"This one is authentic" a boy, more like an angel stepped in that caught everyone's attention right away. His hair was long, and he was wearing a white tux and a silvery mask that made him looked like a perfect knight in shining armor.

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"The Diamond prince!" Someone shouted fanatically. Her voice was suggesting that she was almost fainting. Even with a masked on, everyone can easily agnized it was the diamond prince.

Everyone's attention shifted from Dannah to the princely guest. Huzey moved forward to the center aisle and went to approach the third young miss who was standing confidently near the Moonlight mirror.

"May I?" Huzey spoke, asking Dannah the permission for him to have a closer look of the art piece.

Dannah gazed upon him, as if she was awestruck of his presence like the other guests. However, her concern was not really upon his appearance in the ball as she was already expecting the Montreal-Montarini dou to be here. However, his sudden intervention and the fact that he might recognized her because of their small distance frightened her a bit. Good thing she was wearing a mask, if not, everything she hoped for will be wasted.

"Yes of course" She permitted but lowered her gaze to avoid his eyes.

Huzey noticed the third young miss's hesitation but didn't dwell on the thought that much and instead went to check the Moonlight Mirror exquisitely. The prince scrutinized the piece and touched the detailed cut of its gold frame.

Satisfied he declared "As I said, this is indeed the true piece"

Everyone who heard him gasped in the impossibility of the circumstance! How did the Lagdameo third young miss acquire the ever-legendary masterpiece? How did she find it? How did a girl manage to be that competent?

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Huzey's reputation as an artist cannot be disregard. Everyone knew how good of an artist was the boy who had been majoring artistry in Rivendell Academy. Of course, his words cannot be taken lightly!

Indeed, the Lagdameos never failed to amaze everyone! The third young miss was awesome!

Everyone clapped their hand in acknowledgement and appreciation to the young miss's accomplishment and the Diamond prince's intervention. The Lagdameo third young miss just earned a reputation today and that sure was worthy to note!

As soon as he finished his business, the prince went back to Dannah. He made a bow and asked for her hand to give her a kiss as an acknowledgement and a way to appreciate her integrity.

"O jeeez, the third young miss was very lucky!"

"The diamond prince had acknowledged her keenness in artistry!"

"The diamond prince is a real gentleman"

Dannah was thankful to Huzey and even if she openly gave out her hand, she avoided his gaze because she was anxious he might notice that she knew him.

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"You have keen eyes seniorita" Huzey said beaming with adoration.

"Thank you Señiorito Huzey" She responded, "Welcome to the ball. Enjoy yourself"

"If I may ask, where did you find this rare gem?" he intruded, his voice was not accusing but rather curios.

"If I will tell you, you might not believe" She stated trying to dismiss off his question "It was a long boring story too"

"Well, try me" He challenged.

"Perhaps, some other time" She suggested, glancing over the side to where Darryl was standing, giving Huzey an idea that the girl had so many things to attend to for the night.

"Let me express my gratitude" At the two's surprise, while they were still in the middle in their unplanned conversation, Darryl came over extending his hand to the diamond prince.

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Darryl's approached made the crowd stunned in silence over the view of the two prominent heir's exchanged. The Lagdameo heir and the diamond prince on the same center isle was a rare view, so even when the crowd started dispersing into little groups where they belong, their eyes and noses were still fixated to the people in the center aisle.

"The famous Lagdameo heir" Huzey acknowledged, his eyes fixated on Darryl with so many expressions one could not comprehend. He accepted his handshake and answered "The intervention was nothing. I was just amused of the third young miss's expertise in arts"

"Still we owe you one" Darryl emphasized, as if he didn't like the idea of owing anything from someone. Although, his voice sounded casual and warm as every good host must possess.

"Huzey!" Someone called from the corner. His voice was impatient and was like a guest whose interest about the party was beginning to wear off. He was obviously bored.

Everyone turned to the boy who had the 'phantom of the opera look' for tonight. He was all covered in dark suit, a contrast to his best friend who was in silver white. The latter's curly hair was tucked up neatly and pasted sophisticatedly on his head, making his natural curly hair looked straight.

"That is Ziggorioh Montreal for sure!" Someone whispered.

"How did you know?" Another from his group asked.

"It's obvious from his built. How can you not tell? The boy is every famous I can tell by just one look"

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"Isn't his hair curly? I can't see his curls"

"Idiot. One can easily hide a curl! But we all know he is the only person who calls the diamond prince by name" Someone chided the other. The crowd were gossiping and were milling about every details of the ball. There's indeed so much to expect on Lagdameo's parties.

"If you will excuse me…" Huzey excused him from the two siblings "I have to get back to my friends"

Darryl and Dannah gave him a nod and Huzey with haste, went to approached Ziggy, as if there was something he wanted to avoid. Few more steps and Huzey realized that Ziggy was up to something.

Confused, Ziggy looked straight into the Lagdameo heir and pored over him instinctively.

Ziggy's action and querying eyes caught everyone's attention. Even Huzey was confused why Ziggy was digging into the Lagdameo heir when as he remembered correctly, he loathed every part of him and would even refused to socialize with him.

Now, after Ziggy was satisfied with something, he went to look at his back and his sudden movement gave way to the sight of another person standing right there.

The person was with a long straight hair that was tucked like the way the diamond prince had his, and that person was wearing the same identical suit and mask with the Lagdameo heir.

And because everyone was watching the youngest Montreal's actions, everyone's eyes also fell upon Xhemin who was biting her lips in shame. He had been following Ziggy around but never thought Ziggy would take notice about her wardrobe scrape, so was the fact that right now—everyone's eyes were fixated on her, everyone took notice!

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