The third day after the end of training camp is the day when kindergarten starts.

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Qin Yiren had made an appointment with Xu Wenyin to take the child to the kindergarten together, it was just a few steps away anyway.

Just when she knocked on the door and saw the Xu mother and daughter who came out, she felt that her eyes had been hurt early in the morning.

“Wen, Wenyin, what are you doing with so many things?”

Look at these two people. There are three water cups on the bright side, Xu Wenyin two, Xu Youyou one, not to mention the big bags on their backs and unknown things in their hands.

At first glance, I thought it was about to move.

What are you guys doing?

Even Lu Chenjun has big doubts in his small head.

Aren’t you going to kindergarten? It’s like he only brought a water cup and a small backpack, this is because the first day he brought more, unlike Xu Youyou.

Is that a …… bag of fruit she’s carrying in her hand?

Xu Wenyin, who heard the question, was even more confused: “I searched for the items for the start of kindergarten on the Internet. I’m afraid there’s something missing.”

It’s rare that the cubs have to go into contact with more people and go to strange environments, not like at the training camp, where there are only a few people who are not allowed to bring things. Xu Wenyin, who was desperately trying to make money during this time, of course can’t let her cubs be worse off than others in material terms.

She still remembered that in the novel, Zhou Weimin seemed to be nice to Xu Youyou on the surface, but in fact, he just gave a mouthful of rice and a place to shelter her from the wind and rain.

Don’t think about pocket money. Xu Youyou still has to “serve” that prodigal son as their nanny.

Because she has no money and no time, she can only refuse when her classmates ask her to play with them on weekends. Gradually, Xu Youyou’s popularity is getting worse and worse, behind her back, more and more people say that she cold and looks down on others.

Alone until she is in her twenties, Youyou doesn’t even have a good friend.

Now that she is here, of course Xu Youyou can’t be subjected to this kind of torture again, so not only prepared what was said on the Internet, Xu Wenyin also prepared a lot of snacks, which can be shared with other children.

She is such a clever little ghost.

Qin Yiren: “…”

She thought of Xu Wenyin’s lack of common sense in some aspects. When Xu Youyou went to training camp, Qin Yiren also dragged Xu Wenyin to the hospital for a checkup, and the doctor used all kinds of advanced instruments and said she was healthy, even healthier than most people.

But the brain is a very delicate thing, and it is possible for such a condition to arise. The doctor only said to recuperate well and not to stimulate the person concerned.

In order not to let the two mother and daughter suffer the strange gaze of the crowd on the first day, Qin Yiren waved her hand and pushed them into the house again.

Lu Chenjun beside her consciously followed in.

He was probably used to the Xu family’s mother and daughter from time to time, he calmly walked to a corner of the sofa and sat down, took out a book from the small schoolbag behind him and began to read.

And on the other side of the sofa…

Qin Yiren: “There’s no need for three water cups! One is enough to pick up water!”

Xu Wenyin: “Eh? Is there water in the kindergarten? I thought they didn’t provide water, so I brought it on purpose.”

Qin Yiren: “…”

Which kindergarten doesn’t even have water now!

Bring a cup is just for more convenience, and you can rest assured if you prepare your own cup, okay!

She just realized that Xu Wenyin also filled all three cups with water, and she was afraid that Xu Youyou wouldn’t have enough to drink.

It is also difficult for her to hang such a heavy thing around her neck.

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At this time, Qin Yiren was possessed like the strictest nanny, taking out unnecessary things.

“Blanket, no need, unless Youyou can’t sleep without this blanket.”

“Building blocks? No need, the kindergarten has toys.”

“Diapers? Didn’t Youyou quit long ago?”

Xu Wenyin whispered, “I read it online …”

Qin Yiren only felt that this month’s sighs would be over.

In the end it took ten minutes for the pile to be reduced to just a few items by Qin Yiren.

A water cup, a small schoolbag with a little snack and a children’s picture book in it.

There is also a children’s watch on Youyou’s hand, like Lu Chenjun’s, which is equipped with a positioning system and a one-button emergency contact, just in case.

Xu Youyou, who was lightly loaded, jumped up and down twice, looked up at Qin Yiren with admiration: “Aunt Qin, you know a lot!”

Qin Yiren smiled and picked up Xu Youyou: “It’s okay. In the future, if you are not sure about anything, you can ask me first.” Don’t make three water cups again!

This is not only said to Xu Youyou, but also to Xu Wenyin, anyway, the two families are so close, and the children will also go to the same kindergarten.

But Xu Wenyin didn’t know what her brain had supplemented. She looked at Qin Yiren seriously: “I won’t lose!”

When it comes to raising cubs, the hardworking system will never admit defeat!

Qin Yiren: “???”

Forget it, you have to be considerate of your girlfriend’s convulsions from time to time.

Seeing that the time to depart for kindergarten was getting closer, the four of them didn’t delay any longer, and went out directly from the underground parking lot. There was a small door at the right exit. Once you went out and crossed the path, it was the gate of the kindergarten, so that you could get less sunshine on the way there.

But when the group came out of the underground parking lot, they were blocked by various cars and crowds on the opposite side.

