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The Fortune Teller Sees the Love of the Flower Knight

Uranaishi ni wa Hana Kishi no Koigokoro ga Mieteimasu


I can see the color of that person’s sorrow, the color of joy, pain, and love.

Cyril Vedito, a pharmacist, can see things that other humans cannot. Colors appear above a person’s head that represents their emotions and future. With her white hair and red eyes, she is often treated as a rumored “fortune teller” in town. 

Hector Alderde, the “Flower Knight”, is the most handsome bachelor in town. The man with many loves, is actually not in love with any of his followers. In fact, he even seems to be a misogynist.

By chance, Cyril sees an ominous color above Hector’s head and unintentionally saves him. Hector, who is supposed to hate women, has taken an interest in her, and he comes to visit Cyril’s shop incognito.

Behind his handsome face, Cyril finds out that Hector actually has a big secret. One day, she finds the color of “love” above Hector’s head. And that is…

A clumsy “first love” fantasy of a fortune teller and a beautiful knight!

The light shining through the shaded windows is weak, and the shop is dimly lit even in the daytime. The rows of shelves are filled with medicines, but they do not smell medicinal, and there is a faint, gentle fragrance in the air.

This is a pharmacy. The reason why the shop is kept out of the sun is to prevent the medicines from deteriorating. Incense is burned in order to make the sight of the medicines lined up in the dim light less eerie.

This is “Vedito Pharmacy”. This is the shop that I, Cyril Vedito, have protected since my parents died, and it is my precious home and a memento of my parents. The townspeople call this pharmacy a “fortune-telling shop”, but I don’t like that at all.

Ding Ding. I heard the doorbell at the entrance of the shop ring, and I turned my smile in that direction and said, “Welcome.”

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“Um, I’m sorry…I heard that if you buy something here, you can have your fortune told…”

A timid-looking woman stood at the entrance of the shop with a troubled, embarrassed look on her face. I kept smiling and simply told her, “Please take your time to browse”. I looked at her puzzledly as she began to look at the shelves lined with merchandise, or more precisely, I looked at the top of her head as I pondered.

(What you want me to tell you is… well, maybe it’s a romantic relationship.)

I see things that other humans cannot see. My family is a lineage of healing wizards, and as a result, from time to time, someone is born who can use magic. Furthermore, among them, there are rare ones who can see something special. I am just such a person.

Currently, what I see above her head are thick lines of pink, orange, and indigo. I see these lines above everyone’s head. And these lines are apparently colored to indicate the feelings a person is having and the things that will happen to that person in the future.

For example, if you’re surprised, you’ll see a light yellow line, and if you’re sad or something sad happens, you’ll see a blue line. That’s what it means.

The length of the line can be used to determine the magnitude of emotion or the likelihood that something will happen, but it took me a long time to figure it out.

Since only I can see it, I cannot ask anyone how to tell them apart, and since there are few people I can talk to, it is only natural that it will take time to understand it.

(If there were any memoirs of that brave man left behind, I might have been able to refer to them.)

A long time ago, when there were still many monsters in this world. There is a legend that a hero who came from another world died after saying, “The death flag has been raised!” I think that maybe the hero saw something similar to me. Well, since it’s called a flag, the hero must have seen it in the form of a flag.

However, it is not possible to talk to people who died a long time ago, and even if there were memoirs, they would not be available to the general public. Since there was nothing to refer to, color judgment was based on the accumulation of experience.

When I was a child, I had no idea which color indicated what, but since I’ve lived for eighteen years and looked at it every day, I’ve been able to distinguish most of the lines. Now I can predict a person’s approximate future by color, length, and combination.

(Thanks to that, I ended up being treated as a fortune teller…)

It all started when I inadvertently gave advice to someone who seemed to be in danger, and since then my name has become a bit known as a “fortune teller”…I am a pharmacist, definitely not a fortune teller. It is completely unintentional.

“I’d like this tea, please.”

“These tea leaves cost 200 bells.”

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A soothing herbal tea is placed on the counter timidly. It’s a pharmacy, but it also sells these kinds of daily necessities. Women who come for fortune-telling often buy one cheap item such as tea leaves. As I received her payment, I looked over her head again.

The lines that extend overhead—I call them anticipation lines—there are a mix of events that indicate what will happen and those that indicate emotions. She now has three colors: love pink, joy orange, and indigo anxiety, all of which express emotions.

Of the three colors, only the joy color is translucent. The semi-translucent emotion color indicates emotions that have not yet occurred and are likely to occur in the future. However, only emotions that are very large and can last for hours can be seen as translucent. I’m sure something very pleasant will happen to this woman later…

However, the woman doesn’t seem to know how to discuss the matter, and she shyly looks down, rubs her fingertips fidgety, and doesn’t say anything. At this rate, the packaging and delivery of the product will be finished…It can’t be helped, I’ll decide for myself and speak.

(A future of love, uncertainty, and joy…I think it’s before confession. Or maybe asking someone out on a date.)

That would be successful. This is the expected line for such a combination. The long indigo line, which is the color of anxiety, is probably due to the unpredictable outcome of the confession. That’s why she came to this shop, putting her trust in such things like fortune-telling.

