Fake and Truth (21)

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Whether he has no sense or just doesn’t doubt it. She couldn’t grasp Arthur’s thoughts. Obviously, it was Nox who made the work, but it was Arthur’s side who she was angry with.

She breathed in and began to take a closer look at this space. Except for the cabinet, there were only simple desks and chairs. She searched through the documents, but she didn’t want to read them because only the stories she knew were listed.

She was looking through it with her eyes and saw a piece of paper under the object, raising her body.

“What’s with the number and note next to the item that doesn’t suit him?”

When she unfolded them one by one, it contained a short explanation of Mary and the meaning of the object. As Arthur, it was a really simple content.

“She passed by. Second, Mary.”

Did it pass by? She guessed Mary had met him before.

She began to open the notes under the object one by one. There was no particular interesting content, but it was still meaningful because it was about Mary.

“Second refusal. The 15th Mary.”

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This was a bit unexpected. Along with the letter, there was a handkerchief inside. It was not clear whether it was sent by Mary or Arthur, but considering the contents of the note, it must have been sent by Arthur.

“I’d watch.”

She clicked her tongue on a plain handkerchief. As Nox said, Arthur was a boring human being.

It can be a little patterned or colorful. To be honest, the handkerchief embroidered with only the patterns of the Tayron family in distant embroidery was not good enough.

Rummaging through for a long time. Having lost interest, she began to wander in search of Proserpine. He wandered around and called Proserpin.

“Proserpine are you here?”

Even when she looked around the garden, she couldn’t see him. It was the same when she left the room and came out to the lobby. There was no one other than her.

The store’s space was divided into only two. The same space as the lobby when one opens the door and enters, and the walls with forest-like gardens and cabinets that unfold when one goes inside.

She pushed her head into the corner and called Proserpine, but eventually she didn’t show up.

“What should I do here while waiting?”

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Sitting in a chair, she rolled her eyes with her chin on her hands back, and got up from her seat and headed for the forest. For some reason, she thought there would be a different space if she went inside.

As she walked in recklessly, a bird that was chirping flew in and sat on her shoulder and turned its head around.

The swollen fur was quite cute, so she smiled without realizing it.

“You seem strange, I am also curious about you.”


When she looked around her head at the sound of a cheerful bird, she saw a tree. The red fruit approached the open side, picked a few, and put them on the palm.

The bird walked back and forth on her shoulders, flapping down with his palm and tilting his head.

“It looks delicious. But is it not good?”

Looking at the bird that kept tilting its head without eating, she tilted her head along with the bird without realizing it.

After tasting it from her palm for a long time, he soon began to eat a fruit from his mouth.

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He nodded and whistled as if he was in a good mood, as if he was quite satisfied with the taste.

“You must be in a good mood. Is it a relief that you’re satiated?”

She swallowed a vain smile and stared at the bird eating the fruit.

Before she knew it, the finished bird spit out the seeds and flew away from her palm. With regret, she shook off the seeds in her hand and looked toward the disappearance of the bird.

Soon after, the bird she saw earlier flew in and began to twirl around her and chirp.

It seemed like a signal to follow, so when she nodded, the bird took the lead. She was going to miss it, so she walked fast and diligently chased the bird.

“Wow… What is this place?”

The inside of the place, which used to be like a forest, was more dense. Water was flowing along with the lake, and a few more kinds of flowers were visible.

As the incredible scene continued, there was even a suspicion that she was in a dream now.

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She looked around to find the bird that led her, but she couldn’t see where it went.

“It disappears from time to time… … uh?”

Glitter was scattering over the lake.


This powder certainly looked the same as scattered from the wings of Finn. But not hearing any movement of the wings, she lay still on the grass and looked at the ceiling.

She closed her eyes and listened to the sound of the forest. The sound of leaves shaking in the wind sounded pleasant. The texture of the grass made her whole body drowsy along with the softness it spread over her whole body.

This place, which was so quiet that she couldn’t help but hum, had a strange charm that made her feel comfortable.

“Hmm, hmm.”

A smile spread on her. It wasn’t even a situation to be so easy-going, but she shook off her complicated thoughts in her head with the thought that it would work out.

She didn’t think it’s bad to just close her eyes like this.

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