I, Cyril Vedito, see lines of different colors on other people’s heads.

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At the time before the shop opens. Checking my appearance in front of the mirror, I felt a little disappointed that I could not see anything above my own head as usual. I can see other people’s emotions and things that indicate the near future, but I can’t see my own at all. It’s a power I don’t know if it’s useful or inconvenient.

(If I could see my own lines…I’d be a little more prepared.)

“Good morning, nice day isn’t it?”

For example, when I leave the shop to put up the “open” sign, there is a customer waiting for me in a dirty cloak with a hood pulled up over his eyes. The customer is the Flower Knight in disguise, a man who is so beautiful that he causes a stir in the world. Or that my mood would plummet at the thought of him being the first customer of the morning. I wish I could predict such things.

“…Good morning, please come in.”

“Thank you very much.”

The face is almost invisible because of the hood, but with a smile on his well-shaped lips, he easily walks into the shop. I want to let out a sigh at his back because I know that I will get into trouble if I get involved with him. Who can assure me that there won’t be any trouble with women’s relationships, mainly being harassed by jealous women or getting stabbed if I’m not careful?

Since I can’t see my own prediction line, I have no choice but to be on the lookout for anyone who might be watching me. Ah, I really wish I could see my near future and the signs of any incidents.

“Your medicine works well, doesn’t it? It doesn’t hurt at all when I apply this.”

“…No, it still hurts, doesn’t it?”

The pain is decreasing, which is probably true because the line is getting shorter, but the soft smile on his face doesn’t fool me.

It is a reality that I would like to pretend I did not see the yellow-green line grow a bit above Hector’s head when he heard my answer.

(I didn’t know this person would be curious about me…)

Instead of the color of disgust that I always saw along with pain, there is a yellow-green emotional color that indicates interest and curiosity. It is definitely directed at me, since I am the only target. Well, it may be unavoidable because it’s known that I have some kind of power, but I’m unwilling to indulge his curiosity.

In order to get him to leave as quickly as possible, I grabbed the empty medicine bottle and immediately begin cleaning it. It is a special medicine that I give him, so I need some time to refill it.

“Please wait in the back of the shop while I refill your medicine.”

“In the back? Oh, there’s a seat. I didn’t notice.”

A small table and chairs are set further back than the counter. This is a space prepared for customers to sample medicines and listen to details about the medicines they want. It is devised with privacy in mind, so that it can’t be seen by other customers by dividing it with a screen.

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However, since this pharmacy often receives many consultations about love, that seat, which I had prepared, is rarely used. The customers who come for a fortune-telling session can talk over the counter.

“It’s nice to have some privacy back here.”

“There may be customers who don’t want people to know they are consulting about medicine, so we have taken that into consider…”

The space is designed with consideration. I was about to say that, but the sound of the doorbell ringing inside the shop made me shut my mouth. Hector seemed to be hiding his presence and quickly faded into the background.

He even hides behind the hood of his cloak, so I guess he doesn’t want anyone to know that he is here at this pharmacy. I am of the same opinion on that one point, so I would appreciate it if he would hide himself. I have to let the visitors leave without letting them know that the Flower Knight is in the shop.


“Good morning. I’m here again today.”

One of the regulars, a woman who frequents this pharmacy, said this with a smile and went to the shelf where tea leaves were lined up. Of course, she was not a medicine customer, but a customer who bought tea leaves and asked for a fortune-telling session.

Looking at the prediction lines extending above her head, it seemed that her romantic relationship was going well. However, there was one color mixed in with the happy lines that was not good. The dark purple color is a prediction line that indicates illness or other physical problems. It is still short, so the illness has just developed, I guess.

“Today, I would like the usual tea and this, please.”

I was presented with herbal tea, which is very popular in this shop and has a calming effect, and nutritional supplements. She has a cheerful smile. Her complexion is not bad, but she seems to be feeling tired.

“… 300 bells please. It may none of my business, but it might be a good idea to see a doctor once.”

I can’t tell what the illness is just by looking at the prediction lines. It could be just a cold, or it could be something much bigger. It is up to the doctor, who is more of an expert than I am, to determine that.

After receiving payment, the product is packed in a paper bag and handed over. The woman who received it looked at me with a somewhat astonished look, and just like that, her respectful emotion was growing. I want her to stop looking at me like that. I can’t do much.

“Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit sluggish, but Miss Cyril really knows everything. Thank you, I will see a doctor soon…Um, by the way… about that…”

“I don’t think there’s anything to worry about if you’re in love.”

“Is that so? Thank you very much.”

I gave a friendly smile at the woman leaving the shop and stopped smiling when I see that the door has closed. Then I resumed the refilling process that had been interrupted.

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Since the medicine that Hector uses is something that erases demonic obstacles, naturally healing magic is applied. Magic potions like this will quickly deteriorate if i don’t put them in a special container to confine the magic. A wizard can wrap a normal vessel in magical power to protect it, but that’s impossible for a normal human.

