The Game Warrior

Chapter 64

"Hey," after several minutes, Niuhuang finally remembered to pull Dugu Hong's arms. "Let’s see God!"

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"Don't touch me. I am busy!" Dugu Hong was thinking to himself. Although he had some hunch before he was wet, it was ambiguous at the time. It is evident, although it is from a completely different aspect, but turns his inference into a rigid theory.

But at the same time, there were more doubts overwhelming. If you don't think of one of them, you haven't gotten to the truth. Even if he is wondering, he will be indifferent for a while.

"Because of this, it is more important to look at it." Niuhuang continued to advise.

Dugu Hong simply did not answer the response.

Niuhuang also endured patiently. At first, his head was hurt. The thing he wanted to see was not seen. His patience was already a half-core firecracker. It was a bit bursting. Dugu Hong’s head is topped down.

"Hey!" A muffled sound, a single digit red letter floated on the top of Dugu Hong.

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"What are you doing..." Dugu Hong looked up angrily, but his words were in the wind.

What did he see at this moment? In the center of the crystal clear ice group, there is a beautiful woman lying on the sidelines? !

"Hey, what do you think?" Niuhuang certainly didn't know that he had so many words to let Dugu Hong have so many associations, seeing each other staring at himself, thinking that he suddenly figured out something, casually patted the ice, "This is Lianyi? No wonder there will be a kind of dog blood plot. Hey, it’s really her fate!”

This answer is not difficult to guess, the frozen woman's in white clothes, a Miaojia costume, and has such a look, except for the water can not be others.

There is only such an otter, so that the charm of the country, the battle of black and white seedlings for decades, I do not know how many people die, can explain the pass.

“Did she die decades ago? How come she is here?”

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This problem is that Niuhuang gave the answer: "I have heard that the people in these two villages are used to water burial. Maybe it is the two people..." Niuhuang looked at the old man who was fighting.

"Impossible, if they do, at least it will be expressed, it is even more impossible to throw the tricks like this."

"It is also true." The reasons for Dugu Hong are irrefutable.

However, except for these two people, it is even more impossible for others to be the supervisor of this three-thirds of the land.

Moreover, the thing of the year was obviously... Dugu Hong’s brain was even more chaotic, and the scorpion corpse appeared so strange that it could not be for no reason. There should always be some reasons. What did you not think of? Vaguely, Dugu Hong felt that one of them did not figure it out.

At this time, the battle between the two old men seemed to ease, and they raised their hands, which was many times slower than that of the previous one. Only by the slap in the face of accidental missed hands, how much wave caused on the river surface can be judged, the war between two people Instead of easing, it has become more intense.

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The surface is calm, and the undercurrent is soaring. If you continue to maintain a draw, if you divide it, it will definitely be a situation.

Moreover, the situation seems to be more and more biased towards the water, and this level of fighting, nine turns can not be fully inserted, the number of the number is meaningless.

The old man of Bai Miao was screaming at it: "Golden Bridge, you are really confused, this life needs to be raised with blood. How old are you? If you raise one, you will have three, you have so many. Can blood be fed? No wonder it will not work so soon."

"Fart! Well, since you want to die, let you see and see my results." Jin Yuqiao blushes thick neck, does not fall into the wind, I saw him bite his teeth, a blood spray will come out, hit the chase The three drug lords.

In an instant, the three strange objects of Guri have doubled, and the black body surface seems to have a bloody fog. The three insects screamed and screamed, and swiftly rushed to the water, and the speed was lower than that. Same day.

This blood spurt, Jin Haoqiao's face is pale as paper, but he does not care, will be a vertical, will condense the power of the whole body to the opponent.

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"This is your killer skill?" Although the water cypresses are understated, the whole body is already tight, obviously it is only a hard mouth.

However, without waiting for the result of this stone-shattering blow, a faint white shadow swept past the gap between the two...

The snow-capped golden-spotted swallowtail butterfly even picked this critical moment and broke the blockade between the two.

"Come back!" The two people were shocked and stunned, and they didn't want to fight for life and death. The player who protects the forced player is not hurt by the ice butterfly. This is the program setting, which is higher priority than killing the ice butterfly and the old opponent. task.

However, everything is already late. They are just ordinary npcs. They are programs that survive under the rules. They can't make things beyond the rules. When they are ready to intercept, Ice Butterfly has gone too far.

It turned out to be the case! For a moment, Dugu Hong’s mind was suddenly confused

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