The Geared Immortal

Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


The gleaming blade of a sword went through and the girl holding it stood confident even exposing her back to her target. She knows, with that move she won't even feel the mortal's flesh being cut by her sword. The overflowing confidence she has with her skills plus the disdain she felt for mortals made her smug on her success in killing her target.

Since she was sure that the lowly mortal is dead, she just sheath back her sword.

"Brother, let's just burn his corpse and pretend that we kidnapped him." Mei Wan said as he turns to look at her brother.

But she was confused by the dumbfounded look on her brother's eyes and even En Bo has an incredulous look on his eyes. Then an ominous feeling and realization overcame her, she didn't hear the body of the lowly mortal falling. She then recalled the feeling she got when her sword went through his head, it was like she hit nothing but air. Then all of a sudden she felt something hitting the back of her head and her vision went black.

"Truly a vicious little bug." Shin Jiao said in a cold tone as he turns his gaze towards the two remaining members of the party.

"You! What did you do to my sister?" Lei Wan shouted in anger.

But hesitation can be seen in his eyes. He is not a fool, he saw what happened back then. What his sister had hit was an afterimage, and only those who can move really fast can do that. If he is to face this mortal man he would truly perish. Deep inside his heart, he laughed at himself, what lowly mortal? This is someone who is acting like a lamb but truly a wolf or even a dragon. But no matter how he sees it, this youth not older than he is in appearance is truly just a mortal. Even when he scans his body using their clan secret technique, which is truly mystical as it can unravel any secret and even expose someone who is trying to hide their cultivation, he still found nothing.

"So young master Wan? Do you want to be next? How about you?" Shin Jiao taunted as he swaps his gaze between the two men.

"No, little brother… I mean senior brother. We… I… I wasn't going to attack you. I'm just here to make sure that they didn't do anything excessive." En Bo said with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Did you kill my sister?" Lei Wan said as he had a gloomy look while looking at his sister on the ground.

"Why? Do you want to get revenge? He, he." Shin Jiao replied with a grin.

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He really wanted to teach these two siblings a lesson. Although they are too excessive and acted like tyrants, still they cannot hurt him. He didn't want to lower himself to their standard. And ever since he turned a new leaf in life from an agent to a researcher, his principle in life also changed. He would not just take any life as long as it is not a threat on his own. He didn't know how powerful the Wan Clan is, or even the Thunder Sword sect but if they will become a threat to his life he didn't mind killing their heads. But of course, provided their leader is not a nascent soul realm cultivator. If he is to face one he would lose more than a layer of his skin.

Lei Wan's eyes became red in anger as his judgment is being clouded by his emotion in turmoil. En Bo upon seeing this made his move by accurately striking Lei Wan's acupoints and making him faint.

"Senior please, excuse my companion for their folly. I assure you that this incident would not be a threat to senior's safety." En Bo quickly cupped his hands in fear.

Shin Jiao just coldly look at him, he noticed that En Bo although is a tranny, but his looks are far too beautiful. It makes him feel a little confused as he continuously looks at the delicate feature in front of him. Then he just shook his head, on earth, there are also transvestites who really look like women with the use of science.

"Go take them away from here. If I find you three loitering in this place, I'll make sure that you won't see the light of day ever again." Shin Jiao said in a cold and emotionless voice.

But deep inside himself, he is laughing.

"Damn, I never get to say these words before. Even when I was working for the country, I would just kill in the shadows. This truly feels good, he, he, he."

"Yes, then senior please excuse this lowly one." En Bo once again bowed and move to carry the two siblings.

But when he was about to lift them up on both arms, a sudden tremor from underground disrupted his balance and made him fall. Before hitting the ground there suddenly something that burst out from under him. A man-sized beast that looks like a fat maggot jumped out of the ground. Its sharp mandibles directly hitting En Bo which threw him upwards with a fountain of blood spewing all over. The two unconscious siblings were thrown away on both sides.

