Recalling the bitter taste of the medicine, Lu Ting frowned again. However, thinking of the violent way which Lin Yueqi force-fed him the medicine, he decided to submit under her authority and swallowed them all in one go.

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Looking at his aggrieved appearance, the cameramen actually felt that this pair had…a different sort of sweetness? What a bizarre delusion.


Inside the warm room, Jiang Mucheng who had already changed her clothes sneezed. She sat by the fire in a daze and a bunch of images were constantly flashing through her mind.

At this moment, the system’s “ding” sounded in her ears.

Very quickly, a laptop appeared on her lap. She opened her laptop and heard a prompt only she could hear. “System reminder: You can use this incident to ruin Lin Yueqi’s reputation.”

As soon as the prompt ended, a private message interface for Weibo’s gossip section appeared on the computer screen. The text in the dialogue box had already been written by the system.

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“Hello, Xiaoba, I’m one of the staff members of ‘Sweet Family Trip’ and I’ve got some material. Help me censor my name. Lin Yueqi was unhappy with the writers of the crew and changed them out. In the end, no screenwriters were willing to write for them…(1000 words omitted in the center). Lin Yueqi must have gotten anxious so she created a scene where one of the staff fell into the water so she could go down and save them. However, the staff couldn’t swim at all. She actually encouraged Liu Yu’s daughter to push down that staff member and that person nearly died. Also, the one who jumped down to save the staff wasn’t her. It was Lu Ting. Lin Yueqi is too much. I really don’t understand why anyone could like this actress. In comparison, I prefer Liu Yu and Ning Hao’s group. They’re like a couple that only appears on TV. It’s romantic.”

After reading what “Revenge Script” wrote, the image of Lu Ting saving her appeared in Jiang Mucheng’s head.

The system seemed to know what she was thinking and scoffed. “Heh, you’re a pitiful character. Your existence is only to compliment the perfect personalities of the main cast. In the eyes of Lu Ting, the male lead, you’re just a small screenwriter. You’re nothing. He only has Lin Yueqi in his eyes. This world isn’t fair. Why can Lin Yueqi be the heroine while you’re the supporting female character? Think about how powerful you could become if you leveled up your script. When the time comes, the world will be all yours, and the leading man, Lu Ting, will also fall for you.”

As she frowned, a set of options appeared on the screen.

—Would you like to send the message?


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Jiang Mucheng bit her lips and held her chest with her hands. For some reason, she could feel a dull pain there.

After a moment of hesitation, she nodded and picked “Yes.”


Two days later, the first episode of “Sweet Family Trip’s” recording ended. As soon as Lin Yueqi returned to A City, Xiao Ke called her urgently to ask, “You didn’t have any writers for your script in the first episode of the recording?”

Lin Yueqi had just arrived at her door and was holding her luggage with one hand and the phone with the other. “Yeah, what’s up?”

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Xiao Ke, “Quick, check Weibo.”

Lin Yueqi hung up and opened Weibo.

Seeing the top searches on Weibo, she saw her name there.

#Lin Yueqi endangering people’s lives just to play hero#

#Poison Empress Lin Yueqi, killing a child’s pet#

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The first topic was an accusation that Lin Yueqi pushed a staff member into the water just so she could act like a hero, and the second accuses Lin Yueqi of shooting Ning Tiantian’s pet rabbit, causing great psychological impact on the little girl.

The first episode was still being edited and post-production would take at least a week. However, under the second topic, someone linked a video of Lin Yueqi shooting the rabbit.

In the video, Lin Yueqi could be seen drawing her bow at a rabbit. However, Ning Tiantian who was standing at the side yelled, “Bunny, run!”.

Lin Yueqi ignored the child’s attempt to stop her and shot the arrow.

The video ended at the child’s scream. Someone commented:

“Lin Yueqi is so possessive, killing a child’s beloved rabbit in front of them. Doesn’t she know that this will traumatize the child? She’s a mother herself but she’s still so narrow-minded. I really don’t understand how someone like this is fit to be a mother.”

“I’m a staff member of the crew. Even though I’m not in charge of Lin Yueqi and her family, I’ve still seen the first-day recording. What can I say about Lin Yueqi and Lu Ting? This pair is so awkward. I hope you guys are prepared for it. Being on the same show, the two of them didn’t even hold hands. They don’t look like a couple at all. They looked like they were just putting up with each other. Also, it’s clear everyone else doesn’t like Lin Yueqi either. Her personality’s too bland. It seems like there’s nothing interesting about her except for her kid. Lin Yueqi shouldn’t have participated in a show like this, it’s an eyesore for the audience. Also! Lin Yueqi is 75 kilos, she looks just like a pig in front of the camera hahahahaha.”

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