I did, rotten eggs plopped down from my hair. Was I under the illusion that by revealing myself, I would be able to enter the temple as planned? The people who had been joyfully cheering moments ago suddenly fell silent upon seeing me.

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Now, no matter what I said, I knew I couldn’t quell this rumor.

“Regardless of what I do, the story progresses like a novel.”

Unlike in the novel, even if Evelina had attended as planned, the prayer meeting would have become the catalyst for spreading vile rumors about the saint across the entire continent.

“If that’s the case…”

I turned away, leaving behind the disdainful gazes. In that place, forgotten for a moment by everyone, an old man had fallen. Amidst the gathered crowd, he was the only one still seated, refusing to move.

“Are you still seeking my blessing?”

I queried the old man, and he nodded in response. Approaching him, I raised my hand above his head. Though I could see the repulsive odor and grotesquely contorted skin, having witnessed even more dreadful sights during my time in the hospital, it did not greatly astonish me.

“In the most challenging moments, in the happiest moments, may the Lord always be with you. He will be by your side whenever you desire.”

There are numerous words of blessing. Even though I had memorized dozens of phrases for this ceremony, only this one would be used. I bowed my head and pressed my lips against the old man’s head.

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Just as a trivial radio broadcast became someone’s solace, I hoped that even this artificial nun’s blessing would provide strength to the old man. It was then that the old man lifted his head and looked at me.

“Thank you, Sister.”


In that instant, I could tell.

“He’s not an old man!”

The azure eyes gazing at me were as clear as they were intimidating. Moreover, there was no sign of illness-induced weakness or fatigue anywhere. Instead, his eyes sparkled with amusement and curiosity, as if he had found something intriguing.

As I tried to rise in surprise, he reached out his hand. Then, he grabbed my hair cascading down my shoulders. His grip, though not rough, exerted a strong force, leaving me unable to stand up, but compelled to continue gazing at him.

He slowly brought the strand of hair he had captured to his mouth. After gently touching his lips to it, he looked at me and spoke.

“I will eagerly await the day when I see you again, Sister.”

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