Qin Yiren frowned slightly.

Even if it’s the start of school, there are too many cars and people here, and many people are carrying cameras in their hands, as if some celebrities are traveling.

This kindergarten, Qin Yiren, had been inspected before. The number of students enrolled each year is fixed at thirty, there are three classes in each grade, with only ten children in each class, and it follows the high-quality small-class route.

Otherwise, it is unworthy of the tuition fee.

And many of the children are from a few neighborhoods around here, so there are no prominent “big shots” here; otherwise, she wouldn’t consider it.

Qin Yiren didn’t want Lu Chenjun to be involved in too many complicated relationships when he was a child. Even though it was inevitable to be born in the Lu family and the Qin family, she still hoped that her children would have a carefree and relatively simple childhood.

If it weren’t for the last performance of the three children in the training camp, Qin Yiren would not have acquiesced when the assistant reported to her the euphemisms of the three families.

Unexpectedly, she had considered all aspects, but there was still an accident at the end.

“Coming, coming!”

I don’t know who shouted in the crowd, and a luxurious RV slowly came from a distance.

“It’s really Gu Yi!”

The voices of discussion in the crowd clearly reached Xu Youyou’s and the others’ ears.

The little girl stood on tiptoe curiously trying to see what was going on in the crowd, but unfortunately her height limited her gaze.

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With Xu Youyou’s short legs, it’s useless to add a chair.

She could only tug on Xu Wenyin’s trouser legs: “Mom, who is here? It seems very powerful?”

Xu Wenyin couldn’t see the specific situation either. Although she didn’t want to lose face in front of the cubs, she just didn’t know if she didn’t know.

“You don’t know Gu Yi?”

It was Qin Yiren’s turn to be surprised.

As a native of Huaguo, it is indeed rare for people who do not know the name of Gu Yi, an international star.

He has appeared in dramas that should have been seen on TV by 70-year-old grandmothers to five-year-old children.

Moreover, although Gu Yi is only in his early thirties, he has been famous for more than ten years. He has endorsed countless products. Even if she has never seen the drama he acted in, she should know the name. Xu Wenyin should not be logical.

“People who aren’t important, didn’t remember.”

Xu Wenyin made a gesture of spreading her hands indifferently.

If you haven’t heard the name, it means that it didn’t appear in the book. Since it’s not someone in the book, why should she know?

All right.

Qin Yiren was persuaded.

But hearing Gu Yi’s name, she did guess a bit why there were so many people here today.

Gu Yi has a son, he should be about three years old, right?

When it was first exposed, many fans couldn’t accept it, which directly caused paralysis of many online social media platforms, but there was nothing they could do.

As for the son’s mother, there is no information.

Now it seems that Gu Yi sent the child to this kindergarten?

How could it be such a coincidence, and she didn’t receive any news before.

To tell the truth, Qin Yiren is not happy about this, she only feels it is troublesome, but now she can’t say anything because of the lack of information.

After sending a message for the assistant to check, Qin Yiren led the three into the kindergarten from the other side, probably because everyone’s attention was focused on Gu Yi, they came in smoothly.

The director waited there early, and when he saw Qin Yiren, he hurriedly greeted her with an apologetic face: “Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Xu, I’m really sorry.”

“Mr. Gu’s children arrived here, I also received a temporary notice yesterday. I don’t know how the news leaked to so many multimedia, but you two can rest assured that our security measures are of the highest level, and we will never let irrelevant people appear in the kindergarten.”

“Mr. Gu also said that it will only be in this half year. It seems that there is a new play to shoot. You …”

Looking at the way the director bowed and apologized while explaining, Qin Yiren didn’t say anything more.

Now that it has become a fact, let’s have a look at it first.

Anyway, if it really doesn’t work, the big deal is to change the kindergarten.

Under the guidance of the director, four people came to the small class where the children were.

Because there had been a delay, they were already late, and the parents of the other eight children were sitting in chairs with their children, waiting for the official opening of the kindergarten.

There were a few familiar faces among them.

“Youyou! Juanjuan!”

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Qian Xin waved his chubby hand and Liu Yanzhi greeted them happily.

“Xu Youyou!” On the other side is Liu Miaomiao, she is wearing a cute princess dress today, it looks like she has dressed up specially, but this does not affect Liu Miaomiao’s movements.

She waved bigger and harder than Qian Xin, the whole person is about to jump up.

Xu Youyou, who didn’t expect to see an acquaintance, was also very happy: “Xiao Pang, An An and Miaomiao, why are you here too? What a coincidence! ”

Lu Chenjun, who heard this, looked at Qin Yiren first, sure enough, there was no surprise on his mother’s face.

Only a certain stupid deer would think it was a coincidence.

Qian Xin: “Yes, I just told An An that maybe you guys will come when Miaomiao comes, but I didn’t think it was true.”

Liu Miaomiao: “I know, I know, this is the one on TV, what is it called?”

Liu Yanzhi added: “Fate.”

Lu Chenjun: “…” Well, there are really dumber ones.

The four little kids hadn’t seen each other for a few days, so they couldn’t stop talking, and they didn’t even need to be arranged by the director. They all huddled together with their parents.

