The Game Warrior

Chapter 44

"Hey big brother, do you know where the head of the village is now?"

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"Shit. The white seedlings are telling lies. What happened in the past was...”


"Little brother, do you know where the head of the village..."

"Life is wonderful!"


“Big sister......”

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“What happened to those three people...”


After these meaningless dialogue, Dugu Hong was about to give up. He had never seen such stupid AI in the game the “Martial World”. This AI kept saying one sentence. It was said that such AI had already been outdated over 100 years ago. It seemed that in the “Martial World”, the game developers also used cheap techniques.

The night was finally approaching with the sun almost disappeared in the sky. When he was about to give up asking around and to look for a place to practice his internal strength, there came a person from a distance, “Hey buddy, are you new here?”

“Hmm?! Well." Dugu Hong looked at the person with doubts. He was obviously an npc. But he remembered all the faces in the black seedlings village. This person’s face was not among these he had seen.

"No wonder you kept talking to those idiots for such a long time.” The new person smiled.

“Hey?” Dugu Hong gave a slight glimpse and finally came to realize...

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It turned out that people in the black seedling village were used to sleep in the daytime and act at night. The seedling people needed a lot of different bugs when they train their poison bugs. Those bugs mostly act at night. So during the daytime, real people in the black seedling village only slept in the rooms. There were only a few npcs out wandering in the village.

After understanding the reasons behind, even if independent and rational like Dugu Hong couldn’t control his mood. He felt his face burning like just being steamed.

Fortunately, the AI was not intelligent enough to kick gamers on their back. After checking out Dugu Hong, the black seedling asked, “Hey young brother, coming to our black seedling village means you are our friend. Can you give me a hand?” This sounded like a classic mission routine.

"Sure, sure, of course!" Dugu Hong kept nodding his head like a rattle. It was rare for him to be so urgent.

"I live in refining bugs. But unfortunately there were too few live bugs recently. So I am running out of storage. Could you please help me to get seven live centipedes? This was pretty urgent. It’s better for me to get those centipedes tonight. Otherwise...” Seeing the expression on Dugu Hong’s face, AI’s voice tone also changed. In the “Martial World”, AI were able to interact with gamers. But seeing a cold person like Dugu Hong being so moody, the AI wasn’t sure how to respond.

This was already the second time in the blink of an eye, Dugu Hong didn’t know how to respond rationally.

There was a reason for Dugu Hong’s such reaction. In end, it was because of the dark blue dagger in the Niuhuang’s hand: Wind blade, damage 17-23, speed +10%, weight 100 grams, texture 71, durability 17.

There was no use for this dagger to be in the hands of Niuhuang. The dagger was a lower attacking power weapon. Hence, when Niuhuang was stabbing the group of bees with the dagger, there were a lot of the bees not completely dead.

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There were many kinds of live insects. Keeping them took up a lot of storage space in Niuhuang’s pocket. So Niuhuang gave all the insects he got to Dugu Hong for the time being.

Dugu Hong intended to throw the insect away directly, but was stopped by Niuhuang. He said that the live insects were also medicinal materials. They can't be wasted. Dugu Hong didn’t know if this was true. But at this moment, there were thousands of items in his pocket, most of them were obtained by Niuhuang over the past half a month...


"The mission of bug capture completed, combat experience +237, reputation in the black seedling village +30.”

"The mission of bug capture completed, combat experience +231, reputation in the black seedling village +30.”


Half an hour later, Dugu Hong started reading his system log. The log was full of data, making him have a sense of accomplishment.

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After giving out 1/3 of the live insects in his pocket, Dugu Hong’s level one of reputation was already full and his experience was also leveled up. He guessed that if he handed over all the insects in his pocket, he would have his second level of reputation filled up and would be upgraded to above level 37.

After a little imagination, Dugu Hong followed the instructions of the villagers and walked over to the back of the village, where the village head usually catched his bugs. The village head was the top player of poison bugs. So he had a wide range of area for him to catch bugs, where nobody disturbed him in the hundreds of miles surrounding the area.

Dugu Hong was asking for a reputation task, after completing which he would upgrade to level 2 reputation. He had to keep catching live insects in order not to waste his reputation task points.

Following the fragrance along the way, Dugu Hong felt increased aroma. In the dark night, it was all silent, leaving only the sounds of insects moving.

Dugu Hong bursted his perspective skill to check around. He found that the ground was filled with small insects, all moving along like water in the river. The insect army disappeared along a little slope on the hill.

Dugu Hong had seen dozens or hundreds of insects. But he had never seen so many insects before. Even if each insect could cause only several points of blood drops, if all the insects attacked Dugu Hong together, Dugu Hong’s only ending was to die.

Fortunately, these insects ignored Dugu Hong and bypassed him.

Obviously, that was the territory of the black seedling village head. After taking a deep breath, Dugu Hong held up his nervousness and moved carefully over to the center of the territory stepping on the bodies of the insects...

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