I can’t leave people like this alone, and I end up giving them advice, which is why they treat me like a fortune teller.

“What you’re thinking now, I’m sure it will go well. Have a good future.”

I smiled and offered her the tea leaves in a paper bag. The woman’s eyes widened in surprise, but when she accepted the paper bag, she gave a small smile, as if relieved. I could tell from her reaction that the consultation was not out of my imagination.

“You don’t have to say anything to me, I can tell…just like the rumors say, you’re an amazing fortune teller, thank you very much! I’ll do my best!”

My smile almost hardened. I’ll say it again and again (no, I haven’t actually said it), I am not a fortune teller. She headed for the exit with a lighter step than when she came, bowed her head lightly at the end and mouthed “I’ll be back” as she left.

After the customer disappears from sight, I let out a small sigh. It’s my long-cherished desire to be known as a pharmacist, but I feel it is different to be spreading rumors as a fortune teller. In the first place, I wonder if what I see is that certain. If I try to change my planned behavior, this line of expectation will easily change. What I see is not necessarily absolute. It can easily change if I change just a few choices.

I suppose I could say the wrong thing if I don’t want to make a name for myself as a…fortune teller. I can’t help but answer when someone looks at me with hopeful, expectant eyes. Rather, I can’t lie. I am aware that I am a little meddlesome. It seems that I have a nature that I can’t just leave things alone when there are things I can do.


A woman’s scream from outside made me rush out of the shop. However, the sight outside made me weak. It seems that the voice I heard earlier was not a scream, but a shrieking cheer.

I see a certain very famous knight, who belongs to the knighthood of this country, surrounded by women.

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A knight is a commoner’s dream. It is a kind of existence between nobility and ordinary citizens. It is a dangerous job, but it pays well, is dignified, and if you make achievements, you can even receive a title as a nobleman, although only for one generation. It is a popular profession that women want to marry into.

He is the most famous of all such knights and the one who attracts the most women. He is called the “Flower Knight” in the street, and the reason why such a name has been established is….

“Hey, you butterflies look beautiful today.”

A gentle voice that melts your ears and a sweet smile that makes you want to sigh unintentionally. His softly curved golden hair is tied loosely to one side, which makes him look somewhat sexy. His honey-colored eyes turn to the women who blush uniformly.

It probably all started when someone likened his gorgeous appearance to a flower, but there is also a sense of ridiculing him as a knight of flowers, since he is a man who attracts women. I guess it’s called that because he refers to women who come close to him as ‘butterflies’. I would like to tell them that they are probably just treated as insects by this man who is happy to say, “Oh my, a beautiful butterfly.”

(Above the head of the Flower Knight, there are no colors of love, no colors of joy. Only the color of pain and disgust. Hardcore misogyny.)

Rumor has it that he is a soft-spoken man with many loves, and there are quite a few women who claim to have a relationship with him, but they are probably all lies. I have never seen him–Hector Alderde’s line of anticipation of love grow.

Whether it’s because of his eye-catching appearance or because of the crowd of women who flock to him, he’s the sort of man you can spot at a glance. Six years have passed since he appeared in this town as a young, beautiful knight of sixteen years old, and not once during that time has he shown the color of love. Maybe I’m the only one who knows that Hector, who is said to be a man of many loves, has never been in love with anyone.

(Well, it doesn’t matter to me.)

If there is one matter, it is only to give love advice in the name of fortune-telling to women who are flocking around him and extending the colors of love. None of them have a chance, though, so I have no choice but to advise them to give up.

I came out of the shop thinking something untoward had happened, only to find that the Flower Knight had passed by and caused a commotion. I immediately returned to the shop, thinking that it had nothing to do with me.

I don’t want to get close to such a beautiful person. I don’t want to get into trouble. And above all, he is a knight. That’s more of a reason not to get involved.

(I don’t want the high-ranking people to know that I’m a wizard…. Knights have connections with nobles.)

It’s good enough if you can do something with little credibility called “fortune-telling” that women like. There are dubious fortune-telling shops all over the place, and it’s not uncommon…In the first place, my shop is not a fortune-telling shop.

But it is better not to let it be known that I am a descendant of a wizard – and that I can use healing magic. Because it’s a useful power.

If it’s found out, I will be taken to the castle and locked up. That’s what my deceased parents said. As a child I was just afraid and thought I had to hide my power, but now I understand. This is the power that the ‘powerful’ want. They might even try to keep me in their custody.

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Even so, the medicine I make, which has the power to heal, has a high recovery effect. I have a reputation for being skillful, but for some reason, it is a problem that only the reputation of fortune-telling skills is rising.

In any case, I have no desire to get involved with the country’s knights. If it’s a beautiful knight, all the more reason. I am sure that I will never get involved with him. That was what I thought.


A new series~

Okay, real talk. I know this novel is not going to be accepted by everyone and there might even be some negative ratings or comments but I wanted to try something different.

A male character with an slighty androgynous appearance and the premise of misogyny. This is not the usual fluffy cliché storyline and that’s what makes it interesting for me as a translator. So if this isn’t your own vibe, please don’t throw shade on it. Thanks~

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