Shen Yin is a very careful person. Not only did he cut the pills into smaller pieces, but he also found some dried fruits from somewhere.

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“After taking the medicine, have some of this.”
“It’s sweet.”

Song Tan: “…” Why does she feel like she’s being treated like a child by Shen Yin?

“Be a good girl.”

Song Tan: “…” She can’t continue this act anymore. She can only furrow her brows and reluctantly swallow the divided pills he handed her.

Although it’s an act, taking medicine is truly a painful thing.

However, she’s already accustomed to it since she has taken so much medicine since childhood.

Now, after taking the medicine, Shen Yin has already brought the dried fruits to her mouth.

Song Tan instinctively opens her mouth and bites into the dried fruit.

After it enters her mouth, Song Tan realizes… Shen Yin personally fed her the dried fruit!

Her ears instantly turn red.

Fortunately, after Shen Yin finished feeding her the medicine, he turned around to tidy up, so he didn’t notice Song Tan’s slightly embarrassed expression.

It started pouring rain outside.

Shen Yin glanced outside the window for a moment.

Then he raised his hand and pulled the curtains closed.

Turning around, he saw Song Tan already lying on the bed.

When she noticed him looking over, she weakly smiled at him.

He said, “It’s getting late, and your health is not good. Don’t stay up late.”

Song Tan nodded, then after a light cough, she slowly slid down and laid herself down.

She lay flat on her back, with her hands folded on her abdomen, sleeping straight and stiff.

Shen Yin raised an eyebrow slightly.

This Song Tan… seems nervous.

Is she worried about what he might do?

Shen Yin’s lips curled upward as he lifted the blanket.

He saw Song Tan’s body tense for a moment, then relax again.

“Song Tan.”

Shen Yin spoke up, and after a while, Song Tan responded.

He asked, “Are you cold?”

Song Tan: “…” Why does this sentence sound so ambiguous to her?

She answered, “I… I’m not cold.”

“The weather forecast says it will rain for the next few days, and the temperature will drop. If you feel cold, remember to tell me.”

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Song Tan’s anxious heart relaxed. “Okay.”

Shen Yin asked again, “If I sleep next to you, would you feel uncomfortable?”

Song Tan : “…”

How should she answer this question?

They were newlyweds, and even though it was their first day of marriage, she couldn’t possibly ask to sleep in separate beds, right?

After pondering for a moment, she spoke up, “I used to sleep alone, so it might feel a bit strange at first, but I think I’ll get used to it soon and it will be fine then.”

Shen Yin raised an eyebrow slightly upon hearing her response.

He was somewhat surprised.

He thought Song Tan’s attitude meant she didn’t want to share a bed with him.

After all…

“So, how long will it take to get used to it?”

Song Tan : “…”

Shen Yin had dropped quite a few hints tonight, and even if she wanted to pretend not to understand, she couldn’t.

She said, “Should we take it slowly?”

Anyway, it’s not possible today.

It’s raining outside today.

Whenever it rains, her body is prone to problems.

This time she didn’t have a relapse, mainly because she took good care of herself. But if she overexerts herself, who knows what might happen.

So, tonight is absolutely not possible.

“Okay, take your time.”

After Shen Yin finished speaking, his gaze shifted to the ceiling, thinking to himself: I’ve waited for ten years, a few more days won’t make a difference.

Let him play with them a little more.

After Shen Yin finished speaking, he remained silent.

Song Tan originally wanted to see if he would make any further moves, but she waited and waited, and there was no continuation.

Could it be… he fell asleep?

Song Tan didn’t dare to make a sound either. She was afraid that if she made a sound, it would be seen as some kind of signal.

However, judging from Shen Yin’s appearance, he is probably not the kind of person she imagined.

She relaxed a little.

Song Tan was also tired.

Her body was already weak, and with the medicine she took, she quickly felt drowsy.

Her thoughts became increasingly empty until she entered dreamland.

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Shen Yin thought he would have insomnia.

Every time he returned to the Huo family, he would have insomnia.

Now there was a Song Tan lying next to him, listening to her long breaths, and his eyelids began to feel heavy.

Afterwards, they both had a good night’s sleep.

They slept directly until noon the next day.

Song Tan woke up first.

After sleeping for eight hours, it was like there was an alarm clock inside her body, waking her up.

However, she slept late last night, so she woke up relatively late today.

But what she didn’t expect was that Shen Yin was still in bed…

She just saw a person lying next to her and almost instinctively attacked him without realizing it.

After recognizing who it was, she realized that she was not in the apocalypse world anymore.

She has returned now, and the man lying next to her is her husband Shen Yin, whom she married just yesterday.

Song Tan lay on her side, motionless, observing the sleeping Shen Yin.

Shen Yin, while asleep, had a very peaceful posture, lying straight as if he hadn’t moved all night.

Song Tan’s gaze fell upon Shen Yin’s face.

