“Why are you back?”

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Qin Yiren put down her chopsticks and looked at the door curiously, but her body remained motionless, as if she didn’t want to get up and give a loving hug to her husband who hadn’t come home for three months.

Hear this!

Lu Weizheng only felt that being cut by the enemy was not as serious as the injuries he suffered now!

Damn, with outsiders around, he can’t lie on his wife’s lap and take the opportunity to complain about her ruthless behavior and then make an inch of it. Bah, this is called strategically promoting the relationship between husband and wife.

“Suddenly I was given a day off, and I have to leave at noon tomorrow.”

Lu Weizheng’s face doesn’t show his inner heart, only a calm and handsome man.

“You two are Miss Xu and Youyou, right?”

Although it is not convenient to answer the phone and receive messages when he is on a mission, as long as there is an opportunity, Lu Weizheng will definitely reply to Qin Yiren’s messages, and of course he is no stranger to Xu Wenyin and Xu Youyou.

But he didn’t expect the relationship between the two families to be so good.

Good enough to feel like they don’t need him anymore!

“Hello, Mr. Lu.” Xu Wenyin got up to say hello, with a polite and alienated smile.

But she was thinking in her mind: Is this the scumbag’s tool man uncle?

The son died, his wife divorce, left himself to pave the way for the scumbag, Isn’t this a proper tool man?

“Hello, Uncle Lu!”

Xu Youyou is more enthusiastic.

It’s Juanjuan’s dad!

In Xu Youyou’s life, no matter in the past or now, the word father is always missing.

Although after having a mother, Xu Youyou felt that it didn’t matter whether she had a father or not, but she was still a little curious when she saw Juanjuan’s father.

The hair is not curly, and the skin is a bit dark, but there is something she can’t say … handsome? It’s a bit similar to the instructor’s feeling, but not quite the same.

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Xu Youyou has a limited vocabulary and can’t find a better adjective. She just thinks that Juanjuan doesn’t look like his father very much.

Juanjuan seems to be more like Aunt Qin.

“Well, you guys keep eating, and I’ll go in and get changed.”

Lu Weizheng nodded, and soon he only left everyone with a dashing back.

In this regard, the kid Lu Chenjun said: It’s all fake! Adults are so hypocritical!

Sure enough, Lu Weizheng, who entered the bedroom, did not start changing clothes immediately, but took out his mobile phone and quickly sent a message to the two people.

For Qin Yiren.

[Wife QAQ, what’s wrong with you? Act so coldly, do you not love me?!]

For the good brother.

[Fuck, young lad, I saw a super cute little girl today, exactly like the girl we wanted back then! I’ll see if I can take a picture later, seriously, I want to trade my son!!!]

After sending the message, Lu Weizheng put down his phone and went to get his clothes and prepare to take a shower.

Speaking of it, no one expected that the lawless and willful second young master of the Lu family in the capital would end up serving as a soldier, and it was the kind of special army that really worked hard, which surprised a large circle of people.

What’s more, many didn’t expect that he had been doing it for so many years, and he really made a breakthrough by himself.

In the past, the Lu family could only be regarded as a first-class family in the capital. They were rich but had limited connections in political circles.

Until there was Lu Weizheng, he had made a lot of contributions at a young age, and the Lu family went to great lengths to pave the way for him, eventually making up for this shortcoming.

If there is no accident, the Lu family can reach a higher level within ten years and become a well-deserved top family.

It is evident that Lu Weizheng’s own ambition.

But because of this, Lu Weizheng is very busy, so busy that he doesn’t go home for more than half a month in a year.

To tell the truth, Lu Weizheng didn’t have much interest in building a career. The reason for the sudden change was mainly Qin Yiren.

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After all, no father-in-law would be willing to hand over his precious daughter to an idle rich N generation, and the Qin family does not lack that little money.

Who knew that the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes, and Lu Weizheng didn’t know if he had a bit of luck in his life. Not only did he achieve his goal by far, but he exceeded it too much, so much that he couldn’t fulfill his dream of having a wife and children on the bed.

Thinking of his father’s expectations and instructions, Lu Wei Zheng sighed.

Three years, and he will persist for another three years at most, otherwise what will happen if his wife really doesn’t want him anymore!

When Lu Weizheng came out again, Xu Wenyin and others had finished eating and were about to leave. She still had some common sense, and she could not disturb the couple’s hard-won reunion.

Lu Weizheng still wanted to take a photo with Xu Youyou to show off to his good brother, but he couldn’t find a suitable reason, so after thinking about it he could only reluctantly give.

After confirming that Xu’s mother and daughter entered their own home, the 32-year-old man finally revealed his true nature!

“Wi ~ Fe~”

He picked up Qin Yiren: “Did you miss me? Did you? Did you?”

“You were so cold to me just now. I’m sad and can’t be coaxed!”

Lu Chenjun on the side: “……”

I didn’t see it, I really didn’t want to admit that this childish man was his father.

