Mom told her that Aunt Qin came to pick her up today, and she will stay at Aunt Qin’s house tonight!

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Qin Yiren first picked up Youyou with a stride: “Who tied your hair? It’s so beautiful!”

Xu Youyou shook her head happily: “It’s Teacher Xu!”

The six children got up late in the morning, and in a hurry, the maid helped Xu Youyou and Liu Miaomiao tie a simple ponytail.

As a result, when she woke up from a nap at noon, her hair was a mess.

Then Teacher Xu came.

“Youyou likes it so much.”

Yes, this hairstyle is better than Xu Wenyin’s previous one, it’s much more complicated. Two cat ears were created directly with the hair, which looks cute and cheerful.

“Aunt Qin likes it too, Youyou is so cute~”

Qin Yiren smiled and rubbed Xu Youyou with her face: “How about sleeping at Aunt Qin’s house today? Youyou’s mother has something to do.”

“Okay, can Youyou sleep with Juanjuan?”

“Of course, there’s Youyou’s favorite meat for dinner~”

“Wow, Youyou is so happy ~”

Looking at the big and small chatting in front, Lu Chenjun consciously followed behind with a small schoolbag on his back.

At the same time, he was thinking that Xiao Lu’s sleeping posture was good and that it was not impossible if she really wanted to sleep together.

When they arrived at Qin’s house, it was still early for dinner, Xu Youyou and Lu Chenjun were playing with building blocks in the living room, while Qin Yiren was answering the phone on the balcony.

After about half an hour, she walked into the living room.

“Youyou, Juanjuan, we have guests coming later.”

The two little ones looked up at the same time, and Lu Chenjun had a bad feeling in his heart.

“It’s Juanjuan’s uncle, Youyou, did you guys meet yesterday?” Qin Yiren said with a smile.

The phone call just now was her brother’s, and Qin Yiren also learned from her brother what happened in the past two days, and even more so, she knew about the feat Xu Wenyin did yesterday.

At first, Qin Yiren only thought that Xu Wenyin was taking over work from Qin Xiao’s subordinates, but she didn’t expect that Qin Xiao himself was there last night, he came quietly during the day, and had already met Xu’s mother and daughter and Juanjuan in advance.

Look, this brother was hiding it from her.

But the little sister turned out to be such a powerful person, and Qin Yiren expressed her pride.

At the same time, hearing Qin Xiao’s intention to win over Xu Wenyin, Qin Yiren was very principled to refuse to be a lobbyist.

Once the friendship involves interests, it would be very troublesome. Whether he could impress Xu Wenyin was Qin Xiao’s own business.

Qin Yiren also said that Xu Wenyin was not here today. She has a small problem. After staying up all night, she has to sleep the next day. If he was coming for Xu Wenyin, it was recommended to get up early tomorrow.

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Of course, Qin Xiao, who was scolded by his sister in a strange way, would not say so blankly that I wouldn’t come.

He coaxed the little princess in a good-tempered, and said that today he was here to see his sister and nephew, not to talk about business, this just got someone’s reluctant hmm.

“Wow.” Xu Youyou’s eyes lit up: “Uncle Juanjuan! I … ”

She was about to say something, but she quickly remembered what Uncle Juanjuan said yesterday that she couldn’t tell others that she had seen him. Xu Youyou’s eyebrows suddenly wrinkled into a ball, did she ruin uncle’s plan?

Lu Chenjun could see Xu Youyou’s entanglement at a glance, he got up and pulled Xu Youyou’s “cat ears”: “It’s okay, my mother already knows.”

“Really?” Lu Chenjun’s movements were very light, and Xu Youyou didn’t feel any pain, so she didn’t mind the movements of her friend, but she was more worried about “uncle”.

Lu Chenjun put his line of sight on Qin Yiren who was watching the play, and the meaning was obvious: you explain.

Qin Yiren: Pfft.

Her son is so cute!

At five o’clock in the evening, Qin Xiao appeared on time.

He was followed by an assistant, holding a bunch of things that seemed to be gifts in his hands.

“What, you want to bribe me?”

They have been siblings for decades, and they were only three years apart. The relationship between Qin Xiao and Qin Yiren was naturally good, and they didn’t care too much when they spoke.

“Yes, may I ask if Miss Qin will accept it?”

After saying this with a smile, Qin Xiao first rubbed Lu Chenjun’s hair, and then picked up Xu Youyou: “Youyou, do you still remember me?”

Xu Youyou’s eyes drifted over Qin Xiao’s hair: “Remember! You are Juanjuan’s uncle!”

“The little one is so smart.” Qin Xiao smiled and freed one hand to take out a small box from the pile of gifts, “This is a gift for Youyou, thank you for helping me keep my secret.”

