2. Two People 

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“Oh, Seiya-kun.”


Ever since then, we’ve been meeting at this place many times.

We didn’t have any plans to meet, but we arrived at the same time.

“The moon is beautiful today, too.”

Seiya told me with a joyous smile.

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“The moon is beautiful…” I loved the words that came out of his mouth.

A quote I would keep in my heart.

“Mm. It’s pretty.”

Two people watched the moon in solitude.

Sitting next to Seiya, I was able to get a glimpse of his face.


At that moment, Seiya turned to face me.

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In a hurry, I averted my eyes and looked at the moon.

I mean, because you were too wonderful to look at… What can I say?

No way in hell would I utter those words.

So I quickly changed the subject.

“Um… Seiya-kun.”

“What’s up?”

I was delighted to be looking at his gentle face, making my heart skip a beat.

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Ever since then… I… I wonder what’s wrong with me…


The thing about Seiya is, we both like the same things, which I treasure deeply in my heart.

I just can’t figure out what he’s thinking.

“What’s wrong, Mizuki-chan?”

I saw Seiya looking at me anxiously. He caught my worried face.

“Nothing… It’s nothing. Sorry for worrying you.”

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As I said those words, I rejoiced at the thought of somebody concerned about me for the first time.

All I need are his words.

The kindness that has saved me countless times.

Even when work gets tough, meeting Seiya alleviates the pain.

Every single time we see each other, I feel better.

I want to help Seiya when he’s in tough times. I want to be his helping hand.

While thinking so, two people gazed up upon the moon surrounded by the sounds of the night breeze.

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