The Feeling Known As Love

Chapter Prologue

My Favorite Place

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 kkklakey  The Feeling Known As Love  October 9, 2018 1 Minute


The whispered word disappeared into the darkness.

I looked up at a dark sky brightened by countless little lights.

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The moon shone its gentle, white rays of light onto me and my surroundings.

Tears formed in my eyes as I began to unintentionally cry, but I held them in.

After thinking, I decided it couldn’t be helped, but I began to question myself once again.

I think that it was “good” that I met him.

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No, something else. I was happy.

I was able to meet such a person.

I know I will never come across someone like him in the future.

But, these feelings… I will never be able to reach him with it.

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Why is it already set in stone?

Well that’s because I’ll be going to a distant place, far away from this world.

I should have known… I would’ve enjoyed it more.

I didn’t want something as superficial as friendship. I wanted love.

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I couldn’t understand because I have zero romance experience, but…

This is “love.”

I can’t say my farewells just yet.

If you say it, I will break.

I feel I have already missed the right timing, but I still can’t say it now.

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