In the dead of night, guests and staff members had fallen asleep. Li Murou was still arranging her luggages.

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She remembered the first time that she went inside the forest a few years ago. She had brought seasonings and convenient kitchen tools. But now that she had [Gourmet Food Deity] system, she didn’t need those items anymore.

To chefs, not only was the ingredients important, seasonings were just as important. The main food in this camp was dry bread and canned food. Even if she had skills, she wouldn’t be able to make any delicious food. Under this situation, she could only rely on the [Gourmet Food Deity] system.

Obviously, her actual skills were lacking compared to the system.

With the system, she naturally considered her own skills to be cheap and inexpensive, something that she wouldn’t display.

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Ever since she had the [Gourmet Food Deity] system, she was too lazy to think about how to make food whenever she encountered a little trouble. Sometimes, she’d even forget about the ingredient’s natural taste.

She truly knew how strong [Gourmet Food Deity] system was so she naturally wasn’t afraid of anything.

Not only could the system change everyone’s vision and taste, they could also change the audience’s vision. This was why she was able to become an Internet celebrity with just a few gourmet food videos.

Zhou Qing and Huang Hai were both not used to eating things abroad so they specially brought some hot pickled mustard tuber, ramen, and other domestically produced food.

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In reality, if the system wasn’t attacked, she would also be safe.

Five in the morning on the second day. Before it was even bright outside, the staff members and guests all got out of bed and started packing up, preparing to venture inside the forest.

Early autumn mornings were usually cold and the temperature was quite low.

Lin Yueqi climbed out of bed. It might be because she didn’t sleep well last night but she felt dizzy. The staff members stood outside and called them, “Brother Ting, Sister Qi, Murou finished cooking. Quickly come and eat. We’re having thick bread soup again.”

They dragged the last word out long as if emphasizing some sort of delicious food.

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Lu Ting recalled the fishy scent from last night and couldn’t help but vomit. Lin Yueqi quickly climbed out from her sleeping bag and went to wear her shoes, casually putting her hair up and getting ready to get out of the tent.

Lu Ting pulled her and knitted his brows, exclaiming, “Don’t you dare.”

“Let’s go eat. One can’t function properly on an empty stomach. You’ll become skinny if you don’t eat.” Lin Yueqi said.

Lu Ting hesitated momentarily before saying her unreliable guess, “Li Murour probably knows some plants and medicine. I always feel…a bit strange eating her food. My guess might be ridiculous but my instinct tells me that she has a major part in people getting drunk at Swallow Dining Hall last time. Don’t eat her food in the future. I don’t quite like her. I’m afraid that she will hurt you.”

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Lin Yueqi blinked at him and then gave him a thumbs up. “Old Lu, I have to admire your reasoning. You’ve guessed pretty much right. In reality, she has an extraterrestrial system to help her. After the optimization of the system, the food that she makes will taste incredibly tasty. With this gold finger, I can also make incredible food, and even become the best chef within China and the world too.”

“…” Lu Ting looked at her and then flicked her forehead. “You have a creative imagination. You can consider recording this story and then telling your children about this.”

Lin Yueqi covered her forehead and glared at him. “Just because you haven’t seen some things, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Sister Tuan isn’t that childish. She won’t listen to these stories.”

She turned and took out two cups of ramen from her backpack. She added a soy egg and half a ham. After adding the condiments, she delivered the two cups to Lu Ting and ordered, “Go get some boiled water. I’m going to wash my face and brush my teeth. Right. The cup with the longer ham is mine. Don’t you try swapping or eating my ham.”

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