I finished my breakfast.

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I got prepared to leave for the academy and headed for the exit.

“Huh, brother? Are you going to school?

Gaius is wearing the same uniform as me and carries the same bag.

“Oh, do we go to the same school?”

“… That’s right. You have been saying some strange things since this morning.”

“Then let’s go together.”


Gaius looks at me with eyes that can’t believe it.

“Is there something wrong?”

“I don’t want to leave with you. I don’t want to be with you. I don’t want people to think I’m even related to you.”

He snorts and leaves.

I see; it must be puberty.

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Are you at an age where you don’t like going to school with your older brother?

I followed my younger brother’s lead.

When I went out the front door, two carriages were parked nearby.

Gaius gets into one of the carriages.

“Take the other one, ni-san.”

Compared to my younger brother, it seemed strangely shabby.

As I approached, the driver got down from the driver’s seat.

“Good morning, Julius-sama.”

“Good morning. I’ll be in your care until we arrive at the academy.”
The coachman’s eyes widened like the maid’s when I said my greetings.

Meanwhile, the carriage carrying my younger brother starts moving ahead of us.

Gaius sticks his head out of the window, looks at me, and says, “I’ll go ahead. Come to think of it, if you’re late today, you’ll be on cleaning duty as punishment, so don’t be late.”

My younger brother’s carriage leaves us behind without a sound. Gaius is such a good boy; he even warned me not to be late.

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“Shall we depart as well?”

We both got on the carriage and took a seat. A moment later, the horse started moving.

Rattle. Rattle. Rattle.

“It’s shaking a lot. And it’s very slow. Why aren’t they using any strengthening magic?”

It’s magic that can strengthen the strength of an object and its running speed.

‘In my previous life, it was given to various things because of its usefulness.’

It’s a rudimentary magic that anyone can use, but it was not used here.

It was then.



The carriage suddenly stops.

I looked out the window and saw the coachman sitting by a wheel.

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“I’m very sorry waka sama! The wheels are broken!”

With a face that looks like the world has ended, the coachman bows his head many times.

“Wait a minute. I’ll fix it.”

“I’ll return to the mansion immediately and get the tools…? Aren’t you angry?”

“It’s not your fault, is it?”

With a blank expression, the coachman stands still.

I got out of the carriage and went around to the side.

“The wheel ran on a stone and broke. It’s not a big deal. Let’s fix it quickly.”

I held out my hands toward the wheel.


The broken wheel was restored in a blink of an eye as if it had returned in time.

“Wow, amazing! The wheels are perfectly repaired!? How did you do it!?”

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“Eh, that was just a simple spell. Couldn’t you have done this?”

“No way! I’ve never seen such advanced magic since I was born!”


If it’s just repairing broken things, even a child should be able to do it, right?

I guess he’s not good at magic.

“Come on, let’s continue.”

“But at this rate, you’ll be late for school. This old horse’s legs are… not the best.”

It didn’t take too long to fix, but it seems that the horse that pulled the carriage wasn’t strong to begin with.

I quickly cast [Reinforce] on the horse and wheels.

“Perfect, let’s go.”

The driver sits in the driver’s seat, and I sit in the back.

He whips the horse. Then the horse started running at a tremendous speed.

“Wha–!? This is too fast!”

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