Although she had been in close contact with Shen Yin several times, she had never observed his face so closely and attentively.

His face was exquisite.

Not the kind of exquisiteness that comes from cosmetics, but a naturally superior bone structure.

Even with his eyes tightly closed, she could still see his thick eyelashes.

Usually, during the day, he wore glasses, so she hadn’t noticed how long his eyelashes were.

At that moment, Shen Yin’s eyelashes trembled lightly.

Song Tan was slightly stunned for a moment and quickly closed her eyes.

Shen Yin woke up.

After he woke up, he glanced at Song Tan, who was sleeping next to him.

Song Tan had closed eyes and naturally didn’t see the smile at the corner of Shen Yin’s mouth.

He had actually woken up much earlier.

After waking up, he felt a bit incredulous.

Every time he returned to the Huo family, he would have insomnia until dawn.

Last night, he had prepared himself to stay awake until morning, but unexpectedly, he fell asleep.

Moreover, the quality of sleep was quite good, and he slept straight through to noon.

This had never happened before.

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He immediately looked at Song Tan, who was sleeping beside him.

Song Tan’s face was rosy, and she looked just like a beautiful doll.

He had to admit that she had some charm.

To the point that he was fascinated and completely forgot that he was still in bed.

Seeing that Song Tan seemed to be waking up, he immediately laid back down.

Then, to his surprise, after Song Tan woke up, she was also observing him.

After he pretended to be just waking up, Song Tan pretended to be asleep again.

Shen Yin got up, glanced at the pretending Song Tan beside him, and chuckled softly.


This Song Tan is quite interesting.

Song Tan waited for Shen Yin to get up before she “slowly woke up.”

She said, “Oh, it’s already twelve o’clock.”

On their first day of marriage, they slept until twelve o’clock…

Is it a bit excessive?

“It’s fine, they can understand.”

Song Tan : ???

Understand what?

Is the meaning what she thinks of?

“Grandfather just got up too. You tidy up first, we’ll have a meal in the main hall later.”

Although the old man just went through a life-and-death situation last night and was now out of danger, the people from the Huo family didn’t leave. Instead, they stayed in the ancestral home.

The ancestral house, which used to be a bit desolate in the past, is unusually lively today.

When Shen Yin appeared with Song Tan, they immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Song Tan glanced at Shen Yin.

Seeing that he was completely at ease, she didn’t care too much either.

After all, Shen Yin was a teacher.

As a teacher, he could stand on the podium and face the gaze of hundreds of people without being affected. So what if there were only a few people here?

As for Song Tan herself…

She wasn’t particularly nervous either.

After all, she had been stared at by hundreds of zombies before and had long cultivated a mind as steady as a mountain.

She held Shen Yin’s arm and walked up to the old man.

The old man had suffered a lot last night, and his face looked pretty bad today.

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But his spirits were still good.

Seeing Song Tan and Shen Yin, both of them had smiles on their faces, the old man asked, “Did you sleep well last night?”

Upon hearing this question, Song Tan’s back tensed slightly, but then she smiled and responded, “I slept quite well.”

Indeed, she had truly slept well.

However, in the eyes of everyone else, her response of having slept well carried a slightly different meaning.

All along, the news that had been circulating was that Song Tan’s health wasn’t great.

She always appeared sickly, and when she was brought into the family, she could only be treated as if she were a revered Buddha.

But unexpectedly…

Their attention shifted to Shen Yin.

Could it be that Shen Yin was the one who couldn’t perform?

If that were the case, it would be understandable why he readily agreed to marry Song Tan.

The two of them continued conversing with the old man, unaware of what was going through the others’ mind.

Thanks to the prescription in Song Tan’s hands last night, she managed to pull the old man back from the gates of death. The old man greatly appreciated Song Tan for this.

Mere appreciation wouldn’t be enough.

He had to give her a reward.

The old man was very generous and directly asked Song Tan what she wanted.

Upon hearing the old man’s words, Song Tan couldn’t help but roll her eyes inwardly.

—If you want to show gratitude, then just give it directly.

Why make someone ask for it?

If she dare to ask something, would he really give it?

“Although Shen Yin and I just got married yesterday, we have become a family. How can a family talk about rewards like this?”

Song Tan still had a smiling face, and her words were very smooth.

“Shen Yin marrying you is truly his good fortune.” The old man still liked to hear pretty words.

Song Tan made him happy with her flattery, and coupled with the prescription she provided, which had a great effect, he waved his hand and said directly, “Since your health is not good and Shen Yin isn’t working in the company, I’ll give you one percent of Huo’s company shares. How about that?”

One percent of the shares.

Upon hearing this, Song Tan hadn’t reacted yet, but the others’ reactions were big.

One percent of the shares.

Has the old man gone crazy?

Author’s note:

Shen Yin : I’m pretending to sleep.

Song Tan : I’m also pretending to sleep.

Shen Yin & Song Tan : The two of us are a match made in heaven.

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