The Game Warrior

Chapter 70

Actually this was not a decision out of expectation. 

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“Internal view!” With a warm stream coming from his head, Dugu Hong started his internal view. 

But he couldn’t see anything. 

“That’s all? This simple?”

“Amiton…” The monk checked out Dugu Hong and sighed, “You already developed internal view.”

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“Actually though there were all kinds of methods to practice qi, the key is only about one thing—balance.”

“Thanks master for your teaching!” Dugu Hong was sincerely grateful. 


The remaining time was purely waiting. Niuhuang continued killing insects. Dugu Hong followed in his back, busy with another job—practice the poison insect. 

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The poison insect was of great use. 

Among all the skills of the poison insect, Dugu Hong was most interested in the tracking skill. 

Unfortunately, things were not that simple. In almost three days, Dugu Hong didn’t stop practicing. But he still didn’t get any results. 

Time passed by like this. It was not until the night of the third day did the two old men come back. Dugu Hong and Niuhuang could finally go to claim their rewards. 

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Black and white Miao Village second-level prestige advanced task rewards: experience value 20000, black and white seedlings reputation 2400, poisonous phlegm medicine experience, 12% of the worms and worms 3, called insects 3 [randomly capture 200 or so live insects].

Dugu Hong: 1 8% refining dish, 3 insect fragrant incense [increasing the worm's phagocytosis rate 4 times, increasing the success rate of smelting 12%], opening the black pea village 2 level shopping authority [4, 5, 6 transgenic drug, call the insect incense, insect scent, embroidered belt, refined seedling knife].

Niuhuang: 8% of oyster dishes, 3 stimulating scented scent [saving 3/4 consumption of mites and drugs, increasing the success rate of grading by 12%], opening the 2nd level of shopping rights of Baimiao Village [4, 5, 6 transfer, call the insect fragrance, stimulating insects, embroidered belt, refined seedling knife]

Ten-turn posion insect hidden task reward: experience value, a large number of prestige, 14% and 5% refining dish 1 dish [14% success rate, 5% speed or reduce the consumption of medicine], 7 turns aunt 1 Selection, insect refining heart through the [Miaojiang secret transmission refining sputum, to raise mites with blood, each level of sputum can increase the success rate by 1%, can learn this life sputum]

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Niuhuang was so happy that he couldn’t stop laughing. Dugu Hong was also excited. 

Niuhuang picked a baby cicada. Cicadas didn’t have special kills but could produce a lot of medicine. 

Dugu Hong also picked a baby cicada for a different reason. He felt that since the ice butterfly was once a baby cicada, cicadas had a higher chance developing into level ten.

But then Niuhuang became unhappy. Because he didn’t have any of the remaining rewards…

Black and white Miao Village merger mission reward: a lot of experience, black Miao village reputation full value, chivalrous value of 3000, adventure value of 200. 

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