“This gentleman…”

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Everyone followed her finger and looked in the direction she pointed.

“Who is it?”

“We are all standing here, why is she pointing over there?”

The direction she pointed was slightly off, deviating from the area where the Huo family members was standing.

And, in that direction, there was only one person standing: Shen Yin, who was currently looking at the flowers…

Wait a minute.

Could it be that Song Tan has taken a liking to Shen Yin?

“Miss Song, what do you mean?”

The Huo family members didn’t quite understand Song Tan’s intention and asked aloud.

“That gentleman looks exceptionally outstanding at first glance, so I choose him. Is that not allowed?” Song Tan said, and the faces of the Huo family members varied in expression.

They were truly surprised that Song Tan’s choice fell on Shen Yin, who could only be considered as half a member of the Huo family.

At this moment, the half-member of the Huo family was originally studying the green plants in the Song family’s courtyard. But with Song Tan’s sudden pointing, he instantly became the center of attention, and everyone looked at him.

Shen Yin’s straight back slightly stiffened, then he pushed his gold-rimmed glasses on his face and turned around with a smile.

“What’s the matter?”

Shen Yin’s voice carried a gentle tone, and his eyes towards Song Tan were filled with a smile.

Song Tan also smiled back at him.

“Shen Yin, Miss Song has… chosen you.” Huo family’s butler, Uncle Liu, was caught off guard by this sudden turn of events.

He first explained the situation to Shen Yin, then went to call the Old Master to report.

Upon hearing the butler’s words, Shen Yin raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Song Tan. “Miss Song chose me?”

Song Tan looked at Shen Yin and nodded with satisfaction.


She was very satisfied with her choice of person.

As System 007’s authorities were limited, it could only provide her with information about the plot involving the chosen host, her.

But from the plot it revealed to her, combined with her investigation into the Huo family, she was definitely not wrong in choosing Shen Yin.

Shen Yin could only be considered as half a member of the Huo family.

His mother’s surname was Huo, and his father Shen Guanghua was a university professor.

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Originally, he should have been a talented and outstanding individual, but fate played tricks on him, and his parents passed away early due to accident.

Shen Yin grew up in his Grandfather1‘s house since he was young.

Unlike the other members of the Huo family who went into the company to learn business, Shen Yin chose to teach at the university where his father used to work.

If she had to choose a marriage partner, he would be the most suitable choice.

Look, how gentle this person is when looking at her.

“But my surname is not Huo.”

Shen Yin’s voice still carried a hint of apology.

“You are not a member of the Huo family, why did you come here with them?”

“I came because…”

Shen Yin’s words were interrupted because the butler Uncle Liu came back.

“Shen Yin, Old Master wants to talk to you.”

Shen Yin took the phone, nodded at Song Tan, and then walked aside to answer the call.

Now that Shen Yin went to talk to Old Master Huo, Song Zhiwen pulled Song Tan aside.

“Song Tan, what’s going on with you?”

Although he was unwilling to see Song Tan choose a man like Huo Yanlin, if she chose Huo Yanlin, it would be greatly beneficial to the Song family.

Based on the information he had learned, Huo Yanlin had almost been confirmed as the next successor of the Huo family.

If Song Tan married Huo Yanlin, then wouldn’t the Song family directly board the Huo family’s ship and could do whatever they wanted in the future?

Song Zhiwen thought that Song Tan’s ambitious choice of a marriage partner was in line with his own thoughts.

However, the result was that she chose an inconspicuous invisible person in the Huo family?

As for Shen Yin, he was indeed a good scholar, but the Song family didn’t need a teacher!

They needed a son-in-law who could help the Song family’s business reach new heights!

“No, I do not agree with your choice of Shen Yin.”

When Song Tan heard her uncle’s words, she smiled, “Then who do you choose?”

“Huo Yanlin.”

“You want to choose him for Song Jiaojiao, right?”

Song Zhiwen’s daughter, Song Jiaojiao, had liked Huo Yanlin for a long time.

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Ever since the Huo family proposed a marriage alliance with the Song family, Song Jiaojiao had threatened Song Tan more than once not to choose Huo Yanlin.

Song Zhiwen also wanted Song Jiaojiao to marry Huo Yanlin.

However, the problem was that the Huo family wanted Song Tan.

“If Jiaojiao could choose, would it be your turn?”

As Song Tan listened to these words, her smile remained on her face, but her words carried a hint of coldness: “You also know that this matter can only rely on me?”

She looked at Song Zhiwen, who was full of calculations, and spoke up: “If you want to benefit from this relationship with the Huo family, you have to listen to me, otherwise… I don’t mind ruining this marriage alliance.”


Song Tan sat in her wheelchair, looking frail, but her words were resolute, leaving no doubt about the sincerity of her threat.

