The Geared Immortal

Chapter 95: 95

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Chapter 95

/*unedited yet... already sleepy*/

The lush scenery and tranquil feeling the place gives it truly heaven sent. The clear water of the lake would make one want to take a dip in it and enjoy the freshness of the water. But the scenery of the place was tainted by the presence of multiple figures numbering up to a hundred.

Within this crowd stood a handsome looking young man showing a proud and an imposing aura. And on this young man's side stood a dashingly beautiful girl, wearing her bluish-white cultivator's robe. This is precisely Wei Qi Nian and Princess Yun Bo Xi along with their servants.

When Shin Jiao noticed the princess, he suddenly found her face really familiar, but he could not remember when he met her.

Shin Jiao and his group noticed that the faces of the crowd of young people seem to be full of anxiousness and excitement. They seem to be waiting for something as all of their gazes are sent towards the center of the lake. Even Wei Qi Nian and the princess are also looking at the middle of the lake.

Then they heard a person whisper in front of them.

"When is it going to start? We've been waiting here for more than 2 hours now. This is such a waste of time, we could have hunted some demon beast instead of waiting for nothing." A young man whispered to the person beside him.

"Shhh!... Do you want to die? This is the eldest young master's command; we don't have any choice about this." the person beside him replied trying to hush the other person.

"Plus this is a young flood dragon. They said that it's only a level 3 one, so the young master has already thrown some bait in the lake. We just have to wait for…" the person added as he tried to explain things but then before he could finish the lake water suddenly became turbulent.

"Everyone get ready! It's starting!" a servant of Wei Qin Nian shouted a warning.

Upon hearing this command everyone immediately took out their weapons and prepared to attack the demon beast from within the lake.

As the water of the lake began to move, everyone saw a large head slowly peeked out of the lake. Form the head itself one could see that the demon beast is humongous. From the emergence of the huge grayish flood dragon, everyone in the area was rooted to the ground. Everybody is truly scared now, as they have miscalculated one thing. The flood dragon is not a normal level 3 demon beast but instead a level 3 demon beast king.

The strong aura emanating from its body now sent chills on the people around it. The pressure is now emitted is already suppressing their fighting spirit, and everyone's hand uncontrollably started to shake.

How can they face a demon beast king, as most of the people in this place are just in the core-forming realm?

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Zen Nian can see older brother taking some steps backward upon seeing the imposing aura of the demon beast. This made the princess beside him sent her contemptuous gaze at his cowardly action.

Seeing this, Wei Qi Nian swore in his heart to kill the flood dragon for shaming him. So he gritted his teeth and waved his sword in the air.

"Everyone attack this damnable creature!" Wei Qi Nian shouted as he pointed his sword towards the beast.

But to his shame, none actually followed his command as he saw everyone still rooted on the ground, fear clearly visible in their eyes.

"Cowards! If you don't attack now, I will personally punish you all when we came back to the clan!" Wei Qi Nian shouted in anger.

"Eldest young master! This creature is a level 3 beast king. How can we lowly cultivators even a match for it?" someone from the crowd said.

"Big brother, it's no use. Unless you lead them and charge ahead then they would not follow." A beautiful young woman's voice suddenly appears from behind Wei Qi Nian.

This is Ya Nian, the second elder sister of Zen Nian and is also considered as a genius cultivator of the clan. But since she is a woman, the clan put more focus in cultivating Wei Qi Nian though she is much stronger than him.

Right now she is wearing a sweet smile, but Wei Qi Nian already knows that deep within that smile of his younger sister lurks an evil scheme. The two have been fighting in secret since they were younger and that they would always compare each other on who is the best in everything. Since both of them are good at many things the competition between them became stiff while they grew up.

Wei Qi Nian is a very domineering person who always gets what he wanted because he is the future head of the clan. While his sister almost has the same standing as him, but this is due to her talent as a cultivator. Although Ya Nian is a woman and a beauty at that, there would be many who would pursue her hand in marriage. But due to her talent in cultivation, the clan valued her greatly some the elders are even on her side.

Being the head of a clan requires prestige and manpower. One's strength is always a great factor so that the clan would prosper and grow. The Nian clan has been in existence for thousands of years and they have stayed strong because of their great ancestor's power. It is known in the clan that their Dao ancestor is already at the peak of the World nascent realm, and has been alive for thousands of years already.

During these thousands of years, the Nian clan in the kingdom of Wu became well known as the great supporter of the current nobility of Wu.

It has been many years since the Dao ancestor of the Nian clan was seen, so the young members of the clan only knew of a story. It is said that when the Dao ancestor comes out, it would always cause turmoil even in the whole empire. No one knew why, but most of the old elders of the clan clearly know the reason.

Looking at his younger sister, Wei Qi Nian can only glare at her. Even if he would try to make his move on her, he still not sure if he can defeat her. Plus the princess is still beside him and it would be unsightly to see both siblings fighting.

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Without a choice, Wei Qi Nian just kept his mouth shut. He could not deny the fact that he is afraid of the huge flood dragon in front of them.

When the flood dragon emerges from the lake it actually was surprising to see many humans surrounding its home. It was just sleeping and minding its own business as it just finished eating. Then all of a sudden something that smells good enters the water, and it seems to be coming from the surface, so out of curiosity, it emerges.

It now felt a little angry at the provocation of the humans, and their intrusion from its territory. If it didn't dispose of these pesky humans then the flood dragon would be a laughing stock in the whole of the Dark Forest.


The flood dragon suddenly roared as it taunted the humans, then its eyes sweep over the crowd. It could clearly sense that every one of them is afraid. A smirk seems to appear on the dragon's huge mouth as it suddenly jumped up in the air and landed on the shore.