Inside the box was a beautiful butterfly hairpin, shiny, which Xu Youyou liked at first sight, but she didn’t take it, but shook her head: “Youyou can’t have it.”

Qin Xiao was surprised: “It’s okay, it’s a small gift from me to Youyou, Youyou doesn’t have to be shy.”

Xu Youyou still shook her head: “But mother said, I can’t accept other people’s gifts casually.”

Xu Wenyin’s original words: Youyou, you have to remember, if a boy who looks ok but hasn’t met a few times wants to give you something, never accept it! It’s definitely a conspiracy.

This was Xu Wenyin remembered that there was such a paragraph in the novel, when Xu Youyou was in her third year of high school, she was entangled by a school bully.

This guy came to harass her every day and brought some breakfast or something. At that time, Xu Youyou was thin-skinned and had low self-esteem; after refusing several times to no avail, she silently accepted it.

Although the main reason is that the Zhou family gave her a small portion of breakfast every day, it was all left over from that “little brother”, and Xu Youyou, who was still in the developmental period and was in the third year of high school, couldn’t eat enough at all. When the school bully said you don’t eat it or throw it under this circumstances, Xu Youyou finally chose to eat by herself.

But this also caused the other girls who had a crush on the school bully to hold grudges, and Xu Youyou’s life at school was even worse.

Xu Wenyin felt that this kind of thing needed to be precautionary, so she repeatedly emphasized it several times.

At that time, Xu Youyou also asked what “conspiracy” was. Xu Wenyin could not explain this to a three-year-old child. She could only say that Xu Youyou would know when she grew up, but it was not a good thing anyway.

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Now, Xu Youyou thought of her mother’s words.

Uncle Juanjuan was very good-looking – but only met once – and then wanted to give her something- so refuse!

Xu Youyou applauded her own intelligence and wisdom, and even called Xu Wenyin twice in her head, as if she wanted to get Xu Wenyin’s approval.

But unfortunately, Xu Wenyin was “absent”.

“Well, what Youyou said is correct.” Qin Xiao didn’t get angry because of this: “It’s true that you can’t accept other people’s gifts casually, but I’m not other people. I’m your aunt Qin’s brother and Juanjuan’s uncle. Youyou thinks I’m other people?”

Hmm? What? What other people?

Xu Youyou was dizzy, how could such a small head like her hold an old fox-like Qin Xiao, three or two sentences were confused, and then she accepted the hairpin in a daze.

And she also accepted a gift for her mother.

Huh, what’s going on?

With a hairpin on her head and a gift box in her arms, Xu Youyou’s big eyes were full of doubts, but there seemed to be nothing wrong.

Who was watching the “Little Deer Being Cheated” Lu Chenjun: “…”

Damn adults, even children were cheated!

Qin Yiren, who was also watching, smiled and touched Xu Youyou’s head: “It’s okay, Youyou just keep it, this guy has a lot of money, there is no need to save for him.”

She saw that the hairpin on Xu Youyou’s head was a small luxury brand. Look at the workmanship should not be expensive; it was estimated to be 30,000 to 40,000.

As for the gift for Xu Wenyin, look at the box to know that it was a certain brand of bag, at most no more than 200,000. For Qin Xiao, who is worth hundreds of billions, isn’t that drizzle?

Besides, this guy wants to recruit talents, so what’s wrong with paying some upfront costs?

If he really succeeds, it’s still his profit.

So, Qin Yiren accepted all the gifts very impolitely, and even directed Qin Xiao to put the gifts in the corner of the living room.

The assistants on the side were trembling, and quickly said that they could come by themselves.

Just in time, the aunt finished cooking, after washing hands with two children, and the four of them sat down.

Because she knew in advance that Qin Xiao was coming, no matter how much he disliked this dear brother, Qin Yiren still asked his aunt to add two dishes, which made today’s dinner extraordinarily sumptuous.

Xu Youyou’s hands were short, and she was not tall, many farther dishes were out of reach, but it didn’t matter, there was Qin Yiren.

“Youyou, try this.”

A shrimp and vegetable egg roll appeared on the plate in front of Xu Youyou.

Xu Youyou skillfully picked it up with chopsticks. Seeing that this roll didn’t seem to be big, she directly stuffed it into one mouthful and began to chew.

Probably because it was really delicious, the little one obviously didn’t say a word, but we could feel her happiness, and her eyes narrowed like a well-fed kitten.

Lu Chenjun stood up silently and took a roll for himself.

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Qin Xiao at the side, looked at it with novelty, also extended his chopsticks to give Xu Youyou a cabbage.

“Thank you, Uncle.”

Xu Youyou was basically not picky eaters and didn’t dislike vegetables that many children didn’t like.

It’s just that the cabbage was a bit long, and the little girl could only eat the cabbage bit by bit like a little rabbit.

