“I’ll know once I read the contents.”

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Thinking so, I rotated the paper in my hands. There, only one sentence was written.

“The deal has been struck. There is no turning back. I shall find you soon.”

“A deal?”

It must be another misplaced letter, but even so, it seemed unlikely for anyone within the temple to send or receive such correspondence. This letter seemed more suited for a clandestine underground transaction. As I examined the paper between my fingers, I felt a sharp sting.


I had slightly cut my finger on the paper. Who would have thought that being cut by paper could be so painful? It was a regrettable mistake. I placed the letter back into the envelope and set it on the desk.

“Why on earth would something like this be here?”

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And then it happened.

The letter I had just put down began to burn as if it were in flames. In an instant, the blazing letter diminished in size on the desk until…

“It vanished?”

I could hardly believe what I had witnessed. Not only had the letter caught fire inexplicably, but there was no trace of ashes or remnants left on the desk. It was as if the letter I had been looking at just moments ago had never existed.

“This can’t be possible…”

It was no illusion. It was undoubtedly there!

As thoughts reached the point of questioning my sanity, a sharp pang of pain tingled at the tip of my finger.


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There was evidence. The wound on my finger, caused by the paper in the envelope that I had shaken and sliced. Clearly, that letter was not a figment of my imagination.

“Well then, how did this happen?”

There is only one force in this world that makes such things possible. It is none other than magic.

While the divine officials who wield celestial powers are revered and loved everywhere, the sorcerers who use magic are despised and hated across the continent. It was no small matter. The magic they employ is the very essence from which demons derive their power. Thus, despite its incredible strength and versatility, people feared sorcerers.

“Using magic leads to becoming a demon.”

There was not a soul on the continent who did not know these words. Therefore, how could any sorcerer be welcomed among the people? They were no different from demons pretending to be human.

However, there were many who desired their formidable magic. That is why, despite officially being antagonistic forces, there were many who sought out sorcerers. Especially in countries at war, it was said that the presence of a few sorcerers could determine the outcome.

Thus, the sorcerers existed in this world, but they pretended not to be seen.

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“But to use magic and put something like this inside the temple?”

And to saint Evelina?

“Who on earth could it be?”

Hardly any sorcerer could approach the vicinity of the temple, let alone send a letter inside with such mastery of magic without appearing in person.

“Could it be?”

The image of the third male protagonist from the book came to mind.

The king of sorcerers, Aslan.

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He lived on an island of sorcerers, a month’s journey by boat from the northern end of the continent. Due to the persecution he faced on the continent, unless he had a special purpose, sorcerers mostly gathered there to study and develop their powers. According to the descriptions in the book, it was said that even demons could hardly venture into that tumultuous land.

In the book, his first departure from the island of sorcerers was due to Iris. When Iris appeared and Evelina’s celestial power shifted in that direction, he became intrigued by the immense flow of power and left the island to meet Iris.

“And Aslan ended up helping Iris.”

He didn’t have many appearances until what I saw, but I remembered that he had spoken dangerous words every time. Though he was almost like a demon himself with his use of powerful magic, he seemed to become a gentle lamb in the face of Iris’ overwhelming celestial power. His demeanor still seemed rough, though.

“But it will be a long time before Aslan makes an appearance.”

There is no reason for someone who will not leave the island of sorcerers until a year later to send a letter to me, no, to Evelina.


The letter stated that he would agree to a transaction. What could Evelina propose to him as part of the deal?

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