Leon hummed a tune as he walked down the corridor. Among the numerous High Priestesses in the long history of the Grand Temple, Evelina was the first to be so unbecoming of her sacred position. Consequently, the Grand Temple was at a loss as to how to handle her whims and caprices.

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“It seems like our planted individuals are diligently doing their work as well.”

The events that transpired during the prayer meeting would spread maliciously throughout the continent. The individuals planted by the Empire would amplify the events of that day, turning Evelina into an unparalleled villainess in the world.

“There’s no need for two suns in the sky.”

If there are two, you just need to pull one down. Leon approached the window and gazed at the Grand Temple. This magnificent city and fortress, he wanted to leave it under the Empire’s feet as long as he was alive, no matter what happened.

“If only it were just another country, things wouldn’t be so complicated.”

As he gazed at the Grand Temple, he absentmindedly muttered those words. His mother came to his mind. She was the princess of the country that had resisted to the very end while his father continued his conquests. The unification of the two countries had been accomplished through a simple method called marriage.

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Though it was a bit different from the traditional marriage proposal, which involved a treasure-filled box, as it involved the throats of war captives.

“If only we could absorb the Grand Temple in such a manner.”

Lost in his thoughts, Leon stroked his chin.

“Can a High Priestess get married?”

Now that he thought about it, there were no conditions related to physical purity among the requirements for the High Priestess. So perhaps Evelina could continue to hold her position as the High Priestess while indulging in such activities with men.

“Should I give it a try?”

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While there was a need to learn more about the regulations of the Grand Temple, he had never heard of any rules prohibiting the High Priestess from getting married. Leon’s footsteps quickened as he walked down the corridor once again. And there, at the end of the corridor, he encountered the person he had been seeking. Latvan stood there.

“Ah, what a coincidence. I was actually planning to go see you, Your Grace. It seems that the gods are looking after me.”

With a smile on his face, Leon approached Latvan but halted his steps as he saw the hostile gaze in Latvan’s eyes.


“You have returned!”

As Latvan stepped into the knights’ hall, the knights stationed at the entrance swiftly saluted him. Though his presence was always commanding, his current vigor made his voice resonate throughout the surroundings. After acknowledging their salute with a slight nod, Latvan promptly turned his body and vanished into the corridor.


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The knights who had saluted him breathed a sigh of relief, lowering their hands.

Entering his chamber, Latvan went straight to his desk and sat down. Then, he roughly ran his hand through his dishevelled hair. His previously neat and tidy locks became a mess in his hand.

“Why did I do that?”

He questioned himself. He couldn’t fathom why he had revealed his animosity towards Prince Leon. There were certainly ample reasons for him to dislike the prince. Leon was someone who didn’t hide his ambition for the throne. Given Latvan’s duty to protect the royal palace, it was only natural for him to despise such a person.

How could he face someone with a sword, ready to strike at the royal palace, with a smile if the opportunity arose? Nevertheless, Latvan was present at the palace as a guest, so he had to treat the prince with respect due to a visitor. Regardless of his feelings towards Prince Leon, he had to receive him as a guest of the palace.

As Latvan pondered why he disliked Leon so much, a scene flashed through his mind. When the imperial envoy met the saint, the prince kissed the back of her hand. While others may not have noticed, Latvan could easily discern the prince’s intentions. It was not a mere gesture of respect. It was evident that the prince’s tongue had lasciviously grazed the back of the saint’s hand. Such behavior reminded Latvan of the countless rumors surrounding the prince. Despite his indifference to gossip, he was well aware of the prince’s inclinations towards women.

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“He hasn’t even managed to correct that habit within the palace walls.”

Since then, Latvan had paid even closer attention to the saint’s safety. Fortunately, she seemed to have heeded his advice and refrained from summoning the prince.


Latvan was startled by his own thoughts. Why did he consider it fortunate that the saint hadn’t met with him?

Strange. Recently, he had been plagued by incomprehensible thoughts. When did it all start?

His eyes drifted towards a coat hanging in a corner of the room.

There, still crumpled, hung a ceremonial cloak that hadn’t been properly cared for.

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