After transferring the medicine to a small bottle dedicated to magic medicine, I protected it with magic and put a lid on it. With this, the quality and effect of the potion will not deteriorate until the next time it is opened. Once opened, it loses its power in about a week unless the magical protection is reapplied, but the good thing about the magic bottle is that it can last for years if not opened.

Magic power is invisible to normal humans, so I was dignifiedly refilling it with magic power. I felt a piercing gaze, and I couldn’t help but look in that direction.

“…something wrong?”

“I was thinking that you didn’t even give me a friendly smile.”

“It’s too late for that, because you had an attitude of rejection from the beginning.”

Since I am doing business with people, of course I will respond to customers in an appropriate manner. However, I had no time to smile at Hector because of the way we met, or because he became a customer under special circumstances, or because he had an attitude of rejection from the beginning.

“Even so, an accident, a pirate attack, an injury, and an illness? I know many things.”

I was about to stare at his sweet face, or rather, I stared at him for a moment, but I quickly looked away. Staring at the customer is a bad thing in customer service. Even if I’m irritated by someone listening to the conversation with the woman earlier and trying to grasp my power firmly, don’t show it on my face.

“I made a promise, so I won’t tell anyone, but I want to know more about you. I’ll keep it a secret, so can you tell me?”

As expected of a soft-spoken man who is known to be a womanizer. He calmly utters lines that sound as if he is embracing them.

Certainly, when someone whispered such words with a sweet face and voice, it wouldn’t be funny if they thought, “Maybe”, or had expectations, or even took it in a favorable light. Ordinary people who can’t see emotions can only guess the other person’s heart from their attitude.

(When it comes down to it, I am impressed. So this guy knows how attractive he is and has gathered information this way, even though he hates women.)

It is certain that he hates women. It’s strange that the hatred isn’t directed at me, but basically when a woman is by his side, I can see the emotion of hatred, so there’s no doubt about it.

This man is a big liar. He hates women and isolates his emotions and actions, but he is a natural. He tells lies without awkwardness.

Of course he doesn’t feel any guilt. Even through the pain and disgust, he’s always smiling. I don’t know how he got that way, but I sympathize with him. His life probably wasn’t easy.

(Hmm, if there is no reaction, will it really hurt.)

“Sorry, I was thinking. More than that, I have refilled the medicine, so please come here.”

I knew it wasn’t hurtful, so I brushed it off and put the medicine on the counter. I had to get him to pay quickly and leave before another customer came in. It would be a problem for both parties to know that the Flower Knight was coming to this shop.

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“By the way, what is this medicine used for and is it worth this price?”

“It’s a medicinal herb that isn’t sold around here. It requires going a little deep into the forest, so hazard pay is included.”

“Do you go to pick them yourself? You can ask a knight to escort you…”

“Only the wealthy can do that. I’m just a humble pharmacist.”

A knight is a combat professional. Starting with the security of the city, as well as escorting VIPs, they become a soldier in times of war and also exterminates demonic beasts. Hiring such people is expensive, but rich people often ask them to escort them through the forest. It would be meaningless to spare money and lose oneself.

But I’m the owner of a small pharmacy. Even though it’s prosperous, if I ask a knight to escort me every time I enter the forest, I’ll definitely go bankrupt. That is why I must enter the forest with great care and collect with my own hands what I need for my trade.

“Then, I’ll protect you.”


It was so unexpected that I exposed a stupid face. I quickly tightened my expression as Hector burst out laughing.

What is this guy saying all of a sudden? I mumbled something like, “I don’t understand something like this,” but there was no way I could. How could I have expected that a misogynistic knight would have gone out of his way to escort an female pharmacist, just out of curiosity and interest?

“You can gather ingredients safely. If you give me a little discount on the medicine, I don’t need the escort request fee. I don’t know, I think it’s a good idea.”

That would certainly be a good offer. If I can gather medicinal herbs with a knight escort and the price is only a discount on the medicines, I would be happy to accept but…. If it wasn’t for the other person being the flower knight with whom I would have to deal with.

Taking him with me out to the forest to collect things, I feel like everything will end if someone sees us together.

He must be aware of how many women in town are targeting him. I also want him to consider the impact he has on his surroundings.

“I appreciate the offer, but I refuse. Then, I have certainly received the 10,000 bells. The way out is over there.”

“Wow… I didn’t expect it. It’s the first time I’ve seen a lady who refuses the opportunity to be alone with me without hesitation.”

I could tell at a glance that his interest had grown even stronger again, and I struggled to hold back the urge to frown. Why is he interested in me? I want him to leave me alone.

“Well then, call me when you’re collecting.”

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“Hey, wait a minute, what?”

I have a very bad feeling about the words he said before leaving the shop with a smile, but the person disappeared behind the closing door before I had time to stop him.

(…Then, I’ll go out early in the morning for the next collection, I’ll do that.)

Why do I feel like my efforts are wasted even though I can’t see my own predictions? I plopped down on the counter again.

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