The Game Warrior

Chapter 83

“Everyone, pull back!” Wind Dragon yelled out. In an instant, he had hit Santian several times. But Santian’s wounds were on his limbs. But Wind Dragon was hit on his body. 

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Of course, most importantly was it was time for the reinforcement of the sword group to arrive. 

The attackers pulled back to the same direction in an organized manner. The sword group now was strong and wanted to chase after the attackers. 

There was only one person from the gun group who didn’t move at all.

“Skeleton killer, what are you doing there? Wanna be killed?” Wind Dragon was disappointed. He thought that this time they would for sure win. But things went bad.

Skeleton killer was like waking up from the dream and quickly took his sword back. He looked at Dugu Hong and asked, “What’s your name?”

“Little birdy.”

“Ok, I remember now!” They he turned back and left. 

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On their way back to the town, gamers in the sword group were happy. This was their first time fighting against real gamers. In the end, though it could not be counted as a success, they didn’t lose either. This was worth bragging about. 

Dugu Hong had become the center of everyone’s attention after defeating Pawaluodi and suppressing Skeleton Killer. There were gamers who kept asking him questions about how to improve skills. Dugu Hong kindly answered everyone. 

He didn’t pretend to be nice. It was natural. When he himself realized it, he was also surprised by himself. The last time he enjoyed it in the group of people was…about back when he was in kindergarten. 

Why would he be like this? Dugu Hong was puzzled. At this time, Huang Rong’s face emerged in front of his eyes. Why did he think about Huang Rong? Dugu Hong was even more puzzled. Oh right, it turned out in the seedlings villages, Dugu Hong had got used to teaming up with her. It was all about being used to.

Dugu Hong felt open minded after he figured all these out. He didn’t notice at all the feeling of missing in his mind. 

He didn’t even notice that he no longer felt werid when Lin Ling was talking to him.

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Among the group of people, there was only Santian who had a serious face. He didn’t talk at all. What Pawaluodi said seemed to have hurt him.

When the group of people passed through the city gate, there seemed to be more people around. There was also something different surrounding the city gate. It took them a long time before they realized there was a new candy chain on the side of the city gate—a giant and long stick which chained up something round. 

Those people around the city gate were very interested in the candy chain. They surrounded the candy chain and were talking to each others’ ears.

What kind of candy chain would have such a big attraction? The sword group gamers walked up and were all shocked. 

“Disgusting!” “How could this happen?” “This is terrible!” “It’s sick!”…

Suddenly they understood why the gun group would attack them on their back. 

Dudu Hong stood far behind. He had expected such a result. 

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In every government, there was one service called displaying human heads. That meant the heads cut off could be hanging on the stick next to the city gate and displayed to the citizens. Usually people would not use this service. This was an expensive service. It costed 100 golds for every head to be displayed for three days. 

The heads being displayed in front of eyes was a big threat to all gamers before the martial competition. It was used to dismay the sword group. 

All the heads hanging on the stick belonged to managers from the sword group. 

All the sword group gamers were discouraged seeing those heads. 

“You have already guessed this, right?” Lin Ling looked at Dugu Hong in a weird expression. This person seemed to be familiar to Lin Ling for no reason.

“It is not hard to guess this.” Dugu Hong said. He asked for his own rewards and money and left. 

Santian was called back by the head office. His practice team was discharged. Dugu Hong had his own job to do.

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Wind Dragon walked out of the head office of the gun group in disappointment. After failing his task, he was punished by his boss. But Skeleton Killer was not punished but was praised by the boss. The boss then asked Skeleton Killer for more details about Dugu Hong. 

So Wind Dragon was quite angry now. There was only one thing he would do when he was angry—killing people.

But before he had decided whom to kill, the road in front of him was blocked. In front of his eyes was a face he never wanted to see.

“What…what do you want?” Wind Dragon was first surprised and then relieved. He said, “The good dog doesn’t stay in the way!”

Dugu Hong didn’t want to waste talking with him. He laughed and jumped to Wind Dragon. 

Wind Dragon stepped back quickly. He was always confident in his speed. But he quickly figured out that Dugu Hong’s speed was way faster than his…

When he took out his sword, he was dead… 

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