Such movements also attracted the attention of other children and parents.

Actually, when Xu Wenyin and Qin Yiren entered the door with their children just now, they had already attracted a lot of attention.

The reason is also very simple.

The mother is beautiful, the child is cute, not to mention the double appearance attack in front of their eyes, which made many parents spit in their hearts, is this class chosen based on appearance?

Don’t say Liu Miaomiao and Liu Yanzhi before, the two children who appear just now are also the kinds who can shoot advertisements directly on TV.

Even though many parents think their children are the cutest in their minds. But to be honest, there must be some basic judgments. The mother is so beautiful, isn’t it normal to have cute children?

Among them was a child who was crying and didn’t want to come to the kindergarten, but now the crying gradually stopped, and his eyes kept drifting in that direction.

Sure enough, appearance is a thing that kills all ages.

The parents on this side are no strangers to each other, except for Xu Wenyin, they are all acquaintances, so seeing the children chatting happily, they also chatted along the way, but it was mainly between the mothers, occasionally Father Liu and Father Qian would add a few words.

Liu Yanzhi’s parents didn’t come. He came with Qian Xin’s family.

Somehow, the topic between mothers fell on Gu Yi.

Qian Xin’s mother is a slightly plump woman. At first glance, she is a naive woman. Her eyes obviously lit up when she heard Gu Yi.

“I didn’t expect Gu Yi would bring his son here, I’ll have the pleasure of seeing him later, hahaha.”

All right, the identification is complete.

This mother Qian is a fan of Gu Yi.

Mother Liu also pursed her lips and smiled, but she was still a little worried about the media outside. After all, they were all well-known entrepreneurs. It would be unsafe if they were photographed because of this, especially the children.

However, the two men and Qin Yiren also took this concern into consideration.

They have a lot of contacts with the media. They just need to warn them when they go back.

“Oh my god!”

“Gu Yi!”

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Suddenly, a small exclamation sounded.

Xu Wenyin, who had her back to the door, turned around and saw a tall figure.

The person who came was wearing a pair of big sunglasses that covered half of his face, holding a male doll in his hand. At first glance, he had a standard little handsome face.

It is also comparable to Juanjuan.

“Hello, everyone, I’m Gu Yi. I’m sorry for coming so suddenly and causing everyone trouble.”

Gu Yi took off his sunglasses and expressed his apologies to the parents and kindergarten teachers in the classroom, and then the two assistants behind him immediately went forward to distribute the pre-prepared gifts in their hands.

“This is a small thought from me. I hope you don’t mind. After that, those media shouldn’t come…”

Gu Yi deserves to be a person who can stay in the entertainment circle for more than ten years. Just a few words to show the courtesy, and even those who are impatient with the media at first are slowly getting rid of their ill feelings at the moment.

What’s more, there are not a few parents who like Gu Yi, and Qian Xin’s mother is one of the typical representatives.

As a well-known chef, she has seen quite a few big shots, but she really has no resistance to handsome guys.

Father Qian seems to have long been used to it, and he still looked cheerful.

“Mr. Liu, I didn’t expect such a coincidence.”

After greeting everyone here, Gu Yi quickly brought the child and walked straight to Xu Wenyin’s group. He seemed to know Liu Miaomiao’s father.

Father Liu really got up with a smile. He and Gu Yi only met once, so he didn’t expect to be recognized. Since others take the initiative to greet, he naturally couldn’t lose his courtesy.

Soon, Gu Yi pushed his own child in front of Liu Miaomiao and the others.

“Come on, Xiaobao, say hello to everyone.”

Gu Xiaobao, the big name is temporarily unknown.

He whispered hello one by one in order, look at the temper seems a little shy.

Qian Xin and the others had also been taught etiquette a long time ago, so they showed a bright smile at this little friend in a very measured manner, and even Liu Miaomiao didn’t play petty temper.

Don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but Xu Youyou happened to be the last one.

However, Gu Xiaobao, who was able to say “Hello” smoothly just now, suddenly got stuck in Xu Youyou, he couldn’t utter a word after mumbling for a long time, his fair little face was covered with blush.

Xu Youyou didn’t mind, took the initiative to extend her right hand: “Hello, my name is Xu Youyou.”

For those who are good-looking, Xu Youyou would always be unconsciously tolerant, just like Juanjuan at that time.

Unexpectedly, this seemed to frighten Gu Xiaobao instead, his face turned even redder, and his head was lowered as if there were diamonds on the ground.

“You, you, you…”1he is trying to say you here, not Youyou’s name. There were no more words for a long time.

Xu Youyou tilted her head, the little friend does not like to shake hands?

Just as she was about to retract her hand, someone suddenly grabbed her little finger.

Gu Xiaobao seemed to finally have the courage, raised his face that was redder than a tomato, and said tremblingly, “H-hello, my name is Gu Weiyi, I, I am three years old, nice to meet you.”

This introduction is much longer and more detailed than others.

Xu Wenyin on the side couldn’t help but “Wow”, what’s the matter with this little guy, did you like her cub?

1he is trying to say you here, not Youyou’s name.

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