The Game Warrior

Chapter 49

This trick was called hitting the dog with its laces. The precondition for the flying poison insect to protect the medicine was the lace. So the flying poison insect could not stand Niuhuang’s interruption and kept rushing over to Niuhuang. But every time when it was about to rush over, Dugu Hong would bend down to keep the flying insect’s attention back on him again.

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Of course, this could not have been easily achieved if Niuhuang didn’t have a high synchronization rate.

Fortunately, Dugu Hong was a nerdy gamer. He never had any mistakes in games. And Niuhuang also got the right synchronization rate and skills for interrupting the flying insect…

Niuhuang’s trick didn’t have much attacking power but it was extremely fast. The flying poison insect’s movement obviously got slowed down and its blood level started dropping. When its blood level fell below 90% of the maximum level, the flying insect would be punished for being injured.

The blood level of insects in the peach tree forests was twice of their attacking level. For poison insects, they had additional 41.4% enhancement on their blood. So it could be inferred that the poison insects’ blood level was a little more than 1,000 points.

“Almost there, keep on!” With Dugu Hong’s reminder, Niuhuang was encouraged. His hands were moving like wind, almost turning into a light in the air.

Those who matched for 100 miles mostly failed at 90 miles. Majority of achievements failed at the final point. The flying insect kept flapping its wings and crawled onto Dugu Hong’s shoulders.

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Before Dugu Hong could react, it had its mouth sucking into Dugu Hong’s flesh. A red flash of -878 points showed up above Dugu Hong’s hand. At the same time, the flying insect had gained 878 points of bloods…

“Sh*t!” Dugu Hong and Niuhuang shouted out at the same time. Neither of them expected that the flying insect was able to suck blood.

Dugu Hong replenished his blood points with medicines in a hurry. He could have almost died right away just now.

The flying insect regained its vein again. It kept circling in the air, making out noises as if it was laughing at Niuhuang and Dugu Hong.

“The Dragon Regrets!” Dugu Hong took back his Meteor Sword and gave out his most powerful strike. Of course, he missed his target. Under normal circumstances, it was super hard for him to hit the flying insect. Let alone now when he was poisoned.

“Well, let it go. I know that there are no bugs in this game.” Niuhuang moved faster with his hands, attracting the flying insect over to him and disappeared in the distance. Dugu Hong now moved as slow as a torte. If the flying insect kept aiming at him, Dugu Hong would die for sure.

“Let’s end it here today…” A few minutes later, when the two gathered at the valley, Niuhuang said so.

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“It’s not my style to leave things unfinished.” Dugu Hong looked over the Sanqi field, as if he was thinking about something. “What happened just now was not a bug in the game.”

“Actually, it was not that hard to kill it. If I have a spare hand…”

“Really?” Niuhuang responded.

“Using the Cangshan Snow Sword and the Xuanbing Qi to reduce its agility level. When it entered its weak state, I have confidence to kill it.”

“Then it would work out if we exchange our roles?”

Dugu Hong turned around to look at Niuhuang. This made Niuhuang feel he was wrong. But he didn’t know what was wrong.

“Two issues. Firstly, are you sure you can hold its attack? Your internal strength is low, with a total blood level of 1,300 points. After being poisoned, you would have less than 700 blood points left. With two poison attacks, you would be dead…More importantly, if I was hit by it, then nobody would be able to protect you.”

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“I trust your ability!” Niuhuang said without hesitation.

“OK. Then secondly, how do we two beat it to its weak state?”

“…” Niuhuang realized that Dugu Hong didn’t have enough synchronization rate. So Dugu Hong could hardly hit the flying insect. Niuhuang himself was the only one who could approach the flying insect.

“So, the result is, we need one more person, who has think blood, ability to harvest herbs and an okay level of operation skills…” Dugu Hong sighed and said, “We probably have to give it up.”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!...”At this time, loud noises came from far away. It sounded as if someone was clapping his hands.

Gamer? Monster? Niuhuang looked into Dugu Hong and they two started to move over to the noise.

When they arrived, the war was coming to an end. They saw a big monk staring his eyes, making thousands of shadows with his big hands. It looked like the Buddha with a thousand hands in the temple, except that in the thousand hands, there were no weapons but flying bugs.

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“Damn endless bugs!” The big monk bent down and murmurded.

“Someone who is able to harvest herbs, with good fighting skills…It seems this monk is a good fit. Are we too lucky?” Niuhuang was puzzled.

“Yeah, I think so too.” Dugu Hong believed so and got out of his grass shield. He greeted the big monk, “Hey, Xiangnuo!”

The big monk was Nuzhishen Junior.

“You are?” The monk had his eyes wide open. Niuhuang burst into laughter.

Dugu Hong then realized that when he was in the Dali City, he had changed his look. So the big monk didn’t realize his current look. He slowly poised the “Dragon Regrets”.

“Oh, it’s you! No wonder you were able to sneak away that day…” Xiangnuo walked close to Dugu Hong and patted on his head. “How did you change your face?”

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