Forgiveness (9)

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Everyone sat around the table and gathered their heads. No one wanted war. However, opinions were more divided than expected.

“It’s a challenge to the Arpen Empire.”

“That’s right! We have to catch it early. How dare they!”

Some aristocrats are angry at their provocations, while others are.

“You have to soothe it. Even if the empire wins, there are more than one or two things to avoid.”

Those who opposed it made sense. Instead, she was close to the other side. She doesn’t want war, and this is because she thinks there’s no need to bleed unnecessarily.

‘I didn’t think it would be reckless enough to say that I would start a war by building veins immediately like this.’

It was a pity that the prince of a country was so foolish.

“First of all, why don’t you suggest negotiating?”

The prime minister interrupted and said. She doesn’t know what to ask for, but it was the most peaceful way for now.

“What are you going to do if they want something that’s not right?”

“Shouldn’t we listen to it first?”

If she was thinking of using this as an opportunity to achieve what she wanted, she had to know the purpose. It is subsequently subdued.

“You don’t have to bow first in the empire!”

“But what would you do if war broke out like this?”

“Does it mean that the Arpen Empire will collapse?”

Watching this, she pressed down on her throbbing head and said.

“First of all, let’s send a negotiator to hear what they want.”

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“Your Majesty!”

“Duke, are you saying that we should go to the country right now?”

“It’s not that…….”

“The barbarians won’t do that either.”

Silence lingered for a moment, and they looked at each other and soon recalled whether there was any other alternative. When the nobles agreed one by one, the clerk quickly began to organize the documents.

“How are we going to decide who will go to the negotiation?”

“First of all, it may be dangerous, so I’d like to receive applicants.”

“Are there any volunteers?”

Who would apply when they might have to give up their lives?

“If you succeed, you will get a reward accordingly.”

“You can write down that you will make a reward that you won’t be disappointed with. If there’s someone who wants to go.”

Only those who are greedy and courageous will apply. And the consequences must also be endured by the decision itself.

“Is there anything else to do?”

The nobles agreed as if they didn’t have to worry. It was an opinion that they would harm the people of the empire.

She was indeed a little anxious, but there was no other way.

And she heard a voice from the sky at the perfect timing.

She thought the light was shining toward the imperial palace and soon headed to her. Surprised, the nobles opened their mouths and looked at her.

“God will bless Mary Anastasia of the Arpen Empire from now on. The divine power flowing through her body has brought me out, which is why the Arpen Empire will be safe under my protection.”

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‘You’ve made up your mind.’

It was enough to pretend to match the rhythm, but Nox grew the scale as if looking at it. She smiled brightly and calmly shrugged at the nobles.

“If there’s God’s protection, wouldn’t other countries not be able to touch it thoughtlessly?”

It became bright like a halo behind her.

“Stop it.”

That day, the Arpen Empire was in a frenzy. The people cheered, saying that the Emperor, blessed by God, appeared.

Rumors spread quickly. There was a hassle of having to select because people for negotiations said they would go everywhere.

Eventually, a negotiating team of excellent talents went to countries around the world.


She heard a welcome voice next to her leaning against the chair with a tired look. Arthur’s face staring at her from the door looked shaded.

‘Did you notice?’

But she won’t say anything that she admits. It was a site that Arthur knew, too. Nox and him are the ones who signed the contract before her.

“Next month. When this is over, I’m going to hold a ceremony for the Empress.”


“Through this, the Arpen Empire will get what it wants. If the people live a better life, isn’t it a good choice as the lord of a country?”

Certainly, Arthur’s face looked better than what he saw the previous day. It is clear that Nox has taken action against him.

“It’s a relief that your face looks good.”


“Stop calling my name. You’re going to wear it out.”

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Arthur caressed her cheek and bowed his head. His eyes were a little red because he knew what she gave to Nox.

She held Arthur’s hand without saying a word.

“It’s okay, this is also my choice.”


“This is why we have nothing to pay back to each other.”

So she didn’t want him to waste his time hurting her. What he did to her and what she’s done to him.

“Everything will end well.”

“I will.”

Arthur hugged her and gently patted her on the back. She leaned comfortably with her eyes closed for the first time at his touch.

As one wishes, without any complicated thoughts or calculations.


As expected, the situation was favorable to the empire. The kingdoms spared themselves because they thought they might be punished for starting a war in a blessed yard.

“Take care of me like this, even sending a bribe.”

The corners of her mouth were raised on the items of the kingdoms that were piled up. When she saw Arthur staring at her, she thought he was cursing inside, but she ignored it.

Since she turned the devil into a god, he may try to rebel because it is not enough to swear with his eyes if others know.

‘You have to be determined to die.’

Fortunately, no one noticed, so it’s a relief.

Nox will not commit evil, so there will be no trouble with anything else. Those who went to the negotiation showed her the documents saying that it was resolved well.

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‘They won’t forget today’s humiliation.’

Unfortunately, however, she will remain strong until the end. That’s how she ended up doing it.

“Your Majesty, we have not only the goods from the kingdom, but also the opportunity to exchange advanced technologies in each country.”

“The people will like it.”

“It’s a good thing to experience the culture of another country.”

Instead, she understood their anger and decided to show a little consideration. They decided to grant them one thing they wanted.

It was decided to meet each other’s needs by trading legitimate trade and necessary goods.

As a result, it was good for both empires and kingdoms.

“Since you’ve had a hard time, I’ll give the prime minister a few days off.”

“Can I do that?”

“Well, his absence doesn’t mean that the country won’t work, so wouldn’t it be okay?”

Fredio’s mouth caught in her ear. He couldn’t hide his excitement from the vacation he hadn’t had in a long time, and he looked at her with teary eyes.

‘I don’t think he was like that in the beginning…….’

She thought the work had been arduous. She’s sure the cause will come out as a result.

“If something urgent happens, you can call me.”

“I hope that won’t happen.”

How long has it been since he solved a big problem? She patted his shoulders a couple of times as if not to worry.

It seemed like he didn’t trust her, but…….

After this incident, not only the nobles but also the servants of the imperial palace changed their view of her. She used to smile awkwardly, feeling guilty inside.

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