Seeing this made Shin Jiao stunned, but quickly regained his senses as he picks up a stone and with a flick hit the head of the beast and a bloody hole appear. Before it could react it died already not knowing what happened or who hit it. This might be the creature that the mantis is trying to hunt before meeting Shin Jiao. Upon realizing this, Shin Jiao felt a little guilty, although he set this trap up En Bo has no grievances with him and was just collateral damage.

"Sigh… I don't have any bad blood with this guy. I guess helping him is not a problem." Shin Jiao said nonchalantly.

He walks toward En Bo who is lying on the ground. His face is contorted clearly feeling the pain. But when his eyes went to the wound he was stupefied. Because of the large gash of a wound, En Bo's clothing was ripped through and torn apart from stomach to his chest. Some white bones mixed with blood can be seen. Luckily his inner organs weren't hit so he can keep his life. But the thing that he saw made Shin Jiao stupefied. In front of him on En Bo's chest, those clearly are boobs. Is science in this world also advance that transvestite can have boobs? But if that is so, why is he or she wrapping his or her chest with thick bandages which also contributes to saving his life.

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He wanted to ask some questions but he just bottled it up for the meantime and helped En Bo. He did some first aid treatment to the wound. He had no choice as En Bo was unconscious at that time, so he removes his upper garments and uses it to wrap his wounds. Upon seeing En Bo's jade-like skin Shin Jiao made an assumption in his mind that she is hiding her gender, and being a tranny is an ingenious idea.

He rummages through their bags and found some pills, but since there are around 5 kinds he didn't just use them randomly.

After sometime En Bo made some movements.

"Hey, are you awake?" Shin Jiao asked as he sat near her.

"What… What happened? Oww… my chest hurts." She suddenly cried.

"You need to take some medicine, I don't have one on me… There…" Shin Jiao said while rechecking her wounds.

Upon hearing his words, En Bo immediately reaches for her pouch hidden on one of her sleeves. It was a small pouch but suddenly she fishes out a clear red bottle open the lid and drinks the contents, then she slumps back down the ground again.

"Hmmm… that pouch is a spatial tool. This girl is hiding a lot of things even to his companions. They clearly don't have spatial tools as they have to carry these bags." Shin Jiao thought.

He was about to give the bottles to her but didn't have time as En Bo's action was natural and fast. It didn't take too long as Shin Jiao observed the long wound on her chest stopped bleeding. Then after sometime En Bo's eyes slowly open.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Shin Jiao once again asked upon noticing her movements.

"I… I feel a little pained, but after an hour I will be fully healed." En Bo replied still feeling a little dazed.

"Oh, okay. Rest I'll just be here."

"Um…" En Bo wanted to say something when she felt a little cold.

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She then noticed that her upper robe is already gone and her chest was wrapped by something that seems to resemble her robe. She wanted to react but the pain still makes her grit her teeth. Without a choice, she just closed her eyes and circulate her Qi to speed up the healing.

In less than an hour, En Bo felt the wounds on her chest is now closed. She used the concoction her grand master gave her in case of emergency, the blood coagulating potion. She only has 3 of those and she just uses one to heal her wound. It was the first time she receives such a grievous wound so she had no choice but to use it. When she opened her eyes, she immediately checked her body condition. And upon feeling that there is nothing wrong with her body, she heaves a sigh of relief. She was worried that Shin Jiao took advantage of her while she was unconscious. But the problem is that she knows that he already discovered her secret. Before getting up, she grabs a set of robe inside her spatial pouch and put them on after removing the bloody pieces of fabric on her body.

When she was about to get up she heard a rustling sound from the bushes which startled her.

"Oh, you're awake. The medicine you drank is truly miraculous. If you are fine now, then go. I need to go back to the cave." Shin Jiao said nonchalantly upon seeing En Bo already changed her robe.

"Umn… Thank you. I hope that you can keep my secret." En Bo said in a low voice.

Shin Jiao just nods his head.

Although En Bo is a girl still she is already at core forming realm so carrying the siblings along with their stuff is a breeze for her. After seeing that she is already gone, Shin Jiao turns around and walks back to the cave in a carefree manner.

