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Chapter 4

A pale white jade skin tainted with the dark blood of man and beast lay on the ground. The slight movement of her chest is evidence that she is alive. When Shin Jiao got a good look at her bloody face, he realized that the girl looks like only in her teens. She's maybe 18 or 19 years of age.

Shin Jiao actually noticed this when he first laid his eyes on the girl, but he thought that she's a goner. When she moaned and moved he then realized that she has a chance to live. So he quickly went to her side, checked her pulse and breathing. Then he applied first aid treatment to her wounds, by checking if she had ruptured veins and then binding her wounds using some strands of her clothing to prevent more blood loss. Since he can't just move or carry her, he first made a stretcher from the tree branches. Because his strength is already enhanced he easily carried her inside the cave without a hitch.

Once they are inside, he carefully put the wounded girl on the bed. Since the girl's condition has stabilized evident to her calm and regular breathing, he decided to go out again. He wanted to gather the remaining carcasses outside. It took him a while to find and gather, but after some time he thought he was finished gathering everything, so he decided to go back. But then all of a sudden Shin Jiao was rooted on the ground as a towering wolf is staring at him with its bloodshot eyes and baring its long fangs. Although it's wounded all over its body, it still has its four limbs so it can still fight.

Seeing that he couldn't prevent the clash between himself and the wounded crazed wolf, he gritted his teeth and prepare to fight. He grips the machete on his right hand tightly and he donned a fighting stance.

Upon seeing the human preparing to fight, the wolf seems to snort in disdain. Unknown to Shin Jiao the beast is actually really looking down on him. In this land of Xi, Gubu forgot to tell him that mortals are considered as trashes and is being disdained even by the beasts.

Then as if being insulted by facing the mortal the wolf just rushes forward and slashed its claws wanting to tear Shin Jiao apart. When the wolf moved, Shin Jiao actually discovered that its actions are a little slow. He can actually follow its movements which made him happy. With this discovery, Shin Jiao became confident that he can face the creature without a problem.

As the large dagger-like claws of the wolf came closer, Shin Jiao calm himself down. His experience in fighting and killing from before suddenly kicks in. His eyes and temperament suddenly changed, from being a lamb into a large and ferocious lion. The thick killing intent surrounding him actually startled the wolf, but it was already too late. Then with a slash, Shin Jiao was actually able to cut the limb of the wolf. This made the wolf howl in pain as it fell on the ground as it lost its balance.

Then with a quick move, Shin Jiao stabbed the wolf's head. But the wolf is able to detect this and dodge his strike by a hair's breadth by tilting it to the side. But still the stone machete hit its neck but the wound was too shallow. Shin Jiao jumped back to distance himself from the beast as he was standing too close. Luckily for him, he moved as the wolf suddenly lashed out its other front paw towards him.

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Seeing that it was at a disadvantage the wolf, began to show a hint of fear towards the young man in front of it. Its previous ferocious eyes began to show reluctance and dread towards Shin Jiao. But since it still a mindless beast it then once again rages and wildly attacked him. Although it is limping, its power did not diminish as every part of a tree it hits would shatter. Then Shin Jiao actually noticed that the wolf is different from the others that he collected. Its fur is darker and its head is a bit bigger than others.

"This might be an alpha. I have to be careful, now that it doesn't dare to underestimate me."

Truly the wolf's attacks are far too vicious and cunning. As it always retracts every after an attack of its claws. Shin Jiao would always dodge quickly and waited for an opening. Then all of a sudden, the wolf opened its gigantic jaw and quickly bit at Shin Jiao's direction. He, as usual, dodge it and found himself on the wolf's side. Finding the opening, he quickly slashed upwards tearing the wolf's stomach open. But before Shin Jiao could be happy, the hind leg of the wolf lashed at him like a whip which startled him. He wasn't able to evade and was sent flying towards a tree. Although Shin Jiao's body was strengthened, right now he's just skin and bones. So after the impact, some cracking sound can be heard. His arm left arm and right leg was broken and some of his bones was cracked.

Shin Jiao coughed a mouthful of blood as he gritted his teeth trying to prevent himself from fainting as tearing pain assaulted his consciousness.

The wolf looked at him and as if smiling and satisfied with the result of its sacrifice, it slowly lowered its head and its eyes gradually closed. Its torn stomach bleed profusely along with its intestines gushing out. Then the giant wolf fell on the ground with a loud thud.

Shin Jiao looked at it as it died, while he himself felt the pain all over his body. He knows that he mustn't stay in the open as there might be some other beasts that would pick up the smell of blood. So without a choice, he pushed himself up and dragged his body towards the alpha wolf. He then gathers its carcass in his spatial ring and slowly crawls towards the cave.

"Arrgghh… This is some shitty situation I'm in. How would I close this cave now? Damn…" Shin Jiao thought for a while. Then looking at the water source he decided to crawl there and drink first as he felt a little parched after that fight.

After drinking some water he tore up a part of his shirt to wipe the blood on his face. After wiping himself clean with difficulty, he lay there flat on the ground near the water source, then he fell asleep.

An unknown amount of time has passed, when Shin Jiao woke up. The pain in his body is now gone, and he felt that his body has already recovered.

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"Did my body just heal itself? This is amazing… but…"

Shin Jiao suddenly noticed that the sphere in his dantian has two empty and the last one has ¼ of its contents remaining.