Qin Yiren laughed and patted Lu Weizheng’s arm: “Miss you, miss you, put me down quickly! Have you eaten yet?”

Lu Weizheng then smiled: “No, I came straight back as soon as I got off the plane, and I wanted to surprise you.”

As a result, he got a “surprise” instead.

It just so happens that there are still some dishes left, and Lu Weizheng didn’t pay much attention. When Qin Yiren served him a meal, the man finally remembered his son.

He picked up Liu Chenjun and shook him: “Juanjuan, I heard you found a girlfriend?”

“Is that the one just now? You have a good eye, as good as your father.”

Lu Chenjun face was expressionless, his face completely without the joy of seeing his father, there was still a faint disgust: “…… no, put me down.”

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Look, is this what a three-year-old says?

Lu Chenjun didn’t understand, what did his mother like in this man?

“Don’t be shy, I won’t break you up.”

Lu Weizheng leaned on the sofa with a big stride, and by the way put Lu Chenjun on his lap, his hands were so hard that people couldn’t run even if they wanted to.

“Quickly tell Dad how your mother is doing recently? Is there anyone who has no eyes to talk to her? Are you angry? Is there…”


The one who answered was of course Qin Yiren, she put the bowl on the table and rescued her son from Lu Weizheng: “Go eat your meal, don’t play with my son!”

Lu Weizheng came to the dining table obediently, and Lu Chenjun, in order to avoid the next persecution, ran directly to his room and shut the door to isolate himself from the world.

“This brat.”

Lu Weizheng scolded with a smile, but he finally returned to his serious appearance.

The two husband and wife haven’t seen each other for a long time, so of course there are many topics to talk about, and they talked about Xu Wenyin’s mother and daughter.

Lu Weizheng also learned that this is not their first dinner together, and the relationship between the two families is really good now.

Looking at Qin Yiren’s expression, he could tell that she really liked Xu Youyou, and she also sincerely regarded Xu Wenyin as a good friend.

Although Lu Weizheng was happy that someone could accompany Qin Yiren more when he was away so that she would not be lonely, but he also needed to ensure that the other party was harmless, just in case…

From the meeting just now, Lu Weizheng didn’t see anything.

The little girl is innocent and cute, and her mother didn’t have any special reaction when she saw him, and her behavior was normal.

The only thing that was wrong was how he always felt that Xu Wenyin seemed to look at him with a bit of… sympathy when she first looked at him?

Sympathize with him?!

I must have read it wrong.

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He is rich and handsome, his wife is beautiful, and his son is smart. He is obviously the winner in life. Who dares to sympathize with him!

“By the way, your brother’s side ……”

Qin Yiren gave Lu Weizheng chopsticks, look at him, show a “moved” expression first, and then become disgusted, of course not disgusted with him.

It was Lu Weiyao, the eldest son of the Lu family.

Speaking of this young man of the Lu family, he is also a strange existence in the circle.

Of course, there must be no problem with his IQ. Leading the Lu Group is thriving, and he has extraordinary talents in business. Otherwise, the old man would not be able to hand over the group to him.

But it’s …… a bit of a love brain.

Even though his son is already in elementary school, he is still shouting about true love, first love, and white moonlight all day long…

Don’t doubt, this is not one person, but three!

“Leave him alone, he is mentally ill.” Lu Weizheng won’t show mercy to this eldest brother, even in front of his face, he dares to say that.

A group boss for a good reason, not young, where is there so much time to engage in love ah?

“I just hope Haoyu doesn’t look like his father, otherwise I don’t want Juanjuan to take care of the group’s mess.”

If Xu Wenyin was here at this moment, she would definitely tell Lu Weizheng “sadly”: Sorry, your nephew is a more serious love brain than his father, not only a love brain, but also a legal coffee. 1法制咖 Legal coffee means celebrities who drink and drive, hit and run, take drugs, and violate regulations. “咖啡”, in Taiwan’s entertainment industry, means cast, actor, or role. Legal coffee is a star who breaks the law.

That’s right, the scumbag that Xu Wenyin complained about N times, the full name of the male protagonist of the novel is Lu Haoyu, and he is seven years old now.

“I think Haoyu is pretty good, probably not.” Qin Yiren smiled and didn’t comment much on the uncle’s family.

She purposely moved to Jiangcheng not only to try a new environment for Juanjuan, a small part of the reason was also Lu Weiyao.

Even if Qin Yiren didn’t ask about this mess in his family, there were countless people who told her or wanted to hear the latest gossip from her.

Qin Yiren was very annoyed by this kind of thing, and didn’t want Lu Weizheng to be distracted by it, so she simply moved away, out of sight, out of mind.

What should she do if Juanjuan leads astray?

Here the husband and wife are talking quietly, the appearance of Lu Weizheng also made Xu Wenyin think a little more.

1法制咖 Legal coffee means celebrities who drink and drive, hit and run, take drugs, and violate regulations. “咖啡”, in Taiwan’s entertainment industry, means cast, actor, or role. Legal coffee is a star who breaks the law.

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