The Game Warrior

Chapter 77

Chapter 77 What you did was not good

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The treatment of the Dali sword group was good. The new members were given three green items. 

This was a popular management mode in “Martial World”. Not only for the sword group. It seemed that those three men had spent a lot of time managing the sword group. So Dugu Hong didn’t plan to destroy the sword group. His target was only those three men. 

Of course, Dugu Hong didn’t want to attack in the dark. 

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On one hand, those three men as the head of the group, always had people and guards around them. 

On the other hand, attacking in the dark was useless. In the “Martial World”, killing people only leads to dropping of money and items. The dead gamers would not lose any of their experience points or skills. 

What Dugu Hong was planning was to approach those three men to get his chance. 

After getting ready, Dugu Hong went to look for the gathering point. 

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There were four halls in the sword group—gust, thunder, rain and lightening. 

The master of the sword group, Zhangyang, managed the halls of gust and lightening. The hall of gust took care of Dali’s daily duty. The lightening hall mainly focused on stealing information. 

When all the gamers were ready, the practicing team set off. There were too many such practicing events that nobody was excited or talking. Dugu Hong followed the crowd. 

Their target this time was the Tibetan soldiers in the northwest of the Dali city. 

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These were monsters close to level 50. They usually gathered in three or five in the mountains. They were fierce but stupid. Usually as long as the gamers hid into the grass, they wouldn’t be able to figure them out. 

There were 60 gamers in this practicing team. 2-3 of them were the herbal men, who mainly harvested herbs to replenish the team. 

The rest were the main force to kill the monsters. What was weird was that 30 of them were good at flying so their goal was to attract the monsters. And the remaining 20 gamers were killers. 

So a team of 60 gamers went into the mountain. 

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Looking from up the sky, this team was like a big octopus, with legs searching the surrounding area. 

Such type of practicing was effective. But it was still very slow compared to killing monsters alone. The rewards dropped from dead monsters also seemed to be less precious compared to killing monsters alone. 

Dugu Hong didn’t want to read his experience bar but focused on killing monsters. What surprised him was that he couldn’t see any material improvement on his experience bar. But the gamers around him were all excited and exclaiming that improvement today was so fast…

In the end, Dugu Hong could only tell that these gamers were too stupid so they were very slow in leveling up. 

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