The crowd of cultivators immediately disperses after they saw the figure of the flood dragon.

After landing on the shore, it immediately began to attack the humans.

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"Everyone listens, we need to fight back or else we will all die in here." Suddenly a beautiful woman's voice which sounded like a lark echoed throughout the surroundings.

This is Ya Nian, who immediately grabs the opportunity to command the group, and then she suddenly charges towards the demon beast. The people seeing her heroic posture and courage became inspired to follow her lead.

Everyone began charging towards the flood dragon. Using different types of skills and techniques, the young cultivators began to push the flood dragon back. Wounds also began to appear on its strong body, which made it thoroughly incensed. It could not accept that the weak humans who relied on their numbers would bully it.

Roar! Roar!

With a loud roar, the flood dragon began to twist its body, and like a spinning whip, it uses its tail to hit every cultivator coming close to attack it.

Standing not too far ahead, Wei Qi Nian had a grim look on his face. He is glaring at his sister who is walking like a cat towards him with a sneer on her face.

"And that is how you lead people." She just muttered as she walks behind her older brother who already had his face crimson red in anger and humiliation.

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Wei Qi Nian really wanted to send a flurry of attack towards Ya Nian, but he kept on holding himself back. Then his gaze went back towards the crowd of young clan members who are helplessly being sent flying by the flood dragon. Countless blinking light would appear as those who were attacked were sent back to the safe zone.

It didn't take long before the number of people now dwindles to at least 30 heads. Among those who survived, Wei Qi Nian suddenly noticed someone.

The handsome face of the young man is always a cause for envy in the clan. Although Wei Qi Nian is also a good looking young man but compared to him, he is truly inferior. Sensing the changes in her brother's mood, Ya Nian immediately followed her brother's gaze and found who her brother is glaring at. Seeing this young man, her heart would always ache. Since they were young, her heart would always skip a beat whenever she would see him.

"Why is that useless trash here? I thought they already took care of him?" Wei Qi Nian muttered in a low voice.

But this didn't escape the ears of the people surrounding him.

"Young master Nian, who is that handsome young brother?" a voice suddenly interrupted Wei Qi Nian's thought.

"It seems that you have great enmity towards him." Princess Yun Bo Xi added with a curious smile on her beautiful face.

"Haha… Princess you jest, that is my younger brother. He is just the shame of our clan as he is weak when it comes to cultivating." Wei Qi Nian replied with a laugh.

"Oh, really?" Yun Bo Xi replied now feeling really curious.

Then the woman wearing a veil on her face whispered something in her ears. Wei Qi Nian really wanted to hear what she said but no matter what he tries to do, he cannot eves drop on their conversation.

"Young master Nian, it seems that you like to joke if he is trash in your Nian clan then who would be the genius?" Yun Bo Xi said while she playfully twirls her hair.

"What do you mean princess?" Wei Qi Nian feeling a little bit confused.

Even Ya Nian behind them also became curious about what the princes are talking about.

"Is she saying that Ze Nian is a genius?" Ya Nian thought as she scrutinized Zen Nian who is standing a distance away.

"If being in the core-forming realm at a young age is trash in the Nian clan's eyes, then your clan has a really high standard." Yun Bo Xi said with a chuckle.

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"What!" Both Wei Qi Nian and Ya Nian shouted in disbelief.

"This… this is impossible… How could he reach the core-forming realm?" Wei Qi Nian muttered with disbelief look in his eyes.

"No this cannot be… if Father found out that Zen Nian has reached the core-forming realm then my position as the future clan head would be in jeopardy. I won't accept this…" Wei Qi Nian thought.

"You think you can fool me? You think because you have reached the core refining realm you can take my position in the clan away? I will show you… I will show you all, what would happen if you oppose me!" Wei Qi Nian suddenly had a glint of killing intent in his eyes.

The first to notice the changes in his countenance is Ya Nian, she immediately felt that her brother was turned into a beast. She felt a little angry at the provocation that the princess has brought. If she can she wanted to punch her and ask what her purpose in angering her older brother.

But before everyone could react to the situation, Wei Qi Nian suddenly made his move by jumping high up in the air. While airborne he took out a scroll from his spatial pouch and began to imbue it with his spiritual Qi. Then a bright light was suddenly emitted by his whole body, as a powerful surge of energy began to congeal in front of his palm. When the scroll vanished a large ball of light replaced its place.

Wei Qi Nian suddenly had an evil grin on his face while he releases the ball of light. When the flood dragon felt the energy it immediately charges towards it source wanting to devour the person who dared to sneak attack it from behind.

The demon beast charges high up in the air with its mouth wide open. But it was already too late as a ball of light hits its body, flinging it in a certain direction. The wicked smile on Wei Qi Nian didn't disappear as he watches the demon beast fall towards a group of three people.

When Ya Nian saw this, her anger was to the roof. Though she always shows indifference towards her younger brother, yet in truth, she held him with great care in her heart. But because of the clan ostracizing the weak, she could not show this towards her brother fearing that he would be bullied more.

So she would always help him in secret. Plus she knew something about this younger brother of hers that no one knows.

"Zen Nian watch out!" Ya Nian shouted as she could not help herself anymore upon seeing this.

Wei Qi Nian landed on the ground and a sneer appears on his face while looking at the figure of Ya Nian who is full of worry.

"Do you think I don't know what you're thinking? This is what you'll get for opposing me." Wei Qi Nian said with a challenging look towards his sister.

He is now feeling elated and is imagining the demise of his supposed rival for the clan head position. But before he can be happy, a voice suddenly interrupted his train of thought.

"What a vicious fellow."

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