"Oh, so this is my body's auto-recovery function. I will spend natural energy just to regenerate my body. Ha, ha!"

After checking that nothing is wrong with his body, Shin Jiao's gaze went to the girl on the bed who is still asleep. When he was about to stand up, a loud gurgling sound came out from his stomach.

"Geez. I guess I need to eat something first. Hmmm… I have a lot of wolf meat in my ring. Let's try barbecue wolf meat then." Shin Jiao said with a grin.

After closing the cave, he starts a fire using some woods he gathered from outside. Like practiced he prepared a portion of wolf meat. As he is not sure if those things are edible on this planet he just prepared a small portion first. Not long after a delicious smell of grilled meat permeated the air.

"Okay, I think this is good to consume. So… here goes nothing." Shin Jiao steeled his resolve and take a bite of a chunk of meat.

"Wow, this thing is delicious! I didn't even use any condiments or salt, but this taste is heavenly." He exclaimed with his eyes wide open.

So it didn't take him long when the portion of cooked meat was devoured by him. Feeling a little satisfied with what he just had he decided to continue cooking as the small portion is not enough for him. But when he was about to take out another meat, Shin Jiao felt a strong burning feeling in his stomach.

"Ow, shit! What the hell… This is… arrggghhh…" Shin Jiao cursed as an excruciating pain suddenly assaulted him.

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Then he realized something, there is a large amount of natural energy entering his body through his stomach, and it's giving him pain as he is not absorbing it. If he didn't absorb them it might cause his stomach to blow up as the rampaging energy began to grow stronger. So he quickly channels all his concentration towards absorbing the energy within him. Large beads of sweat appear on his forehead as he endured the torment. But because of his perseverance, he was able to absorb all of the energy and found the sphere in his dantian where ¼ remains became ½, and his body having traces of recovery in them.

"So, that's the way it should be... Every time I eat something, I should absorb them so that I won't waste anything."

With that realization, Shin Jiao continued to roast meat until he regains almost half of his constitution. As it still took him a lot of time absorbing the raw energy from the meat, he decided to stop.

"Ah, that was a satisfying meal." He said while rubbing his stomach.

Then he looks at the girl on the bed and noticed that she is still covered in blood. And the cave now smells like a combination of rusty metal and grilled pork. Which makes him feel a little uncomfortable, so he decided to clean up. As a man living from modern times, Shin Jiao is used to living in a clean room. The only time that he will become untidy is when he is experimenting and busy doing something.

So he first removes the fire and the dregs on the ground. When they were removed Shin Jiao found out that the smell suddenly disappears. Then he noticed that there is a small opening at the top portion of the cave near the dim light. Seeing that everything is good, he took a quick bath near the water source cleaning the blood stains in his body.

"Ah, that was refreshing!" he exclaimed as refreshing and cool feeling envelopes him.

"Oh, crap I forgot to clean her wounds, it might lead to infection." Shin Jiao said as he suddenly remembers that the girl is still covered in blood.

Shin Jiao is not new with the male and female relationship. And in his previous job as an agent he even handled some of his female comrade's wounds. So cleaning the girl's body doesn't rouse any malice within him. As he slowly wipes the blood stain from her face, he didn't realize that a peerless beauty slowly emerge. Then he just continued cleaning her whole body without a fuss.

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"I can't let her stay like this, she's almost naked. Let see… Ah! The wolves' fur could be a great source of leather. That would do."

So, he took out one wolf and removed its skin skillfully. Then using what he had learned from the jade strips, he draws some runes directly into the wolf skin which quickly absorbed the remaining blood in it. Then after some time, the blood and the smell on the skin was removed and the wolf skin turned dry and soft. Then he turns them into bed covers and sheets. He also noticed that the woman is missing her underwear so he made a bra for her.

Because of his habit of forgetting to think while working Shin Jiao didn't realize that he is crossing the taboo between male and female. But he didn't think twice and just acted on his idea and covered the woman's body.

"Sigh… okay, I'm done… You…" Shin Jiao was suddenly tongue-tied upon seeing the most beautiful face he has ever seen in his whole life. Though there are beauties on earth, nothing could compare to this peerless beauty. He also remembers her curvy and perfectly shaped body as he was cleaning her.

Shin Jiao just stupidly look at the girl's face for some time. Then he woke up from his stupor and cleared his throat. To distract his mind he decided to move away from the bed and began to think of ways to survive in this forest.

"Well, so far for food, I don't have to worry anymore. The only thing I have to worry about is the improvement of my strength… Hey… wait a minute. Those wolves have something like a core right. According to Gubu's records, each beast has a core near their heart."

So without dilly-dallying, he quickly took out the one he just skinned and checked its heart area. And there he found a light red gem, the transparency of the gem signifies the beast's level. Since its light red, it means that the wolf is level 1 or in body refining realm.

"Let's try absorbing this thing. If the record is correct, this would provide me with some amount of energy."

So, Shin Jiao slowly drains the core, as its raw energy courses through his body and into the sphere in his dantian. It took him some time to absorb it, but he realized that when absorbing the raw energy from the core, he didn't have to balance them as they are already mixed perfectly by itself. So he just greedily pushed them into his dantian.

After finishing a satified smile crept on his face.

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