The day after my reincarnation.

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Early in the morning, I get up out of bed. I wake up early, oddly enough.

I get out of bed and stretch, deciding to go for a walk.

Changing my shirt and pants, I quickly left my room and aimlessly walked down the hallway until I heard someone swing a sword outside the house.

Swish. Slash. Swish

‘What’s going on?’

I looked out of a nearby window. Below me, my brother is wielding a sword.

“He’s practicing his sword, huh?” Intrigued, I jumped down from the window.

I strengthened my body with Fighting Aura and landed without a sound.

The place was a large garden. In the center, Gaius is swinging with a sword.

“Derya! Sei! Yah!”

“Mm! That’s wonderful Gaius-dono!”

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In front of Gaius, a man in his forties stood with his sword at the ready.

Wasteful. That is the best word to describe his swordsmanship. There are too many excessive and unnecessary movements.

He is not using Fighting Aura, let alone strengthening his body with magic power.

‘What’s the point of playing around like this?’

While I was lost in my thoughts, they stopped ‘playing.’

“Unlike that dry, you are a genius!”

“Of course,” he said, “I’m better than that thing!”

What is this dry that keeps coming up?

Is it for leftover tea? (TN: 出涸らし. Translates to used tea leaves. Tea with used leaves creates a weaker taste, meaning it has run out of use.)

I used my [Creation] to make a towel and placed it on my brother’s head. “Good work.”


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“I can’t believe it. I, the strongest knight, could not detect his presence…,” the old man muttered.

“You’re very diligent, even going at it in the morning.”

“Shut up! I told you not to act like a big brother!”

“Would you two like to learn swordsmanship from me?”

“… what?” Gaius and the old man widened their eyes.

The old man breaks out from his stupor first. “You are going to teach me?”

“Yeah. Because you’re both still inexperienced. At least you have some knowledge of the sword.”

“You dare!”

The old man suddenly became furious and swung his sword at me. I dodged the slow attack that almost made me yawn by twisting my body a little.

“When you are new to the sword, it’s best to have a teacher who can teach you the basics.”

“You’re just a little kid, and you’re getting ahead of yourself!”

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The old man relentlessly attacked me.

I made a sword with [Creation] and lightly parried it.


The old man is blown away behind me, spinning dozens of times in the air.

“H-huh! What the hell was that?”

“A parry, what else?”

“A-a Parry!? No way… it’s the ultimate secret of swordsmanship, as described in the manual of swordsmanship!”

What? This is the basics of the basics, right?

“Also, since when did you have a sword?”

“I made it with magic.”

“… eh? What nonsense are you talking about?”

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Gaius throws a poor blow.

I use my Fighting Aura to strengthen my body. I move a little faster and flank him.

I raise my sword, intending to block my brother’s sword.


“Impossible… the treasured sword that has been in our family for generations shattered…?”

“Oh no. Uhhhhhh. I’ll make a new one, so please don’t tell anyone.”

I create the exact same sword with [Creation].

“… and my brother can just create the sword again…” Gaius slumped down.

“So yesterday was not a dream… how… did you suddenly become so strong?” He looks up at me, frustrated for some reason.

“H-huh, wasn’t it like this since before?”


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