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"Wow, Huzey you are a poet now?" Ziggy raised a brow at the sight of the two. Unknown to them, he was back few minutes ago and had been eavesdropping at their recent conversation.

Ziggy's suspicious eyes travelled from Huzey to Xhemin as he stood near the door, holding a big box in his hand.

"What did I miss aside from your poetry?" he glanced upon the prince as he advanced toward them.

"nothing really" Huzey just shook his head at him, with nothing to add and retreated to where he previously sat to finish his book.

Ziggy narrowed his grey eyes at him, taking in the prince's expression but the latter gave him nothing but a blank face. Later, he rolled his eyes at him and turn to face Xhemin, who just gave him a shrug.

"here!" He threw off the box that he was holding to the girl.

The box was big and as Ziggy's action caught Xhemin unprepared, it almost fell on the floor.

"What is this?" Surprised, the girl asked as she struggled to balance off the box.

"Something you need to wear" he said as he sat beside Huzey, grabbing off a pillow and rested his back.

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"O my God Xhemin!" Ziggy groaned as if he couldn't believe that she was still unaware about the things inside the box " You both asked us earlier why we are here in Woodbridge"

"Because granddad says so?" She answered at him, but a small ball of annoyance knotted in her stomach upon his words. The slight arrogance in his tone made Xhemin think as though she was the least informed person in the room and that she was dumb for being so.

"Do you think granddad would just say that after what we did?"

"No" She stated, her tone flat. She laid the box in bed and started opening it, starting off with the thick ribbons wrapped around it.

"Exactly" he agreed.

"So why are you both here?" Xhemin asked frantically under her breath.

"Family duties"

The girl's eyebrows kinked, "Huh? What kind of duty?"

"We have an invitation for a gathering" Huzey interfered "It's the Lagdameo's opening event for the equestrian competition"

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Hearing the family's name shook some of Xhemin's composure, thankfully, the hit didn't make it obvious through her face.

"Aren't those for oldies?" She cleared.

"It used to, but they were throwing one for youngsters now" Ziggy sputtered as he tried to peek through the book Huzey was reading. He must have been curious what the prince had been reading this time.

Huzey noticed Ziggy's deeds and immediately closed off his book not giving Ziggy a chance to read through it.

Knowing that the prince had noticed, Ziggy turned to Xhemin immediately pretending that he did no shameful deed "To formally open it all the elite youngbloods were invited to come to the grand opening. They are throwing off a party exclusive only for the kids"

"Okay. So, you are not here to fetch me up you mean?" Xhemin gave the two a dirty, accusing look.

"Unfortunately, Nope. But since were here then we carried off the task already. Because we are good friends" Ziggy said as he attempted to cheer the sulking Xhemin.

"Duh!" She groaned, looking toward the box that was now fully open "And what's this?"

"Your dress" he revealed.

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"For me?" Another revelation made Xhemin confused. "Seriously Ziggy you know I can't come!"

"Of course, that's not for you!" he told before he shrugged "That's for Sam, she's supposed to come with me…Dad's orders"

"But Sam's not here—" Ziggy cut Xhemin off by holding up a hand.

He winked, "Yep, so you are coming with me instead of her"

Ziggy had always convinced the two that Sam was a girl during their chat sessions and so they become accustomed of regarding her as a girl even though they still doubt Ziggy's claims.

"Oh no, of course I can't!" She exclaimed rebuking Ziggy's crazy proposition "I can't come to an elite party!'

"Xhemin, please! If Dad knows that Sam will not come with me, he'll send Ellie and this Montreal young sire will be a laughing stuff for bringing a body guard on the event" he begged "Everyone will call me coward and clumsy for not being able to protect myself"

"RIP to your reputation then!" Xhemin said exasperated.

"Please! Please! Please!" Ziggy begged further. He went closer to the girl and kneeled in front of her, faking a thorough cry.

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"I can't break granddad's rules, also Professor Shun will not agree to this!" She reasoned, and her tone sounded as though he couldn't believe what he was asking of her.

"You already broke granddad's rules so we'll just break it further"

Xhemin rolled his eyes to his nonsense "I can't, it's risky"

"You can risk it all for me!"

"You go, no one will notice Sam's absence anyway."

"My siblings will be there and if they find out I don't have a body guard they will tell dad"

"Ziggy seriously! You know I can't be there, the elites will see me!"

"No one will recognize your face. No one will see it"


"It's a masquerade ball" Huzey dabbled in, breaking off the argument between the two. She looked at Xhemin and added "You always wanted to know what an elite party looked like, don't you?"

Huzey's words sounded tempting in Xhemin's ears.

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