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Doctor Cyan was still so absorb with his own train of thoughts that he didn't noticed that his companions had already halted their steps just before they could reach the stream.

Manager Song and the valets stood few meters away from the stream, their faces were all in red and they all lowered their heads, as if trying to avoid a reprehensible view.

When Dr. Cyan kept up with them, he noticed his companions faces and the view of it drew a confusion in his face.

"What's happening?" he asked, perplexed with his companions faces.

"Cough.cough.cough" Manager Song faked a cough that made Dr. Cyan's head formed lines.

"What is it?" The doctor inquired again but no one answered him. However, he caught Manager Song's sight as the latter attempted to look further into the stream yet withdrew his gaze back eventually.

Curios, Dr. Cyan scanned the whole place and his eyes first caught the man's clothing lying crumpled in a dry ground. It was the beast's suit—the one he wore earlier when he came in dashing in the equestrian field. Soon, another clothing caught his eyes and that was the boy's undershirt, lying few inches from the previous clothing.

The young master took his clothes off?

For what reason?

Dr. Cyan gulped but even before he could scan the whole place to look for the little missus, a bemusing sound filled the place.

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"Oh…Gently please" Darryl moaned.

"Like this?" the girl asked gently who sounded unsure of what she was doing.

"Press it harder" Darryl echoed, and his voice tapered off into a high-pitched whine when the girl followed his instructions carefully "Ahhh— not that hard just—like that"


"Oh yeah milady, just like that" he moaned again, as Xhemin's hand did magical things to his skin.

"Sorry, I don't really know how to do this" Xhemin excused her lack of experience.

"You are doing great" Darryl said, and his sexy, roughened voice nearly made Dr. Cyan's jaw dropped to the ground.

"You want more?" The girl asked, although she sound innocent with her query—the question sounded disgraceful in Dr. Cyan's ears.

The raw voices that were filling up the place made Dr. Cyan's nerves shiver. At the moment, he was completely shock! He didn't know what to feel and reluctantly, the doctor searched the whole place to find the source of the conversation and all his composure fell in what he saw.

He saw the young master on his back sitting in a bough on the other side of the stream. He was naked and his bronze skin was sparkling with beads of sweat. Both his hands were supporting his weight as he sat on the bough and he raised his head up, as if feeling all the good pleasure the world could offer.

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"Yeah I want more. Again, like that" He heard him said gently, as if wanting the state of pleasure not to end. The young heir then raised his hand and move to caress the hair of the person kneeling in his front.

The view came in horrifyingly in Dr. Cyan's sight!

Was that the Little Missus right there?

Kneeling between the young master's thigh?

Giving him a what—a raw pleasure? In between his thigh?

Dr. Cyan could not see clearly from where he was. Aside from distance, the beast's back blocked the view of the girl that was doing something in front of the young master. All the doctor understood was that whatever the girl was doing, she was driving the Lagdameo heir mad—mad and drowned in total bliss!

Then he saw the young master's hands carefully caressing the girl's hair—which was the only visible thing the doctor saw from where he was.

"Ah good, so good!" Darryl moaned again, feeling every bit of the delight the girl was giving him. His back even arched, as if not being able to contain every bit of pleasure in his body.

This is a mistake!

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How shameful this young beast was!

And what was the little Misus' doing?

Did the heir blackmailed her into doing such disgraceful act!

But her voice and demeanor seemed to be all voluntary!

What the hell was going on?

Not being able to control the raged up, mixed revelations and emotions, Dr. Cyan run hurriedly to the couple to stop whatever shameless act they were doing at the time.

Manager Song caught the mad raging fury that was rising in the doctor's face and attempted to stop him from approaching the couple, yet the abruptness of Dr. Cyan's actions rendered his attempt useless. He instead followed him in haste, making sure that the Lagdameo heir will be left unscratched.

"Little Miss!" Dr. Cyan hissed, his hands were balled into a tight grip.

The call startled the two couple and both of them dragged their head to the person who called. Xhemin saw Dr. Cyan who came in like a wind and his face was all red as if he was mad about something.

"Dr. Cye!" She called happily. Although the doctor's presence startled her, she was glad to see him.

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"What are you doing?" He barked at them both.

"Huh?" Xhemin raised one of her brows.

"Little Miss did the young master asked you to do such shameless act?" the doctor accused, and his eyes were full of reproached and animosity.

"Did what exactly?" Darryl who was there tried to remain calm and nonconfrontational although his employees' presence took Xhemin and him of by surprise.

"What's so shameful about giving a massage?" Darryl added, his kingpin aura and pride once again coming to surface that shook everyone's torpor.

For once, Darryl's aura suddenly become demanding and intimidating once again and Xhemin thought that was the side of Darryl that he wears all the time when he was with his employees—his bossy beastly side.

"Massage?" The word came in clear from Dr. Cyan's mouth and just that, he noticed that the girl was indeed giving the young master a massage—contrary to what he was thinking.

"cough.cough.cough" Manager Song who was following behind faked another cough. "It's just a massage" he added, as if trying to convey the words to all of his valet companions who unexpectedly flocked in to get a good view.

Dr. Cyan gulped not only all the wetness his mouth but probably all his pride and sanity. For once, his fear of the beast doubled and was thinking on how to remedy his careless accusation.

However, even before he could admit to his own fault, he caught a glimpse of something just few meters away from where the couple was.

Curios and unsure, he went to pick a silvery foil packet that seemed to be hiding in grass of green. Its size almost renders it invisible, but its silvery packaging caught off a small ray of sunshine that made it sparkle in broad daylight.

"Is that a condom?" One of the valets impulsively asked.

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