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Darryl's question made Xhemin a little uneasy. Why was the beast asking about her grandpa? Did he found out something he shouldn't have?

"What about him?" She asked, hiding away her tensing nerves over the topic.

"He is the famous Dr. Miles, isn't he?" Darryl asked although the tone of his voice already tell that he already knew the fact and lying about it was of no use.

Xhemin didn't answered his question, instead she looked upon the boy and stared deep into his hazel eyes. What was she supposed to tell him? Her family background was complicated—too complicated that she was having hard time starting of an explanation. Truth was that, whenever her background was put into topic, she had this instinctive urge to cover every information about her, just like the conversation they had now. The only difference this time was that it was the beast asking. Her beast, her man.

"I'm sorry Xhemin, I know I'm not in the place to pry over your family background…" The boy added hastily when he noticed the slight change of expression in Xhemin's face. "But, when I came to your house and have seen your family, I kind of want to know you more. However, I ended up finding this fact" he explained thoroughly hoping it would ease up Xhemin's doubts.

"But if you are not comfortable about it then I'm not going to insist on it, but I hope you know you that you can always trust me" Darryl's last words were very sincere and at this point, seeing how the question caught Xhemin off guard, he kind of regret asking.

He went closer to Xhemin and clasped the girl's hands on his own. He pressed it lightly and uttered an apology "I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought this one up"

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Darryl's hazel eyes crashed back into Xhemin's again and the latter had to fight herself from gasping. She saw the all the sincerity the world could offer through those pairs of eyes and right then, she kind of fallen into the enigma of it.

But what was she supposed to tell the boy?

"Yes" She uttered in a low voice.

"Yes?" Darryl who was ready to forget about their recent conversation ended up raising one brow in respond to her words.

"Yes, my grandfather was the famous Dr. Miles" Xhemin mulled on her answer for a moment before she let go.

Darryl didn't say a word. He saw the hesitancy in her eyes, so he wanted to give the girl a choice to freely expressed whatever she had in her mind. There was a moment of silence after that, but the girl spoke on eventually a little later.

"I don't know how to explain it but… My grandad was hoping for me not to know anything…so the boys and I kind of pretended not to know anything over all these years…" She stammered on her own words, but she spitted it all anyway.

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Darryl found himself gobsmacked at her revelation "He didn't want you to know?"

"Yeah, I guess. You see. He was using the name Dr. Dugmoch now, so no one in Hampshire suspected he was the famous Dr. Miles. And growing up I never knew who Dr. Miles was. all I knew is that I have a very good grandad" she started narrating and she can't believe how easily the words turned out comfortable in her own mouth.

"However, growing up its hard not to know specially when his name was very famous in the capital. The boys knew it at first and then eventually I find out… But I kept pretending that I don't have any idea because I don't want to bring memories of his past to the present"

"… I figure out how he wanted to forget everything in the past— probably the reason why he kept me away from all of it. He was very careful about me not to have any means to know who and what the name Dr. Miles entails and what being Dr. Miles granddaughter means…"

Darryl smiled a little when he noticed how the girl's previous tensed up muscles relaxed. "…But you are an ill curious cat growing up, so you eventually found out and…" he added then to Xhemin's story.

"In order not to bother or make my grandad worry I always pretended to be innocent from the fact" She corrected him, not please with Darryl's description with her.

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"You are an elite" Darryl commented.

"I am not" She protested over his statement "My grandpa chose us to be with the mass, so I am part of the mass"

Darryl took a moment to connect the dots. "Dr. Miles own Feather Healthcare…"

"The people own Feather healthcare… not my grandad nor me…" She cut off him off. She knew what Darryl wanted to say, even so his point at the matter they were discussing. However, even before he met the boy, she already knew her stand on this predicament. She already decided a long time ago that she will live her life off comfortably away from the chaos of the elite community and that she will never be a part of it.

"That is the reason why it needed an heir…so the people can continually benefit from it" Darryl reasoned.

"My grandfather has already chosen to keep me than the company itself" She told him "I respect his decisions on that. Probably also the reason why I keep on pretending I knew nothing about who I really am"

"There's no need to choose, you know that" Darryl ran a hand through his perfectly combed hair, causing it to stick up on the end.

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"He needed to choose" Xhemin insisted.

Darryl tilted his head, curiosity was oozing from him "Why?"

"I was held kidnap when I was a baby" She breathed "And so to avoid it from happening again, he needed to choose between me and the company"


Author's Notes:

Just want you to know guys that webnovel has contracted this novel already and probably round chapter 115 ( somewhere right there) the chapters will be locked. The price of ss depends on the word count, so if I write a long chapter it's going to cost more ss.

I'm sorry I had to take this path (the contract). I just thought I need a legal commitment in order to make this novel a priority on my list.

The good thing about this is that you guys will have a guaranty that this novel will never be dropped since that would be a breach of contract on my side. Also there will be a more stable updates. So far, I'm doing one chapter per day but I'm currently fixing my schedule to see whether I can afford to make more than that.

Thank you for all your support!

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