Seeing this, Qin Xiao’s right index finger holding the chopsticks moved invisibly. Is this the fun of feeding?

He couldn’t deny that he felt moe.1Seeing someone or something cute that makes your heart melt.

Qin Xiao took another piece of thornless fish, a small meatball and several different vegetables and put them on Xu Youyou’s plate. Watching Xu Youyou wipe them out bit by bit, Qin Xiao didn’t even eat a few bites, he just focused on feeding Xu Youyou.

It was not until Qin Yiren touched Xu Youyou’s round belly, she seriously stopped Qin Xiao’s behavior.

“Go eat your food!”

Qin Xiao could only look at his nephew who was eating expressionlessly, and then two similar faces, one big and one small, met.

Liu Chenjun’s eyes were full of the word refusal.

Thinking about it, he knew that this nephew couldn’t eat as cutely as the little girl, so Qin Xiao could only regretfully move away from the target and go to fill his stomach.

Because she was too full at dinner, Qin Yiren was afraid that Xu Youyou wouldn’t be able to digest it, so she wanted to take the two children downstairs to play for a while.

For some reason, Qin Xiao, who had a lot of work to do every day, didn’t leave right away, but followed them downstairs.

“Wow! Hahahahaha.”

Qin Xiao stood beside the slide, put Xu Youyou up, watched the little girl slide down cheerfully, then bent down to pick her up and repeated the previous action.

It greatly saved time for Xu Youyou to go up the stairs from behind and then slide down, it’s more fun to play.

“Youyou? Who is this guy!”

After thousands of choices, she finally picked out a few cheap and fine quality old broken houses. Just waiting to find the time to do it, Xu Wenyin then remembered Xu Youyou who is being cared in Qin Yiren’s house.

This point should have already eaten dinner, she wondered what Youyou is doing now.

Xu Wenyin, who was guessing, just switched her sight, she saw Xu Youyou being held by a strange man.

Xu Wen Yin: “!!!” Human traffickers!

She has long heard that traffickers would pick cute and beautiful children and sell them to the depths of mountains and forests for abuse. She didn’t expect that she had just left for a while Xu Youyou had an accident.

But before Xu Wenyin thought out a hundred tricks to beat the traffickers, Xu Youyou’s explanation had arrived first.

“Mom!” Xu Youyou’s voice was full of joy: “He is Juanjuan’s uncle!”

Lu Chenjun’s uncle?

Xu Wenyin cast a glance, it really was a big curly hair, he and Lu Chenjun were more like father and son than the biological father and son.

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Since he was an uncle, is that the Qin family? Qin Yiren’s brother?

For this family that was not depicted in the book, Xu Wenyin didn’t know.

All she needs to know was that this person was not a human trafficker.

After the alarm was lifted, Xu Wenyin looked around and found that Qin Yiren and Lu Chenjun were not far away, they seemed to brought children to play.

Then it’s all right.

Seeing Xu Youyou playing on the slide, after Xu Wenyin chatted a couple of sentences and she stopped disturbing the little girl, but choose to focus her consciousness on the computer at home.

She had already found out that, around six o’clock in the morning, someone came to attack her display computer.

Just because it was a decoration, there was basically nothing in the computer, and Xu Wenyin didn’t care.

Now this guy is at it again!

Oh, isn’t this a blatant provocation?

If Xu Wenyin wanted this guy to experience why flowers are so red2it’s a song., write her name upside down!

At seven o’clock in the evening, Qin Xiao left.

Lu Chenjun and Xu Youyou watched cartoons for a while and were then taken by Qin Yiren to wash up separately.

Xu Wenyin’s house had already input Qin Yiren’s fingerprints, so she easily got Xu Youyou’s pajamas.

“Are you sure you don’t need me? Mom’s bed is very big.”

Faced with his mother’s hint, Lu Chenjun’s reaction was to push the person out of the door, then close the door.

When he turned his head, he found that Xu Youyou was already standing on the bed, holding a pillow in her hand, looking at him excitedly: “Juanjuan, let’s play a pillow fight!”

Yesterday at Qian Xin’s house, she hadn’t had enough fun.

Lu Chenjun: “… I refuse.”


A pillow smashed over.

Lu Chenjun’s curly hair shook three times, in the end he couldn’t hold back.


At around eleven o’clock in the evening, Qin Yiren, who was about to go to bed, stopped by to see the two cubs, wondering if Youyou could get used to the new bed.

Quietly pushing open the door, Qin Yiren saw two dumplings huddled facing each other, and their closed eyes and even breathing showed that they were asleep.


Qin Yiren showed an aunt’s smile.

That’s great~ Sure enough, moving to Jiangcheng was the best decision she made!

1Seeing someone or something cute that makes your heart melt.2it’s a song.

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