A Man Called the Devil (5)

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Pretending not to know his feelings, she calmly stepped in front of him. His eyes stared at her as if they were going to penetrate her.

She, too, stared at Arthur and spoke softly, bringing her hand to his face.

“I drank when we first met, right?”

Arthur, who put his hand on her hand that was on his face, soon took off the hand slightly and kissed her palm.

“I saw something because of being tipsy.”

It was a lie.

‘For example, something like the devil.’

She couldn’t forget the story she previously heard. She drank, but strangely she wasn’t drunk. Her mind was more intact and her head was full of a man she missed.

‘Maybe he’s nearby. The devil might really exist.’

She remembered an unforgettable eye, a gaze toward her that kept lingering in her head.

Shockingly red eyes. That man.

There was silence in the carriages returning, just like when they came.

Does Arthur know the story of the devil? She was curious. Whether what happens in the territory he controls will be real or just fiction.

“Ah, I heard an interesting story today.”

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Arthur’s unfocused eyes saw her in her voice, breaking the silence. His indifferent expression, as if lost in thought, turned slightly interesting.

“Do you know about the man-eating devil?”

She continued to talk with a fairly serious look, imitating the Lady’s accent that told her the story.

He looked at her with his arms folded loosely, perhaps because he was quietly listening to her story.

“What do you mean? There’s no way that I don’t know who rules this place.”

Seeing his attitude, he seemed to know. She tried to close her mouth thinking that there was no need to talk with a sore mouth.

“Keep going.”

His eyebrows slightly raised at Arthur’s subdued voice.

Is he thinking of comparing it to the story he knows? Or does he want to find a reason to talk about the rumor in her mouth?

“I don’t want to do it anymore.”

“It may not be the story I know.”

She didn’t want to talk about it because she was so excited that she was fooled by his obvious lie. She was just curious about his reaction.

“Do you think there’s a devil?”

“What kind of devil do you think there is?”


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As everyone knows, a general devil? For her, the devil was nothing much.

Everything that threatens her life. The person who took her away. And he was sitting before her eyes, who might make her die again.

“You who say you can kill me at any time. For me, you are the devil.”

He wants to die and kill her. What if he is not a devil who speaks out even though he knows she can’t kill him?

The devil in the story is unknown to others, but at least it was Arthur for her.

Take her heart and give her life. Wouldn’t it be unfortunate if she couldn’t do what she wanted?

Wouldn’t it be if she really fell in love with him? Could it be?

“Come on, relax your face. That’s why I really believe you’re the devil in the rumor.”

He shrugged as she saw his stiff face.

“I wish I was the devil in the rumor. …If I were, you would have been mine.”

Arthur, who quickly changed his expression smoothly, smiled gracefully. His eyes gleamed in darkness. Somehow, she felt creepy.

Arthur’s words made her speechless. She felt like she shouldn’t answer what he said.

As soon as the carriage arrived at the castle, she tried to head straight to the room.

“Why are you in such a hurry?”

“I’m so tired that I’m going to rest in my room.”

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“Stay a little longer.”

Arthur held her hand and headed to the room. When she followed him, she found a dessert along with the tea.

‘Why are you so anxious?’

She looked at him with a strange look. She stared at the food with a suspicious expression, wondering if the dessert had poison.

She lifted a macaron and put it towards Arthur’s mouth.

“If you’re a couple, feed each other like this.”

Arthur picked up the tea and hardened as it was. She saw his eyes shaking slightly. As expected, something has been added.

“What are you doing? Your arms are going to fall off. I’m trying to right now.”

She smiled awkwardly and took it closer to Arthur’s mouth. He smiled at my actions and soon put the tea in his mouth.

“I understand what you’re thinking, but it’s not poisonous, so you can eat it with confidence.”

She guessed it was obvious. She bit the macaron casually. She thought she’s going to choke on the way he looks at her.

“… Do you have anything to say?”

“If you have something to say, can you hold on to it?”

Arthur told her, putting down the teacup. Not really, but as soon as she got here, she was going to call Carl and ask him if he knew anything about the castle.

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“Oh, I forgot. I’m nothing to you yet.”

His eyes shook dangerously again. She drank tea while maintaining her expression. He was nothing, but he wasn’t someone who didn’t matter.

“Except for this.”

Arthur took out the same glass bottle to the table. At his sudden action, she saw him silently.

“Since the medicine is running out, why not keep the promise?”

“This will increase the time I can fall in love with you.”

He put a mask on his face and put a glass bottle in his arms.

“Ah, what kind of person was Mary that you loved?”

“Didn’t I say that?”

Arthur got up from his seat, putting down the teacup. Looking at his behavior, which seemed a little nervous, she still smiled.

“The one I love is you.”

“Then tell me, what love is to you. How much you love me. I’m a skeptical person, so I still can’t believe it.”

After taking a sip of tea, she leaned against the chair and looked at Arthur. She hoped he would fall in love with her a little more.

She wanted his sense to be blurred because he was blinded by his feelings so that her doubts about it would disappear.

She hopes he will misunderstand that she is in love with him, or that feeling will not matter.

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