A few minutes after meeting Alicia.

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I was at the entrance to the labyrinth beneath the school.

(“Why are we here, hero?”)

The voice of the demon king Vena echoed in my mind.

When they have nothing to do, familiars can become magic and contain themselves in their master’s body.

“The academy wants to test my ability.”

“They’re so irreverent,” he said. How dare they evaluate the most powerful man in history?”

“Well, that’s all right. I’ve had a boring afternoon in magic class.”

I open the door to the labyrinth. A dimly lit passageway leads downward.

They told me to go through the labyrinth and retrieve the item at the far end.

I go straight down the passage. Then a goblin appeared.

Bosh ……!

With a puff of my breath, the goblin vanished from existence.

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(“Level 20, huh? I can beat him without a fight at this level. That’s Julius!”)

I continue onward. This time, a headless knight appeared.

He readied his greatsword and swung it down at me.


The headless knight’s greatsword, as well as his arms and body, were all shattered by the impact.

(“Even attacks from level 50 can’t harm the hero.”)

After that, the small fry below level 100 refused to fight me.

Snap! Crush! Boom!

(“They really found it better to fight each other than facing you.”)

After a while, the road split in two.


“Eh? How do you know where to go?”

(“Because this is my castle.”)

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I realized what the deja vu was about.

(“The school seems to have been remodeled and reused from the former Demon King’s Castle. I have this place memorized. It is easy for me to guide you.

“That’s reassuring. Please guide me to the location of the item.”

(“The item was probably in the ‘treasure hall.’ It contains vast wealth, and only I know where it is.”)

We headed for the treasure hall. On the way, I was attacked by numerous traps and monsters.

But most of them were not effective against me. After some time, I came to an empty room.

“Hmmm? What’s that over there?”

On a pedestal in the center of the room was a red pebble.

(“It’s just a piece of trash. It has little magic power. It has zero value.”)

“It’s beautiful, so I’ll take it home.”

The moment I lifted the pebble.


A dog with a huge body that you could look up at broke through the wall and appeared.

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The dog had three heads, which was unusual.

The look in its eyes told me it was ready to attack at any second.

“Hm? Do you want me to play with you?”

“””Kya, Kya-uh~………n”””

The next moment, the three-headed dog moved toward me and lay on its back, revealing its belly.

(“You treated the Cerberus as if it was a puppy. You are indeed the hero.”

I rubbed the dog’s belly and gave it some attention.

(“The treasure hall is at the end of this room.”)

“I don’t see anything that looks like a door other than the entrance.”

(“What’s it to you?”)

I proceed to the far wall of the room.

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I create a sword with [Creation] and invoke the skills of the sword saint.

[Void Sword]

It is the strongest sword art that can cut through all things.

“Here I go.”

I swing the sword in a circular motion toward the wall.


Slashing through a wall made of orichalcum as if it were made of butter! As expected of the hero, he’s a fantastic being!’

Going through the hole in the wall, I reached a hall-like place.

‘There are items everywhere. Which ones should I take?’

It’s too much trouble to sort through them. I used the [void sword] and opened another space.

The scattered gold and other items were sucked into the space that had become a chasm.

Not a speck of dust remained.

“Let’s go home.”

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