I didn’t want to look at Evelina’s face. The uneasiness I felt in her voice intensified when I saw her face. Now it was not just uneasiness, but also a sense of discomfort. I remembered the actions I took to lure the prince into the room. I followed Evelina’s conditions and succeeded. Therefore, that body should be mine now.

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“It’s disappointing. I expected you to go crazy and cause a scene.”

“If that’s all you have to say, then send me back already.”

Evelina approached me with those words.

“Was the Saint’s play really that enjoyable? Spreading your legs for a man you’ve never even seen, moaning and writhing beneath him?”

In an instant, I felt something strange about Evelina’s words. The person I slept with was Prince Leon. But now she said I was a man she had never seen before. That couldn’t be true.

“Evelina can see everything inside of me,” she had said.

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If that were true, she wouldn’t use such an expression. I became doubtful for a moment. Could Evelina really see everything? I swallowed my saliva. Another thought crossed my mind.

“Yeah, it was enjoyable. Unlike you, who can’t do the role of a proper saint, people treated me well when I did.”

“So, by the way, there’s someone I want to ask about while I’m doing it properly. He doesn’t appear in your memories. It’s as if you’re deliberately hiding him.”

Evelina’s face contorted at my words. In an instant, my heart began to pound. If she took this as a betrayal and took my body away, what would I do? But I wanted to make sure. Until now, I had thought that Evelina saw everything I did. But if that wasn’t the case… Could it be that Evelina couldn’t control this body completely?

“I won’t let myself be manipulated by Evelina any longer.”

When I thought about it, there were many strange things. I recalled Evelina’s voice that kindly informed me of the remaining days every morning. With her personality, it wouldn’t have ended with just that. She would have continued to talk and mock me about every little thing. Especially when I grabbed the prince’s arm, she would have done it even more.

The name that had caused her body to react roughly not too long ago came to mind. Somehow, I felt that it could be a weapon against her. I looked at Evelina and spoke.

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As expected. Evelina froze as if my uttered name had turned her to ice. I spoke again.

“Carl, who is that person? Why does he remain invisible, no matter how hard I try to recall? You said he was someone you had adored since childhood?”

“Why do you know that name!”

In an instant, her face contorted in such a terrifying manner. It was a facial expression I had never witnessed before. It resembled the countenance of someone confronting the most dreadful thing in the world. Loathing, contempt, and fear. All the negative emotions that exist were swirling on Evelina’s face.

In the midst of her expression, my suspicion turned into certainty. The person named Carl was undoubtedly a threat to Evelina. And I confirmed that Evelina wasn’t oblivious to everything.

If it were just a slip of the tongue concerning the prince, one could have dismissed it as a mistake. But not with Carl. I had received a list with his name on it and even discussed him with the officials. I couldn’t ask how she knew about such a person.

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“Why? Who on earth is that person?”

Was it the pleasure of seeing Evelina’s face contorted for the first time that caused my laughter to escape before I could conceal it? That was when Evelina reached out and grabbed my throat.


Evelina began choking my neck with both hands. I didn’t even consider resisting. With this body of mine, it wouldn’t matter anyway.

At that moment, a thought occurred to me. Since entering this space, have I ever seen my own hands? Then Evelina shook me and shouted harshly.

“Shut up. Do you think I won’t be able to take possession of your body right away?”

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“If you can, go ahead! Why? Are you planning to impose yet another condition?”

An unknown courage arose within me. If I were to prostrate myself before Evelina again here and now, I knew she would torment me with more absurd conditions. I couldn’t retreat any further.

Evelina lowered her head at my words.

“There’s no need for conditions. You received a letter, didn’t you?”

It was a sudden question, but I could discern what she meant by the letter. The letter that employed magic and vanished into ashes upon reading, leaving no trace behind.

Judging by Evelina’s reaction to my expression, she knew that I had received it. Without further inquiry, she released her grip on my throat and, as if imparting a great secret in a tender manner, she gently whispered.

“Now, you must birth the offspring of a beast. With that body of yours.”

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