The Game Warrior

Chapter 57

On the east of the moon late, the bright moon was shining in the sky, with its shadow in the lake. It was like two light bulbs, one in the sky, one on the ground. 

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But this was not the most special part. Because what Niuhuang was enjoying had always been the moon itself. 

“Do you still feel that I am lying to you?” Pointing at the sky and the water, Niuhuang said. 

“Yeah. You won. But unfortunately there is not prize.” Dugu Hong was also puzzled. He had his night vision wide open, but he still couldn’t see clearly. 

“Let’s move over to check it out.” Dugu Hong jumped into the lake. 

Standing on the side of the lake, Niuhuang followed Dugu Hong with a long wood in his arms. 

“You don’t swim?” Dugu Hong took a turn and swam back. 

In the 22nd century, swimming was a basic skill. It was hard to find anyone who didn’t know how to swim. In the “Martial World”, those who didn’t swim in real life couldn't swim in the game either. 

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“What? Can’t I?” Niuhuang looked serious. 

“Of course, of course.” Dugu Hong didn’t want to argue with him. He swam over to the bright spot in the lake. 

“Are you sure…You don’t know how to swim?” While swimming forward, Dugu Hong asked Niuhuang behind him again. 

Swimming was like riding the bikes. This was an instinct. Once a person learned to swim, he would never forget how to swim. This was a biological memory. But it didn’t mean everyone swam well. 

But, Niuhuang, who didn’t know how to swim, didn’t fall behind with the help of a wood. 

This surprised Dugu Hong. 

“Nonsense! Why would I hold such a big wood if I knew how to swim.” Niuhuang responded. Then he was shocked, “Look! The bright spot was not like from the lake, it was like reflected from above the water!”

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“Moreover, didn’t you feel that the water is getting colder? I feel like standing in front of a fridge…Maybe that is an ice over there?” Niuhuang couldn’t help but shivered. 

Unfortunately, the answer was surprising. “Congratulations, you are right! That is a piece of ice.” Dugu Hong clapped. 

After they got closer, the target came within Dugu Hong’s vision. 

“Ice?” Niuhuang was shocked. “How could this be possible? This is Dali City. And it’s still summer time. This is absurd!”

“Yeah. I am also wondering…”

After they got further closer, the answer was obvious. That was indeed a piece of ice. 

After they got closer, the answer became even more obvious. It was a giant piece of ice floating on the lake. 

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From the first look, it was like a big head on the lake, with hair floating outside. 

“Silk! That was silk! It’s our next task!” Seeing the ice, Niuhuang yelled. 

“This is silk?” Dugu Hong was a little shocked. He thought it would take him more days before could completed this task. But now the task came to him. 

Dugu Hong swam closer to the ice range. 

“Yes. But the ice was not thick enough. Why don’t you dive deeper into the water. Oh right, the silk is tough. Don’t entangle yourself in the silk.” Niuhuang hurriedly reminded him. 


Beneath the water, Dugu Hong finally saw the full look of the ice. It was a perfect ice ball, of two feet long. The silk, which was almost transparent, floated out from the ice ball. 

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It was hard to see everything clear beneath the water. 

Dugu Hong took out his Meteor Sword and tried to cut the silk. 

It turned out that the silk was indeed very strong. It took at least one minute for him to cut off one silk. 

After 20 minutes, he accumulated enough silk and breathed out deeply. Then he looked over the ice ball unintentionally and was…deeply shocked!

He saw a blurry figure of a women, who was looking at him through the ice ball… 

Right that this time, he heard Niuhuang exclaiming, “Wow! What a beautiful butterfly!”

“Let me tell you another secret. There is a ghost in the water. It’s real. It’s a beautiful female ghost, with a pretty butterfly next to her…” Dugu Hong felt freezing cold. 

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