Meanwhile, Cherry Lao has already solidified her cultivation and felt happy with her progress. It has been many months since she stayed in this forest and dark cave. She started to miss seeing other cultivators, the feeling of being smug because she is better than others, the kind 1st elder whom she treats as her father, and the Lotus Clan. Although she had some grudge on the disciplinary committee and her master who wanted her gone, she still felt that lingering feeling. But right now she felt conflicted, on one hand, there is Shin Jiao. He is just a mortal young man but helped her and she owes her life to him. On the other hand, is her dream and ambitions in life. She wanted to talk to Shin Jiao and tell him her thoughts. While in her deep thought, the cave's door moved and slowly opened.

This startled Cherry Lao as she knows how heavy the cave stone door is, no mere mortal could move it. When she saw Shin Jiao she now recalled that Shin Jiao is always able to open this cave door. Now this made her more confused, and a question pops out in her mind. Is he really just a mortal?

"Shin, you're back!" Cherry Lao said with a smile.

The sudden change in her attitude bewildered Shin Jiao once more. Then, he just looks at her without saying a word. He is trying to think of what to say, as he didn't want the cold and aloof Cherry Lao.

"Yes, I didn't get anything today. Just some level 3 beast core." Shin Jiao said after a whole minute of silence.

"Shin, I… I wanted to talk to you about something." Cherry Lao said a little hesitant.

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The two of them sat and talked on the bedside. Cherry Lao explained her dreams and thoughts to Shin Jiao. How she wanted to go back and how she wanted to pursue immortality. She also told him about her dilemma and worries.

"Hey, it's okay. I understand your concerns, if you wanted to return to your sect, I'll go with you there. As a friend, I will do my best to support you." Shin Jiao said after hearing her out.

Then tears fell down Cherry Lao's cheeks, she already felt something for him and told him her concerns about their relationship. But why is he so dense and felt nothing after that still calling her as his friend, she didn't want it, she wants more.

"Shin, I… I like you. But, although we… we can't be together... I... I still..." Cherry Lao said in a low voice while her eyes are filled with tears.

"I know… That's why I didn't say anything. You are pursuing immortality, as for me… I'm not sure what I am yet." Shin Jiao said as he is truly not sure if his cultivation would also give him immortality or he would just be a very strong and powerful mortal.

"What do you mean?" She asked lifting her head. Her beautiful eyes, though filled with tears, sparkles like stars.

"Cherry, I'm not a normal mortal. I am very strong and if I am not wrong, I can even defeat you in a contest of strength. But I don't know why I have this strength, I was just born with it." Shin Jiao explained half-truth.

This is what he plans to say as a cover for his strength. A mortal with an inborn strength of an immortal, just like the Greek hero Hercules.

Upon hearing this Cherry Lao nods in understanding. Her eyes show as if she suddenly understood everything about him. But what ticks her off a little is the proud declaration of this puny mortal that he is stronger than her, a primary stage gold core realm cultivator. She would choose a time to try and teach him a lesson, but for now, she didn't want to ruin the nice atmosphere between them.

"So, you mean you also like me, right?" she asked to confirm his feeling.

Shin Jiao felt a little conflicted right now. Though he won't deny that he felt something special for Cherry Lao but his heart is still closed as he still has a feeling for his ex-girlfriend on earth.

But if he acted like it's nothing then he would be a hypocrite. So he would just let nature run its course. He didn't want to have a lot of woman around him, as he respected women and knows the pain in sharing someone you love with others. So, at this time he decided that if someone likes him, then he'll give his best for her. But if she left then so be it. At least he didn't hurt her feeling by having an affair with other women but instead will just devote his feeling only for her.

Seeing the conflicting look on Shin Jiao's face made Cherry Lao feel a little disheartened. She already told him her feelings, why is he not responding. Although it would not last, still she wanted it, at least for that short time in her life she at least felt loved with no regrets.

When she was about to say something. Shin Jiao moved closer to her and gently grabs her soft hands.

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