The Game Warrior

Chapter 47

"Look, what is this?" Dugu Hong’s trick of directing attention was just right. Niuhuang immediately ignored what had happened, and proudly took out a jade box from his sleeves. Lying in the jade box was a lazy white fat silkworm, which was as long as two knuckles.

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With every turn, the poison insect would have an enhancement on its attributes, which was accompanied by the enlargement of their bodies. The size of Niuhuang’s white silkworm suggested that it was of three-turn or four-turn.

To evolve to this point, it was not enough to have only luck.

"Nine ingots?" In terms of their current equipment, it required at least six levels of scorpion surgery to produce three-turn worms, eight levels of scorpion surgery to produce four-turn worms. So Dugu Hong inferred that this was a three-turn worm bought from the village host.

"Well, based on current success rate, the three-turn worms are the most valuable. It seems that the white seedlings are expecting medicines for reputation. Old deal. Let’s look for insects and medicines. Let’s go. Hurry.”

"Hey!" Niuhuang sighed. It was both happy and depressing in front of people like Dugu Hong. It was happy because Dugu Hong arranged everything. It was depressing because Dugu Hong left no chance for Niuhuang to shine.

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“What kinds of medicines do we need?”

“The rest are fine. Now I really lack Sanqi medicine…”

“Sanqi medicine?”

Niuhuang saw his companion suddenly stopped with a strange look: "I know where we could find Sanqi, if…this crazy guy didn’t lie to me…”


To the south of the Moon Lake, there was surrounded by an area of high-level monsters. The insects had similar levels with Niuhuang and Dugu Hong. There were also congenital poison insects there.

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Because in the game the “Martial World”, gamers didn’t die right away when their blood points hit zero. It was not until the blood points hit -10% of a gamer’s full level would the gamer die.

The synchronization rate of Niuhuang was more than enough. So the ratio of living insects on his hand was getting higher. Once it reached 30%, especially the congenital poison insects, almost all of them can be screened out. Dugu Hong was pretty amazed.

Dugu Hong himself returned to the old state of one insect per three or four shots. But he still had no living insect under his sword. He still needed some more time to practice.

The two men slashed past all the way, harvesting so much that they almost forgotten their original purpose. They two circled around the mountain several times before they found the right way. This had wasted them several days.

The white seedlings’ insect training method was totally different from that of the black seedlings. The white seedlings used different medicine to feed the insects, pushing the insects to level up. They didn’t have much preference on the insects themselves. On the contrary, they had high requirements on the medicines.

In the past few days, Niuhuang had been madly feeding his insects with medicine. The whiteworm, which was called “baby” by him, had successfully upgraded to level four. From now on, it only needed to be fed on time for it to continue upgrading.

Dugu Hong was full-fledged. He didn’t have specific target to train a certain type of poison insects. He sorted all his insects and ranked them by their levels. In total, he had several thousand pairs of insects.

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Because he was not willing to use the refining incense, his progress was a little slow. But it was a good thing that his worm had leveled to level-six.

They two enjoyed their time killing insects and upgrading. Over this period of them, something big was happening in the outside world. The once a year ‘Martial Heroes Fight’ was about to take place in the Jinlin island of Dali City.

This was indeed big news for the “Martial World”, which never had some big events in history.

Half a month ago, the invitation letters had been sent to all famous gamers. Now all gamers were coming to the mountain of the Dali city. It was said that the Dali city was full of people now.

Of course, some gamers also set up betting houses to have a big bet on the final winner.

In the forum, there were also full of posts about the weapons, the equipment, the levels, the heroes and so on. There were all kinds of different rankings existing in the forum.

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But, none of the rankings were official. All of them were from gamers’ individual prediction.

“After helping you finish several more tasks, I will go back to Dali city. I will come back next time for the rest of the tasks.” Looking at the end of the valley, Dugu Hong said to Niuhuang.

In the end of the valley, there was a field full of Sanqi medicine. It was obviously planted by humans. In the inside of the field, there was an old house.

This medicine was named Sanqi for its three branches and seven leaves.

In reality, Sanqi was a precious traditional Chinese medicine. It was also the main ingredients of the famous Yunnan White Medicine. Some medicine books noted that “Sanqi is the best for replenishing one’s blood”. In games, Sanqi was an extremely rare treasure.

But this was not the focus. The main task was that in the field, there was a seven-turn poison insect, which was only a palm’s size. It was the key task for Niuhuang.

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