“If you don’t want to end up in a deadlock with me, don’t interfere in my affairs.”

As Song Zhiwen listened to her words, he inexplicably felt a chill down his spine. Before he could say anything else, he saw Song Tan turn her wheelchair and leave.

Her figure was still thin and frail, but her threat just now made Song Zhiwen feel that she was serious.

That she truly didn’t mind ruining this marriage alliance.

Song Tan returned to the pavilion where she had met with the Huo family earlier.

It was raining outside today, and she had wrapped herself in a thick cashmere blanket.

However, the cold wind still made her cheeks pale, and she covered her mouth and nose with her hand, coughing lightly twice.

“Have you discussed it yet?”

Song Tan spoke up, her voice not loud, but it inexplicably conveyed a sense of urging.

The butler of the Huo family approached and said, “Miss Song, the Old Master’s suggestion is… would you like to reconsider?”

In order to facilitate her consideration, Uncle Liu, the butler of the Huo family, gave her informations about the Huo family members, including Shen Yin’s.

“The old master suggests that marriage is a big event, and Miss Song may not have a good understanding of them before, so he specially prepared their information for me.”

Among the pile of information, Huo Yanlin’s information was placed at the top.

Song Tan took the information and glanced at Huo Yanlin’s profile.

Indeed, he was quite outstanding.

His reputation was even better than the others.

It would be strange if she wasn’t attracted by him… wouldn’t it?

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Song Tan’s finger tapped on Huo Yanlin’s profile.

Huo Yanlin saw her action and a faint smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth, tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

He knew that Song Tan’s earlier move was just a feint.

Her real target was still him.

But if she chose him first, her ambition would be too obvious.

But if she chose Shen Yin first, the situation would be different.

Old Master Huo would definitely not allow her to marry Shen Yin.

At that time, if Song Tan asked Old Master Huo to choose between him and Shen Yin, Old Master Huo would surely choose him for the prescription.

It’s really a clever calculation.

Although Song Tan’s gaze fell on Huo Yanlin’s profile, she was actually using the system to observe and discuss with it about Huo Yanlin.

【[ou see, he wants me to choose him, but at the same time he feels it’s shameful if I do.]

System 007 (retired version) : […]

The system doesn’t have an ego, but its scanning function has the ability to analyze micro-expressions.

Just now, its data analysis showed that Huo Yanlin’s micro-expressions were: smug and mocking.

Smug should be because he saw Song Tan looking at his profile, making him feel proud.

But what does the mocking expression mean?

Data conflict occurred in 007’s analysis.

Song Tan, after scolding Huo Yanlin, said, [Being so capable at such a young age, we should really erect a monument for him.]

After scolding, Song Tan directly removed Huo Yanlin’s profile and looked at Shen Yin’s profile.

There was very little information on Shen Yin’s profile.

“Mr. Shen is so outstanding.”

All the people present were puzzled.

“He obtained a doctorate degree at the age of 25, so impressive!”

Others : “…”

Indeed, obtaining a doctorate degree at the age of 25 is remarkable.

However, in the Huo family’s company, there are probably many such doctorate graduates.

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So, what’s so special about a young doctor?

“Mr. Shen was able to complete his doctorate degree and is also teaching at the university I admire. Plus, Mr. Shen is very talented,” Song Tan didn’t elaborate further on her words.

However, the people around her more or less understood what she meant.

Is she attracted to Shen Yin’s good looks?

Well, Shen Yin is indeed handsome.

His attractiveness is different from that of the Huo family members.

Most of the Huo family members are involved in business and exude an air of nobility, while Shen Yin has a scholarly demeanor.

He has become the most popular teacher among students at the school where he teaches, just because of his face.

Song Tan is of similar age with Shen Yin’s students, so it’s normal for her to be attracted to him.


Their situation is different from ordinary romantic relationships. This is a business marriage alliance, and she can’t be so willful about it.

“If Mr. Shen agrees, then I will fulfill my promise and provide the prescription as I previously agreed. But if Mr. Shen doesn’t agree, then…” Song Tan expressed regret.

If the person was not Shen Yin, she wouldn’t agree to the marriage alliance.

However, both the Huo and Song families were unwilling.

If there was no marriage alliance, how could the Song family benefit from the Huo family’s industry?

And how could the Huo family obtain the prescription from Song Tan?

For a moment, both sides were becoming anxious.

Only Song Tan and Shen Yin seemed not so anxious.

Song Tan was indifferent about whether the marriage would happen or not.

As for Shen Yin, his expression remained gentle, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Song Tan raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Shen Yin’s reaction.

Author’s Note:

Shen Yin : “I was just admiring the flowers, but ended up picking a wife?”

Song Tan : “I was the one picking my husband, got it?”

rokumi’s note : Fortunately, a novel with Huo Yanlin as it’s ML doesn’t really exist … @@

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